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Entering Your Traverse Data In MineSight ©Feb 2009 Dr. B. C. Paul Note – the following presentation includes screen shots an operating suggestions for.

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Presentation on theme: "Entering Your Traverse Data In MineSight ©Feb 2009 Dr. B. C. Paul Note – the following presentation includes screen shots an operating suggestions for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entering Your Traverse Data In MineSight ©Feb 2009 Dr. B. C. Paul Note – the following presentation includes screen shots an operating suggestions for the program MineSight developed by Mintec Inc. The program was developed by Mintec.

2 Start Up MineSight and Set the Directory Where You Want to Work You will be using This directory For all your Mapping the Rest of the Semester.

3 Create a Folder for Engineering Building Traverse

4 Name the Folder and Click Ok

5 Create a Geometry Object to Hold the Corners of the Engineering Building You determined These on your Side shots

6 Put Your New Geometry Object into Edit Mode (so you can put your data points in it)

7 You Have the Handy Dandy Excel Spreadsheet that has converted your survey data to point coordinates

8 We Will Need to Set Up A Work Area (we need to identify the state plane coordinate area we will be working with) Activate MineSight Compass

9 It Tells Us It Could Not Find the Boundary Files Saying Where to Work Dah – that’s what We are doing this For – at least we Know the program Is on the same Page as us. Click Ok

10 When Compass Opens Create a New PCF (Project Control File)

11 You May Have to Tell it to Put the File in the Directory You Are Working In

12 Fill Out the Program’s Questionnaire Your working in Feet It’s a 3D project Give it a 4 letter Name (preferably Professional Sounding) – I Picked Trav I picked other for My mineral type But it really does Not matter Enter a project Description – should be professional – it will show up on all your reports

13 Enter the Anticipated Coordinate Range My guess is reasonable

14 The Initialization Runs

15 Make Sure We Get A Project File

16 We Will Tell It Where the Project Control File Is

17 We Are Done – We Will Close Compass and Get On With Data Entry

18 Under the Utilities Menu Pick the Point Editor

19 The Point Editor Comes On But is Inactive

20 Go to Point Create

21 The Point Editor Turns On and the Operations Line Shows What We Are Doing

22 Check the Boxes to Indicate That We Will Be Inputting Coordinates

23 Enter the Coordinates of the First Corner using Data from the Spreadsheet

24 Click Apply and Our First Point Appears

25 Type in the Next Point

26 When I Click Apply the Next Point Appears

27 After I Enter My First Set of A Team Points I Click Right to Finish the Operation I will then click The weird looking Save box to Save my work.

28 The Saved Points Turn Blue

29 Now I’m Going to Close That Set of Building Corner Points and Put in Some Others I left click the Golden box to take Building Corners Out of edit mode

30 As You Can See One Click Does the Job

31 I Will Close My Building Corner Points Because I Want to Put in My Traverse Stations

32 I Created Geometry Objects for My A and B Teams to Put in instrument Stations

33 I Create My A Team Stations

34 Create My B Team Stations

35 I’m Going To Put in My Traverse Directions With Polylines I’ll set my snap Mode to point Snap so I can Lock my polylines Onto my points

36 I’ll Give the Instruction to Create a Polyline

37 I Digitize my A Team Movement I will right click The mouse to Complete the Traverse lines

38 I Digitize and Right Click My Mouse to Complete the First Part of My Line Note after right Clicking once my First pline turns Red indicating it Is complete Also note that I Am still in polyline Create mode so I can start on Another polyline (useful in this case Because the B Team took a short Dead end trip) (A second right Click would end The pline function)

39 I Digitize in the rest of the B team travel (to this point) I will now right Click twice – Once to end the Addition of points To the current Polyline and a Second time to End the polyline Create function I’ll then click save

40 I Want to Do A Little Color differentiation of my teams I will left click on My A Team Traverse And then right Click to bring up The menu Then I will left Click on properties

41 The Object Properties Window Opens Left click on the Color pallet

42 I Think I Will Turn the A Team Purple

43 I Also Think I Will Put Some Direction in the movement I’ll check off to Put arrow heads On the plines I will choose my Arrow head style And I will choose My size Pick the polyline tab

44 Why I’m So Impressed I’ll Do it For the B team too!

45 There – But There Is Something I’d Like to Take a Better Look At

46 I Can Use My Mouse Keys for Zooming Functions Hold down the Left mouse key And center button Or scroll and Move up or down To zoom out or in

47 In This Case Zooming in Took What I Was Interested In Out of the Picture Hold the Center and right Keys down to Pan

48 I Knew You Were Going to Ask What happens if You hold down the Left and right keys The picture rotates (this is usually not Good for us Because we want A plane with north Up)

49 To Restore Things Click the north And east plane View icon Check to make Sure the azimuth Is 0 for azimuth To top of page And the dip is -90 (meaning you Are looking Straight down From above) {No – I’m not trying to Make you think you Are God}

50 What Is Wrong With This Picture? Survey Team B Worked their Way forward to Point B3 And then did an About face and Went the other Way instead Of heading Around the Building. Why do I think There is a bust in The angle turned At B3?

51 I Think I Will Trace Out the Corners of the Engineering Building I will create a Geometry object To hold the Plines Representing the walls

52 Trace It On Out I’ll do a couple Right clicks and A save to finish this

53 What is Wrong With This Picture? We know this side Of the Engineering Building runs in The same over-all North East to South West Direction That first point looks A little suspect

54 Isn’t It Wonderful to Have a Drawing Tell You What to Resurvey?

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