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Unit 2 American Indian Vocabulary. ANCESTORS Relatives who lived before you.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 American Indian Vocabulary. ANCESTORS Relatives who lived before you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 American Indian Vocabulary

2 ANCESTORS Relatives who lived before you

3 CIVILIZATIONS A group of people living together who have systems of government, region and culture.

4 AGRICULTURE Farming or growing plants

5 MIGRATION Movement from one region to another

6 GLACIER A huge, thick sheet of slowly moving ice

7 TOTEM POLES Carved logs that are painted with symbols of animals and people

8 SURPLUS An extra amount of something

9 POTLATCHES A large feast that could last for several days

10 CLAN A group of related families

11 ADOBE A type of clay that is found in the Southwest region

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