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Is it because “we” are poor examples? Is it because “we” do not evangelize? Is it because “we” are ineffective in our methods? Perhaps any or all of these.

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Presentation on theme: "Is it because “we” are poor examples? Is it because “we” do not evangelize? Is it because “we” are ineffective in our methods? Perhaps any or all of these."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is it because “we” are poor examples? Is it because “we” do not evangelize? Is it because “we” are ineffective in our methods? Perhaps any or all of these are true to greater or lesser degrees, but… It could also be that “the world through its wisdom did not know God” 1Cor.1:21!

3 For example, note these worldly concepts “God”:  Polytheism Polytheism is the belief in, and worship of, multiple or many gods and/or goddesses. They are usually believed to occupy a pantheon (literally, temple of {all} gods) with its own set of mythologies and worship rituals. Such is not new, Jer.2:28; 11:13. But “the Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless.” 1Cor.3:20 Here is wisdom, 1Cor.8:4-6!

4 For example, note these worldly concepts “God”:  Pluralism Pluralism is variously defined, but usually includes the concept that multiple and even conflicting religions are acceptable since some truth can be found in most or all of them. In this view, multiple religions with mutually exclusive truth claims can be equally valid. Pluralism is the “seed” from which ecumenism and denominationalism grows. But “the Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless.” 1Cor.3:20 Here is wisdom, Amos 3:3; Eph.4:4-7; 3:3-5; 1Cor.3:1-10!

5 For example, note these worldly concepts “God”:  Pantheism Pantheism (from Grk. pan = all and theos = god) is the view that everything comprises an all- encompassing God. In this concept, a or multiple divine beings are immanent, meaning he/they are manifested in and through all forms of the material world, but contained solely in it. But “the Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless.” 1Cor.3:20 Here is wisdom: Gen.1:1, God created it, but is not contained in it, Acts 17:24-28; 2Cor.12:2ff, God’s dwelling; 2Pet.3:10-13, He and we will exist after it is gone!

6 For example, note these worldly concepts “God”:  Henotheism Henotheism is a term coined by Max Muller to denote worshiping a single god while accepting the possible (and often probable) existence of other deities. In my opinion, this has common expression the current mentality of one “worshiping this god, in this way, for now.” But “the Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless.” 1Cor.3:20 Here is wisdom: Deut. 4:35; Isa.45:5; Matt.4:10!

7 For example, note these worldly concepts “God”:  Deism Deism accepts that a supreme being or god created the universe, but that this and other religious or spiritual truths can only be determined with reason and observation of the natural world. It dismisses the need for divine revelation and faith. It also usually rejects divine intervention in human affairs. But “the Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless.” 1Cor.3:20 Here is wisdom: 1Cor.2:10-14; Eph.3:3-5; Heb.11:6; Matt.10:30-33 > 6:25-33!

8 But….  Christianity, unlike Polytheism, acknowledges that there is only one true God.  Christianity, unlike Pluralism, knows that as there is One God, there is One Church- and that we must ever strive to be it and only it.  Christianity, unlike Pantheism, recognizes that the spiritual God created the material world- that the two are separate and certainly not equal!  Christianity, unlike Henotheism, accepts that the one true God must be worshipped and served according to His Word, not our needs of the moment.  Christianity, unlike Deism, understands that God didn’t create us and forget us, that He interacts with us, and that we must interact with Him by faithful obedience.

9 Now…. Are you interested in becoming a “Christian”? Or, will you continue to accept and live according to the wisdom of the world which is foolishly fatal before God’s wisdom?


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