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Immigration 1880-1920. Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe Most came from Great Britain, Ireland and Germany Also came from Russia, Poland, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration 1880-1920. Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe Most came from Great Britain, Ireland and Germany Also came from Russia, Poland, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration 1880-1920

2 Immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe Most came from Great Britain, Ireland and Germany Also came from Russia, Poland, Italy and Greece They settled in NYC, New Jersey primarily Other went to Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit They started many of the early customs that became part of the American way of life

3 How were they alike? Their religions were mostly Catholic, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox Most did not speak English Most were used to living and working conditions that were different than the U.S.

4 Why did they leave? They left their homeland for many reasons WarViolence Religious freedom Drought (no water) Famine (no food) Need a job Need an education

5 Coming to America Most entered through New York City If you came to America after 1892, you were brought to a small island near the Statue of Liberty This was Ellis Island You were checked for disease Records of your arrival were kept Ellis Island became the gateway for immigrants coming

6 Very few immigrants saw their dreams come true Most did not speak English Most were not skilled workers Many did not have enough money to buy land Most had low paying jobs

7 Immigrants from Asia 300,000 arrived from Asia Mostly came from China, Japan and the Philippine Islands Chinese immigrants found work in California farms, railroad work, and small businesses Japanese immigrants worked on the farms, railroads and in the food industry Most Philippine immigrants came here for education, then they found work

8 Did Americans like the new immigrants? No, they were afraid that their jobs would be taken away, less money for them This led to Nativism- a feeling of citizens who are against the immigrants Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882- excluded or banned Chinese immigration for ten years “Gentleman’s Agreement”- limited the number of Japanese immigrants entering the United States






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