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HTPL Import Export Process ************. Import Process at HTPL Receiving of IGM Details Inward entry by Boarding Officer Receipt of Scanning list by.

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Presentation on theme: "HTPL Import Export Process ************. Import Process at HTPL Receiving of IGM Details Inward entry by Boarding Officer Receipt of Scanning list by."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTPL Import Export Process ************

2 Import Process at HTPL Receiving of IGM Details Inward entry by Boarding Officer Receipt of Scanning list by Custom Department Uploading of IGM & Scanning list in CFS system Bill of Entry (BOE) filing by CHA Generation of Job Order Manual Job Order submission to Gate Preventive Officer Placement of Job order in Respective terminal system Movement of Vehicle to port terminal with Form 13 Receiving EIR copy at terminal gate Loading of container at terminal Scanning of Container Mobile Scanning R Scanning Container Scanning at Port Container Scanning at CWC D’Park EIR Endorsement by Scanning Department and Gate PO CISF Verification & Gate out from Port EIR Endorsement by Scanning Department Arrival of Container at CFS NO YES Bill Of Entry Details Should be Provided to CFS / Shipping Line by Custom Vehicles going to terminal should be Pre- advised in terminal system to avoid Form 13 After Scanning Auto Mail should be sent to Port & CFS with relevant informations. Container Gate Out Information should be sent to CFS & Customs by Port terminal Container Arrival at CFS information sent to Port terminal & Customs.

3 Import Process at HTPL Arrival of Container at CFS Hold Container Follow Custom Hold Guidelines Scanning Image Receipt at CFS Acknowledgement of receipt of container arrival at CFS CHA Approaches CFS for custom examination Custom Examination order Examination order forwarding Shipping line / Examination DO Copy of BOE Custom Examination order Examination order forwarding Shipping line / Examination DO Copy of BOE Detail Entry in CFS system Seal Cutting Job Order generation Seal Cutting & Examination under Custom Supervision Custom out of charge print and System entry for de- stuffing & loading of Cargo / Container Stamp duty verification ICEGATE verification for custom charge Stamp duty verification ICEGATE verification for custom charge Payment of CFS Charges by CHA Work Order generation for respective Delivery Empty truck Gate In Loading of De-stuffed cargo/ Container on trailor Gate Pass generation & Endorsement by Custom PO Container Gate-out from CFS Custom document submission at MCD Movement of empty container to Empty depot NO YES Scanning Remark Hold / Clear Container Examination Message should be sent to CFS & Shipping Line by Custom System Shipping Line Delivery Order generation message should be sent to CFS Custom System Should provide Out of Charge generation details to CFS Stamp Duty details should be provided by authorities to CFS Custom System Should provide Out of Charge generation details to CFS Stamp Duty details should be provided by authorities to CFS Container Gate Out Message should be sent to Customs by CFS

4 Export Process at HTPL CHA files Shipping bill details to Customs and get Shipping bill number CHA Brings EDI Checklist, Invoice & packing list at CFS CHA approaches concerned forwarder for carting at CFS Forwarder gives NOC to CHA CHA Approaches Export warehouse Executive (EWE) CHA carries the checklist to CFS for CFS system update EWE Allocate space and Endorses EDI checklist CFS verify the documents and update details in CFS system CHA Pays CFS charges & returns to CFS for gate pass CFS provides 3 copies of Gate Pass & 2 copies of Export Work order Security Checks the documents & allow Vehicle Gate In CHA escorts vehicle to respective Warehouse (WH) Carting of Goods at WH CHA provides One copy each to Labour Supervisor & WH WH surveyor take tally during carting of goods WH Executive checks for Damages / Shortage of Goods and update tally sheet WH Executive update the tally in CFS System CHA Takes receiving from WH Surveyor & EWE. Provide same to Custom EDI Exchange of Data between Custom & respective CFS which shall be uploaded in CFS System

5 Export Process at HTPL Custom Examine the goods and gives Let Export Order (LEO) to CHA CHA provides the LEO to concerned forwarder for stuffing of goods Forwarder approaches CFS Executive with request form & Custom endorsement Export Executive update the details in system & provide Stuffing Job Order Forwarder provide Stuffing Job Order to CFS Surveyor for placement of container Stuffing of cargo & tally taken by surveyor Forwarder gives Stuffing Job Order to CFS Labour supervisor for stuffing of cargo Forwarder approaches CFS executive for Container Load Plan (CLP) Printing of CLP based on stuffing tally sheet CLP endorsement by Customs, forwarder, CFS surveyor and executive Payment of CFS Charges by Forwarders & prepare movement request Movement request submitted to CFS executive & Job Order (JO) prepared Port Pre-advice by Transporter & loading of container for port movement JO provided to Transporter along with CLP and Form 13 endorsed by Port Custom Container Gated Out from CFS and Survey of container at Out Gate Container arrival at Port and Port Custom gives CLP endorsement to Transporter Port CLP Endorsement submission to Shipping line through forwarder CHA Takes receiving from WH Surveyor & EWE. Provide same to Custom CFS System should send receiving online to Custom System Auto LEO details should be provided to CFS, Shipping Line & Port after generation of LEO from Custom System After CLP updatation in CFS System same should be uploaded in Custom system. Custom endorse CLP online and provide information to Port & Shipping Line Container booking information should given to Port / CFS by Shipping line Online. Port should allow Pre-advice only for these containers. Port Customs Should endorse CLP online and message should go to Shipping Line & CFS to avoid physical handover of document to Shipping Line Container booking information should given to Port / CFS by Shipping line Online. Port should allow Pre-advice only for these containers. Port Customs Should endorse CLP online and message should go to Shipping Line & CFS to avoid physical handover of document to Shipping Line


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