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Unit 4: Cell Structure & Function 1.

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1 Unit 4: Cell Structure & Function 1

2 Discovery of Cells Robert Hooke (1600’s) discovered “little chambers” (cells) in cork plant Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1600’s)used microscope to view living things in pond water. Saw things swimming around! 2

3 Discovery of Cells, cont. Matthias Schleiden (1838) concluded plants made of cells Thoedor Schwann (1839) concluded all animals made of cells 3

4 Cell Theory 1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. Cells are the smallest working units of all living things. 3. All cells come from p_____________ cells through cell division. 4

5 Definition of Cell A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. 5

6 Examples of Cells Amoeba Proteus Plant Stem Red Blood Cell Nerve Cell Bacteria 6

7 Two Types of Cells Prokaryotic “pro-” means “before” (like “pre”) “karyon” means “nut” or kernel” No n______________ Older life forms are prokaryotes Eukaryotic “eu-” means “true” + “karyon”= kernel Has nucleus “newer” life forms are prokaryotic 7

8 Prokaryotic Cells Do not have o___________ surrounded by membranes V. few internal structures All prokaryotes are –one-celled organisms –B___________ 8

9 Eukaryotic Cells Contain organelles surrounded by membranes Most living organisms are eukaryotic –Plants, animals, f_____, algae PlantAnimal 9

10 “Typical” Animal Cell /~ acarpi/NSC/images/cell.gif 10

11 “Typical” Plant Cell 11

12 Eukaryotic Cell Parts “Organelles” 12

13 Surrounding the Cell 13

14 Cell Membrane Outer membrane of cell that controls m______ in and out of the cell Double layers of fat “phospholipid bilayer” What part of this word tells you that the cell membrane is made of fats? 14

15 Cell Wall Most commonly found in –plant cells –bacteria –fungi S_____ & p_____ cells Made of carbohydrate 15

16 Inside the Cell 16

17 Nucleus Directs cell activities Separated from c_______ by nuclear membrane Contains genetic material - DNA 17

18 Nuclear Membrane Surrounds nucleus Made of t____ layers Openings allow material to enter and leave nucleus 18

19 Chromatin Form DNA takes most of the time. Like spaghetti Made of DNA wrapped up w/p_______. 19

20 Chromosomes In nucleus DNA wrapped up tight by proteins called “histones” Contain instructions for traits & characteristics 20

21 Nucleolus Inside nucleus Contains RNA to build proteins 21

22 Cytoplasm Gel-like mixture Surrounded by cell membrane Contains hereditary material in prokaryotes 22

23 Ribosomes Each cell contains thousands Make proteins Found on e___________ r________ & floating in the cytoplasm 23

24 Endoplasmic Reticulum Moves materials around in cell Smooth type: –lacks ribosomes –Located in organisms that produce _____ like _____ Rough type (pictured): –R_____ are embedded in surface –Located in organs responsible for producing proteins, like the ________ 24

25 Mitochondria Produces energy through chemical reactions by breaking down f___ & c_________. –Also known as the “powerhouse of the cell” Controls level of water and other materials in cell Recycles and decomposes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates 25

26 Golgi Bodies Protein 'packaging plant' Move materials within the cell Move materials out of the cell 26

27 Lysosome Digestive ‘factory' for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates Transports undigested material to c___ m_______ for removal The cell will break down if lysosome breaks! 27

28 Vacuoles Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal Contains water solution Help plants maintain s______ 28

29 Chloroplast Usually found in plant cells (not in animal) Contains green chlorophyll Where p__________ takes place 29

30 Centrioles Used during animal cell division (not present in plant & most other cells) 30

31 Flagellum 31 Is a whiplike structure that extends outside the cell. Is used for movement.

32 Cilia Small, hairlike projections that extend outside the cell For m_______ & capturing food 32

33 Prokaryotic Cells Ribosomes DNA or RNA cytoplasm 33

34 Cell Boundaries Cell Membrane 1. Controls what goes in & out 2. Support & protection Cell Wall 1. Support & protection 34

35 Diffusion through Cell Boundaries Every cell lives in a liquid environment Membrane controls movement of dissolved molecules back & forth (in & out of cell) (Remember a solution contains a –Solvent: the substance that dissolves the other stuff (often water) –Solute: the substance that gets dissolved (salt, sugar, ions, etc.) 35

36 Concentration of Solutions The greater the ratio of solute to solvent, the higher the concentration. Ex: Solution #1: dissolve 5 g of salt in 1L of water. Concentration= 5g/L Solution #2: dissolve 10 g of salt in 1L of water. Concentration=10g/L This solution has a higher salt concentration 36

37 Diffusion In solution, particles move constantly, colliding & spreading out. Diffusion is the movement of particles from area of greater to lesser concentration (b/c of random motion.) Requires no energy to move substances across a membrane (b/c moved by random motion) 37

38 Isotonic When solute concentration is equal throughout the solution 38

39 Osmosis Video Video The diffusion of water through a membrane Some molecules are too large to move through a membrane 39

40 How Osmosis Works see Fig 7-15 on p 185 If there is a selectively permeable membrane separating 2 solutions w/differing concentrations of solute, Water will move from the side where it is in greater concentration to where it is in lesser concentration. (R to L in picture) 40

41 Concentration of Solutions Isotonic: when the concentration of particles is the same on both sides of membrane Hypertonic: “above strength”- the stronger of the 2 solutions (L side) Hypotonic: “below strength”- the less concentrated of the 2 solutions (R side) 41

42 How Osmosis Works in Cells see p 186 of text, Fig 7-16 Isotonic: Cell maintains its shape Hypertonic Hypotonic 42

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