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Our Film : Developed Idea By Jess Cole and Lettie Sturley.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Film : Developed Idea By Jess Cole and Lettie Sturley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Film : Developed Idea By Jess Cole and Lettie Sturley

2 Plot o Drives to Granny’s house- girl looking out of the window (sad music) o Car window turns into bedroom window at Granny’s house- girl looking out of window- sad quiet music. o Granny knocks at door- this is the first jump that will create a sense of unease o Granny: “Go on Love, just go on a walk, you can’t stay in here all winter.” o Shot of girl putting on wellington boots and coat and taking dog to go on a walk. o The walk o Throwing sticks and sees a spooky big house. o Dog runs into house and through slightly open door. “Come back Monty!” runs after him. o Zooms into sigh saying “DO NOT ENTER” o Starts trying to find dog- exploring house. (scary suspense music) o Hears a rustling in the cellar and goes to find dog. Scary music builds up. o Dog comes into view. This will make the audience jump. o “Come on Monty! Get out of here!”- angry tone. o Whispering starts- “you can’t escape from me.” repeats in a sing song tune getting louder. o Runs out of house. Looks back to see sign that says “DO NOT ENTER”

3 Plot Continued o Girl decides to go home. o On way home she hears the voice again. “If you go down to the woods today, your sure of a big surprise.” sing song voice again o Runs to the woods worried- scary music as camera pans across. o Stops in woods and hears person circling her. o Spins to find person, camera spinning (blur of trees spinning). o Stops o Hears person walking behind her o Turns to see nothing but the dog (Monty) lying dead on the ground. o Runs to aid dog and shouts “WHO ARE YOU?!” o Screen goes black. o The End.

4 Actors and Characters o Main Female protagonist – Holding auditions soon o Granny – Lettie’s Grandma o Dog – Lettie’s dog o Voice of “ghost” - Young girl, around the age of 5 (Auditions soon)

5 Locations o Car (beginning) – Jess’ car o Granny’s house – Lettie’s house o Scary house (inside) – Will’s house/cellar o Scary house (outside) – house in West Kington or Lettie’s house o Woods/fields – West Kington

6 Location Photos Here is some pictures of Lettie’s house where we are planning to film some of our film.

7 Location Photos (2) Will’s House - We will be filming in his cellar. “Wick Wood” – Where we will be filming the main part of the film

8 Props o Car – Jess’ Car o Dog – Lettie’s dog o Sign outside scary house “DO NOT ENTER” - Wood - Paint - (Other Materials) o Bedroom window o Wellingtons and coat o Sticks for dog o Fake Blood o Suitcases / bags o Bed o Tripod (for filming)

9 Costumes o Main Female protagonist - Jeans - Jumper - Coats - Wellington boots o Granny – Stereotypical ‘grandma’ clothing - Knitted Jumper - Trousers - Loafers

10 Budget Petrol Costs- to and from Sheldon School, West Kington Wick and Bradford on Avon. Props- we will need to buy objects in order to make the sign for the house. - Paint - Wood - Other Materials We will also need fake blood for the dog.

11 Special Effects Sound o Non diegetic voice over o Non diegetic music at particular scenes. o This music will include scary, suspense music at build up parts and slow piano music at the running to the woods and the driving in the car scenes. o Diegetic dialogue. Visuals o We will be using edits which include panning, jump cuts, 360° pan and other editing features. o Lighting

12 Permission o To film outside the scary house in West Kington if we’re not using Lettie’s house? o From all actors, that they are happy with being involved/filmed and happy for the film to be shown and viewed.

13 Treatment - Things to include: o Character profile o Plot Summary / Synopsis – What is different o Genre – features o Budget o Target audience o ethical issues o Duration o Location o Equipment o Props o Costumes o Special effects

14 Target Audience

15 Conventions of genre o Our chosen genre for our film is ‘Horror’.

16 Style Model 1 One of our style models is “The Woman In Black” directed by James Watkins. We chose this because the locations (remote village) and plot are very similar to the ones we have chosen. We feel that this film is a good model to base our film on and do research about as it relates to our ideas well. However, this is not completely the same as we are using a young female actor/voice for the ghosts voice as we feel that a young girls voice can sometimes be perceived as frightening and spooky.

17 Style Model 2 o We have also chosen the “Sixth Sense” by M. Night Shyamalan as our second style model. o We feel that this film relates very well to the plot we have chosen. However, the location differs in this film to the film we are making because the location of filming is in the city.

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