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Making Student Work Public: All About Web 2.0 By Robin Rider and Andreas Brockhaus Hosted by UWB Teaching and Learning Center April 25, 2008 By Robin Rider.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Student Work Public: All About Web 2.0 By Robin Rider and Andreas Brockhaus Hosted by UWB Teaching and Learning Center April 25, 2008 By Robin Rider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Student Work Public: All About Web 2.0 By Robin Rider and Andreas Brockhaus Hosted by UWB Teaching and Learning Center April 25, 2008 By Robin Rider and Andreas Brockhaus Hosted by UWB Teaching and Learning Center April 25, 2008

2 Order of the Session 10-11 Presentation of Possibilities of Web 2.0 11-11:30 Student Panel Discussion 11:30-12:00 Open Forum Discussion –Concerns –Classroom Applications of Web 2.0

3 Web 1.0 –Consuming content –Users read, listen –Lecture modes of teaching Web 2.0 –Internet is a means of communication, content creation, collaboration –Users write, create media, interact with other users, participate in learning networks –Active, constructivist teaching and learning The “Evolution” of the Web What is Web 2.0?


5 New Type of Students Millennials – “Technology is assumed to be a natural part of the environment.” Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants

6 New Possibilities for Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0 Collaboration –External –Internal Learning from expansive networks Connecting to Authentic Audiences Media Rich Content Creation

7 Wikis – online collaborative spaces: –Robin’s class: Final project –Amrit’s class: building and presenting small group projects Google Docs –Group Projects and collaboration Making Student Learning Public with Collaboration

8 Social Bookmarks - saving bookmarks to a public website – Art Resources: –Diigo Social Networks – often includes profiles, public commentary and social connections –Ning: –Facebook: http://www.facebook.com Network and Community Building

9 Connecting with Authentic Audiences Blogs - personal online log/journal – – Podcasts – media files distributed via the Web – Literacy Vignettes –

10 Media Rich Content Creation Tech Portfolios Digital Storytelling – audio/video narratives –How to Create a Science Notebook notebooks.html Google Maps Our Community Voice Threads - collaborative online conversations around images, documents and videos –

11 Privacy Student Privacy –Social Networking Faculty Stalking Facebook Policy –Blogs/Wikis –Discussing privacy issues with students –Student work featuring minor children Instructor Privacy –24/7 Office Hours –Social Networking –Change blog settings so students wouldn't see personal/family blogs

12 Panel Discussion I hope they remember that it is Friday. We can’t answer hard questions on Fridays. I should be home in bed instead of doing this… What was I thinking?

13 Questions for Panelists Digital Native or Digital Immigrant? In what ways was your work made “public”? –What were your concerns regarding this? How did you use Web 2.0 tools for collaboration? How did Web 2.0 change the way you did assignments? How did using Web 2.0 tools enhance or detract from your learning? How has the use of Web 2.0 changed the way you use the web?

14 Open Forum

15 Concerns?

16 Classroom Applications?

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