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1 CPSC 641 Course Project Ideas Carey Williamson Department of Computer Science University of Calgary.

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1 1 CPSC 641 Course Project Ideas Carey Williamson Department of Computer Science University of Calgary

2 2 PROJECT OVERVIEW H A “typical” course project might involve: –design/build/obtain appropriate testbed, environment, or platform for your project –extend/customize as needed –obtain relevant data/measurements needed –design suitable experiment: clear goal, identify factors, levels, performance metrics –obtain and describe (new/interesting) results

3 3 Examples of Recent Projects H Benchmarking dynamic Web content generation H Web browsing using wireless PDAs Web browsing using wireless PDAs H Traffic classification using machine learning H Temporal locality in media workloads H WWW2007 Web workload characterization H Benchmarking modern Web browsers Benchmarking modern Web browsers H Probabilistic key distribution in WSNs H Measurements and analysis of IP-TV

4 4 Experimental Equipment H Wireless laptops (6), PDAs (4), and APs (4) H Wireless network analyzers (3) H Wireless video cameras (3) H Wireless sensor motes (12) H Rack-mounted clients, servers, and proxies H WiMAX modem (1) H EV-DO air card (1) H iPod touch with WiFi (3)

5 5 Some Available Simulators H ns-2 network simulator (TCP packet level) H OpNet simulator H Web proxy caching simulator H ATM-TN simulator (ATM cell-level) H IP-TN simulator (U of C) H IP-TNE network emulator (U of C) H Peer-assisted streaming H EV-DO cellular network scheduling

6 6 Some Useful Software Tools H Synthetic Web proxy workload generation H Web client traffic model (mosaic, 1995) H LRD traffic analysis (R/S, V-T, AC, etc) H GUI for traffic modeling/analysis (synTraff) H Wavelet-based traffic model (MWM) H Synthetic MPEG video trace generation H GISMO (Generator for Internet Streaming Media Objects)

7 7 Local U of C Datasets H TCP SYN/FIN/RST pkt headers (3 years) H Wireless PDA browsing (35 minutes) H Mininova P2P swarms (1 month) H WWW2007 access logs (1 year) H WWW2007 email archives (2 years) H Web-based services (2 months)

8 8 Public Traces and Data Sets H Internet Traffic Archive ( –Bellcore Ethernet LAN trace (1989) –LBL TCP/IP packet traces (1990) –Web server access logs (1996) H CAIDA: Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis ( H CRAWDAD: Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth (

9 9 Possible Project Ideas H Wavelet-based traffic forecasting H Wavelength assignment in WDM networks H Energy efficient routing in WSNs H Optimal video streaming in P2P networks H Channel assignment in wireless mesh nets H Packet scheduling in HSDPA systems H Wireless video streaming H Social network analysis and visualization

10 10 Project Timeline H By Tuesday, February 24: –One-page project proposal (not marked) –Issues: uniqueness, relevance, fit, scale, data H By Thursday, April 16: –Submit 12-15 page research paper (hardcopy) –Worth 50% of your grade in CPSC 641 –Eval: problem statement, lit review, method, results, writing style, originality, difficulty, etc.

11 ATM-TN System Overview (1998) ATM-T SimKit ESS ATM MF UNIX Hardware SPARC, KSR, SGI ATM-N WarpKit SMTW Report Generation Scripts TMF workstation Input Data Set Output Data Set Report

12 12 WebTraff Conceptual View ProWGen Software 1ZacL P r Zipf F s LLCD -1 0 +1 Correlation Input Parameters Synthetic Workload

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