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Summer in the City of Groton 2015. Summer in the City 2015 promoted more than 125 events and activities in the City, mostly organized by civic and non-profit.

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1 Summer in the City of Groton 2015

2 Summer in the City 2015 promoted more than 125 events and activities in the City, mostly organized by civic and non-profit entities, and mostly free. Eastern Point Artisan Fair Connecticut Open House Day on Groton Bank City-Wide Yard Sale Day Coast Guard Band Concert Art on Groton Bank Groton-New London Airport Tour Motorcycle Stunt Show and Family Fun Day Thames Street Block Party Washington Park Concerts Major events with an average of 400 attendees each included:

3 Newer events in the City that earned praise and will hopefully continue to expand in the future were: Mystic Schooners Kids Clinic Farmers Markets Eastern Point Concerts Movies at Washington Park Summer in the City promoted smaller events and activities throughout our community: Bill Memorial Library Activities Avery Copp House Museum Ebenezer Avery House Fort Griswold Battlefield Groton Animal Foundation City Parks & Recreation Submarine Veterans Groton Elks Club Project Oceanology And more!

4 And Ongoing Summer Events and Opportunities in the City of Groton Such as… SECT Park Race Lighthouse Cruises Art Exhibitions Local Museums Elks Bingo Nights Washington Park Fitness Circuit … to name just a few 2015 - Connecticut’s Coast Guard Summer A celebration in recognition of the 225 th Anniversary of the Coast Guard Service and the 100 th Anniversary of the CG Academy in Southeastern Connecticut that brought thousands to our area and our City. Summer in the City mounted or helped coordinate a significant number of special events - art exhibitions, concerts, lectures and more - as part of Connecticut’s Coast Guard Summer.

5 A Survey Monkey Summary We asked event attendees and program participants to tell us about their experience Their answers reflect a response rate of approximately 5%

6 We asked how people heard about Summer in the City… …and if they attended events because of our promotions

7 We asked what type of events they attended… …and more specifically, which ones.

8 Then we asked what they would like to see more of here in the City…. …and if Summer in the City is worthwhile and should return.

9 Here are some of their comments… Bring on the Water Taxi! …….. I think they should consider vendors and food truck festivals, maybe even food contest …..... Thanks for all the planning and organizing. Enjoyed all events we attended …….. VERY MUCH enjoyed CG band concert on beautiful Avery Point Campus, please do that again! Truly a special venue and event …..... Great Job by all ! Congrats! ….…. Loved getting the word out to EVERYONE (not just to city residents) all the great things that happen here. After a year or two people will look for it, I think …..... Whatever the committee can plan to bring people together is not only fun but valuable to all …..... Lots of fun, great activities, very well planned. Can't wait for next year! ….…. I felt the block party on Thames St. was excellent both this year and last. I think more food vendors and more advertising would bring a bigger crowd. I felt the political booths were in poor taste for this type of event and should be eliminated next year..…... Loved the lineup of events!!

10 A Second Survey Asked Organizers if Summer in the City Helped Their Events. We asked if they felt Summer in the City promotions enhanced their attendance… …and if attendees specifically mentioned Summer in the City.

11 We asked if they benefited from listing their events with the Summer in the City Program… …and if they would participate again.

12 Summer in the City 2015 When we talked to attendees at events… … the program received overwhelmingly positive feedback …people recognized Summer in the City as a community development initiative …many residents mentioned the quality of life aspect of Summer in the City …people expressed their feeling of ‘coming together as a community’ and ‘pride in their community’ 2015 WAS A GREAT SUMMER IN THE CITY !


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