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AIRLINES REVAMP 10/29/2013. Executive Summary Business Problem: The Airlines application is primarily used to sell, distribute and collect revenues for.

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Presentation on theme: "AIRLINES REVAMP 10/29/2013. Executive Summary Business Problem: The Airlines application is primarily used to sell, distribute and collect revenues for."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIRLINES REVAMP 10/29/2013

2 Executive Summary Business Problem: The Airlines application is primarily used to sell, distribute and collect revenues for airline agents. The current system is built as part of the now read only SPIRIT application and based on client server architecture. It has a large infrastructure footprint including multiple database, redundant CONS data mart and batch jobs, citrix set up, Business objects 5.4 2

3 Proposed Solution The project aims to develop a new web based Airlines application that would provide the following benefits  Simplify order entry with a feed for creating orders in the system from external agent  Improve end-user experience with a web-based rich UI  Reporting using Business Objects 4.0  Retire the Spirit application, CONS data mart database jobs and reduce total cost of ownership  Standardize architecture, security and integration using JBOSS EAP 6, IDM and Web methods 3

4 Financial Summary 4

5 Benefits Category$ BenefitDescription Cost Avoidance60,042 Year 1 Benefits : 60,042 5 Year Benefits : 387,542 Cost Efficiencies37,313 Year 1 Benefits : 37,313 5 Year Benefits : 259,908 Risk Mitigation$0 Year 1 Benefits 5 Year Benefits 5

6 Competitive Analysis What are other studios/corporations doing to address this issue? Other studios have their own systems for supporting this business 6

7 Timeline FY14FY15 AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJune Development and testing Deployment Select Vendor Partner Obtain Funds Contracts Requirements & Analysis UAT 7

8 Appendix 8

9 Security, Risk and Compliance Considerations 9

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