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7 th Zimbabwe Pres Presented by: Mining & Sam Chikowore Infrastructure Exporien Mining Indaba 2015. 14 October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Zimbabwe Pres Presented by: Mining & Sam Chikowore Infrastructure Exporien Mining Indaba 2015. 14 October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Zimbabwe Pres Presented by: Mining & Sam Chikowore Infrastructure Exporien Mining Indaba 2015. 14 October 2015.

2 COUNTRY INVESTMENT POLICY  What has hindered inflows of Exploration funds?  Country Risk.  Ease of doing business.  - process time to register business/projects.  - efficiency in corruption free environment.  Taxation/Royalties  - competitiveness of tax and royalties regime when compared to industry “norms” in the region and beyond.  Policies besetting investments-  -legislation and government policy affecting and /or scaring investment.

3 ICU- LIQUIDS ONLY PATIENT Doctor’s Orders - Strictly feed fluids!! Our Patient! Our Way- Who says Maputi CANT DO??

4  Labour Laws-  -are the laws deemed to be mutually fair to both business and workforce?  -are the laws set for good business prospect or for political expediency?  Title Application Fees/ Other related fees –eg: EIA Fees-  -are the fees commensurate with service provided?  -do the fees compete with those obtaining in other mining jurisdictions?

5  What benefits do participants to this conference wish to derive from this setting?  -To have a sincere audience from both policy makers and business to issues affecting the industry.  -To get commitment from all stake holders to take concrete action and be accountable for the benefit of the industry.  -To get different government departments to be in harmony and complement each other in order to create an environment which responds favourably to the dictates of investment.

6  -This forum to be the yard stick to track and measure progress periodically at agreed intervals and report back to this convention the progress or lack of.  -To interrogate issues which might NOT normally be regarded as being high on the agenda of issues besetting industry growth, especially those affecting a minority of players in the industry but being issues with implications on sector development and growth.  -To explore and exploit projects where as a country we have a competitive advantage and seek to implement such projects without unnecessary delay.

7  Coal Bed Methane Gas (CBM) :-  -Estimated at 756 Billion cubic metres of sulphur free CBM in the Hwange/Lupane Basin @ 800 million cubic metres/ square km. Compared to:  An estimated 420Billion cubic metres for the entire SADC region.

8 Capital Seeking to Invest- Capital from different investment capitals has come knocking to exploit different opportunities in the extraction of different mineral commodities. THAT IS FACT!

9 Government Response:- Investor Knock “Official” Response (excuse the pun)

10  Special Grants not being processed some pending in excess of 10 years.  Punitive non-refundable application fees-Coal/CBM Special Grants – ($20k - $105k)  Lack of clear guidelines or lack of policy on process or procedure-no SOP.  Lack of confidence on the part of the investor and lack of respect on the part of government.  Lack of coordinated approach from government departments eg: mines department and the department of environment.

11 Capital Flight! Government in “delayed” response!! Investors Move on- “Can’t Touch This!”

12 Conferences and Brand Marketing Tours of Duty Abroad more Attractive BUT at what cost???

13 Seize the Day!! Our Government should seize opportunities when it presents itself. A lot of projects in the region were initially addressed to ZIMBABWE but due to the lack of attention or disregard to investor concerns, those projects have been on- forwarded to other jurisdictions in the region.

14  - Power generation during exploration- mobile modular power generating plants. - Current Power Crisis might have been averted or not as severe !!

15  Petrochemicals  Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)  Gas to Liquids (GTL)  Power generation for both local and export market.

16  Generate sufficient power to meet local demand, grow the economy and export excess through the interconnected grid system. (SAPP)  Import substitution for petrochemical related products –  - Fertilizers, local manufacture becomes cost effective.  - Explosives for the mining sector and other uses (of good nature!).  - Medical application.  -Electronics industry application.  -Process of liquid fuels for automotive, industrial and domestic use.


18  Self Questioner to both Business and Government:-  Am I Committed to the Common Good of the country?  Am I Sincere in my Service to the country?  Do I share a Common Vision of Success for the country?  Do I Aspire to the Common Goals of Growth and Development of the country?  Do I share a Common Destiny of Prosperity for the country?

19 Remember:- A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step!

20 You and I let’s Play our Part!


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