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PRESENTATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The term sustainable development was first used at the Cocoyoc Declaration on Environment and Development in.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The term sustainable development was first used at the Cocoyoc Declaration on Environment and Development in."— Presentation transcript:


2 The term sustainable development was first used at the Cocoyoc Declaration on Environment and Development in the early 1970 report It Defination is contained in our common future – the 1987 report of the proceeding of the World Commission on Environment and Development

3 Global pandemics, climate change, natural disasters, poor soil conditions, deforestation — these issues are at the heart of sustainable development and at the heart of the work of The Earth Institute.

4 Ignoring the issues of sustainable development has many possible consequences, such as rising sea levels, extreme droughts, erosion and loss of forests, increases in slum populations, species extinctions and collapsing fisheries. There is also increasing evidence that issues such as water scarcity play a role in internal violence and regional conflict. rising sea levelsextreme droughtserosion and loss of forests increases in slum populationsspecies extinctionscollapsing fisheriesplay a role in internal violence and regional conflict rising sea levelsextreme droughtserosion and loss of forests increases in slum populationsspecies extinctionscollapsing fisheriesplay a role in internal violence and regional conflict The question of "Is sustainable development feasible?" is the subject of the two-day conference, State of the Planet, taking place at The Earth Institute on March 28-29, 2006. State of the Planet,State of the Planet,

5 WORLD COMMISSION has given the defination “Sustainable development is the development that meets the need of present without compromising the ability of future generation to meets their own need”

6 CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT It implies natural resource management that is economically viable in short run and environmentally sustainable in long run. It emphasize on optimum management of land and water resources so as to maintain a balance between productivity function & conservation practices through identification of problem area that require alternate management practices.

7 Growth & Limit This concept create a complex debate about SD Continuous economic growth made much more eventually sensitive in order to raise the living standard the poor globally & break the link between poverty and environment. It call for radical change in economic organization producing much lower rate or zero rate.

8 Thus sustainable development is not looking for industrial production for shake of profit alone nor does it purposes business. Now the issue is how to increase the wealth in eventually sound way in order to make major redistribution on income world wide.

9 Principal of sustainability (Principal of Equity) The principal of interageneration equity Use of natural resources in such a way to reduce the wealth gap within and between the nation. Use of natural resources in such a way to reduce the wealth gap within and between the nation. The principal of intergeneration equity Minimize the adverse impact of utilization of natural resources on future generation Minimize the adverse impact of utilization of natural resources on future generation We should -Reduce the pollution -Maintain ecological balance

10 Objective of S. D Concern for future generation Protection of environment Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth Rational utilization of natural resources. Social progress that recognizes the needs of everyone.

11 Measure to promote Sustainable Development. 1. Restoring the environment and combating poverty 2. Sustainable mountain farming system. -Soil erosion and fertility management. -Dry land agriculture. -Shifting cultivation 3. Afforestation and regeneration of degradation. 4. Rangeland & grassland development 5. Control desertification 6. Watershed management 7. Natural Hazard & disaster management

12 8. Healthy cropland & woodland 9. To promote renewable energy sources of energy 10. Women and mountain development 11. Conservation of natural resources – water forest and soil 12. Hazardous waste management - Reuse, recycle, reduce 14. Promotion of organic farming - Application of Biofertilizer - Crop rotation - Intercropping - Multiple cropping - Promotion of traditional technologies

13 Characteristic of Sustainability 1.Substitution: The substitution of non renewable natural resources are the use of renewable energy resources. For Eg. The substitution of coal, petrol and natural gases are wind, solar, geothermal and tidal energy

14 2. Renewability Renewable resources should be used in such a way so that the rate of utilization of a resources should be lower then or equal to the rate of regeneration of resources. 3. Institutional Commitment An individual cant bring change. The chang need political support, constitutional provision, legal framework and coordination between legal institutions. All level of society must be prepared through education, to accept and the value of sustainable development.

15 4. Adaptability We have to learn to adapt to c changing environment. For eg. We have to adapt ourselves to use clay cups or ordinary glasses that can be washed or used a number of time. 4. Interdependence There exist interdependence among communities and nations. Environment knows no boundaries. Air pollution created by nation spread to neighboring countries. So interdependence and mutual co-operation is necessary input in maintaining sustainability.

16 Conclusion In order to promote sustainable development we have to take care of the following area: -Conservation of energy -Conservation of Biodiversity -Reduction in pollution -Population Control -Promotion of renewable energy resources -Promoting organic farming -Watershed Management -An approach of common decision making

17 Watershed Management

18 What is Watershed? Watershed is a geographical area drained by a stream or a system connecting stream in which water from all over area flow under gravity to a common drainage channel. A watershed system deliver water through rills, gullies, runoff stream to a larger body of water. Usually slope of circular or semicircular hilly range form a good watershed to give rise to a large aquatic body at foothills

19 Watershed The terms watershed, catchments, drainage area and river basin are all used to describe a land. It is determined by topographical features which include a surrounding boundary. In North America, the term “watershed” is restricted sometimes to mean a comparatively small catchments, or sometimes to mean the upland, water-yielding portion of a larger river basin. In British Commonwealth countries it is sometimes restricted to mean “drainage divide”. In this document we will use it to be synonymous with catchments or river basin, particularly in the context of “integrated the context of “integrated

20 Watershed Management Watershed management is rational utilization of land and water resource for optimum production with minimum hazards to natural resources. It essentially relate to soil and water conservation. In watershed which means proper land uses, protecting land from against all forms of deterioration, building and maintaining soil fertility, conserving water for farms use, proper management of local water for drainage, flood protection and sediment reduction.

21 An integrated watershed Management include Conserving the water, soil and conserving surplus water to recharge ground water. Minimize ploughing and forest cutting on steeps slopes protect watershed. Promoting Afforestation, horticulture and pasture. Promote crop management system to promote sustainable farming. Constructing small dams on streams to hold back water to prevent flooding. Improving the standard of living of individual farmer. Promoting ecological balance

22 Benefit of Watershed Management Reduction in the rate of sedimentation in major dams, rivers and harbors Reduction of run-off and damaging floods Reduction of run-off and damaging floods Conservation of soil fertility and the maintenance and improvement of agricultural productivity Maintenance and improvement of water quality Reduction in soil salinity and acidity Protection of wildlife habitat Increased public awareness of the inter- relationships within watersheds and identification of land capability Maintenance and improvement of tree and vegetation cover.



25 Due improper management of Watershed










35 Strategies of Integrated Watershed Management (a) Coordination of policies, programmes and activities as they relate to integrated watershed management; (b) Promotion of community participation in integrated watershed management; (c) Identification and rehabilitation of natural resource degradation; (d) Promotion of the sustainable use of natural resources; (e) Provision of stable and productive soils, high quality water, and protective vegetative cover within individual watersheds.

36 Other Measures prevent further land degradation restore degraded natural resources ensure that natural resources are used within their capability minimize the impacts arising from the use of natural resources ensure that native flora and fauna are protected promote appropriate planning and management preserve items and places having cultural heritage values






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