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Land Use Our urban world Forestry management Parks, Reserves, and Wildlands Agricultural land use.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Use Our urban world Forestry management Parks, Reserves, and Wildlands Agricultural land use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Use Our urban world Forestry management Parks, Reserves, and Wildlands Agricultural land use

2 Urban environments  Created due to industrialization  Require resources from other places  Need natural land nearby for ecosystem services: water, air, waste escape from stresses of daily urban life preservation for posterity

3 Urban environments  Includes larger and larger percentages of the population 1850 – included 15% of US citizens 1920 – included more than 50% of US citizens Now – includes more than 80% of US citizens

4 Chicago area population growth

5 Portland area population growth

6 Urban Sprawl  Why does this happen?  What are the positive and negative aspects of sprawl?

7 What makes a city livable?

8 Examples of livable cities  Chicago area  Portland area

9 Forest management  Forests provide many resources and services  In US, management practices have changed over time

10 Westward expansion  Development of resources – forests, minerals, rangelands  Originally there was no land use planning  Deforestation began to occur

11 Natural forests, 1620

12 Natural forests, 1920

13 Natural forests today

14 Management strategies  Clear cutting vs. selective cutting  Maximum sustainable yield  Ecosystem based management  Adaptive management  Public vs. private land

15 US Forest Service  Gifford Pinchot  Changing mission Timber for nation Multiple use management  Impact of road building

16 US Forest Service and fires  Changing opinions on management Total suppression Let it burn Prescribed burns Influence of climate change

17 US federal parks and reserves  National parks: Managed by National Park Service monuments, historic sites, wild and scenic rivers, parks, and recreation areas Too many visitors?  National forests: Managed by US Forest Service Timber harvests Fire suppression

18 US federal parks and reserves  National wildlife refuges: Managed by US Fish and Wildlife Service Variety of management styles  Preservation (Sevilleta NWR as example)  Active manipulation (Bosque del Apache NWR as example)

19 Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge, NM


21 Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, NM


23 Wilderness areas  Should they exist? Changing values Resources such as timber, oil, minerals? States rights?  Wilderness Act of 1964 Public lands can be set aside No development allowed

24 What should parks look like?  Many small or one large?  Protection of biodiversity  Wildlife corridors  What is practical?

25 Agricultural land use  38% of land world-wide is agriculturally used 2/3 of this is pasture land 1/3 of this is used for crops

26 Crop production - feeding the world  Industrial agriculture – green revolution Inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides Fossil fuels Genetically modified crops Monocultures Removal of wetlands

27  What about sustainable agricultural practices?  Soil management  Irrigation practices  Targeted fertilizer  Integrated pest management  No-till farming

28 Livestock grazing  ¼ of world land  Sustainable if at low intensity – think about Tragedy of the Commons  Use of public lands

29 Some additional agricultural issues  Feedlot agriculture (factory farming)  Aquaculture  Organic farming  Buy local movement

30 Making cities livable  Planning and zoning  Urban growth boundaries  Smart growth  New urbanism  Transit options  Parks

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