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16.12.2015 Seite 1 Dr. Cornelius Oepen, GTZ Global Financing Mechanisms – Opportunities & Challenges WORLD HEALTH EDITORS NETWORK HIV/AIDS International.

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Presentation on theme: "16.12.2015 Seite 1 Dr. Cornelius Oepen, GTZ Global Financing Mechanisms – Opportunities & Challenges WORLD HEALTH EDITORS NETWORK HIV/AIDS International."— Presentation transcript:

1 16.12.2015 Seite 1 Dr. Cornelius Oepen, GTZ Global Financing Mechanisms – Opportunities & Challenges WORLD HEALTH EDITORS NETWORK HIV/AIDS International Health Briefing Meeting LONDON 23 November, 2007

2 16.12.2015 Seite 2 2 Opportunities Source: Homi Kharas: The New Reality of Aid; The Brookings Blum Roundtable, 2007 August 1

3 16.12.2015 Seite 3 3 Challenges Source: Homi Kharas: The New Reality of Aid; The Brookings Blum Roundtable, 2007 August 1 ? Civil Society Organisations ? Private Sector Organisations

4 16.12.2015 Seite 4 4 GTZ contributes to achieving the Millenium Development Goals. Sustainable development: an integral part of GTZ's corporate philosophy “Capacity Development – empowering partners, promoting potentials”: A holistic competency development, which GTZ regards as the key to sustainable development.

5 16.12.2015 Seite 5 5 Unblocking bottlenecks, solving process problems, and “putting the money to work” The German BACKUP Initiative is member of the Global Implementation Support Team GIST

6 16.12.2015 Seite 6 6 The German BACKUP Initiative To support partner countries to effectively use global health financing mechanisms timely, flexible and need-oriented technical support B uilding A lliances – C reating K nowledge – U pdating P artners

7 16.12.2015 Seite 7 7 BACKUP Principles  Country driven  Technical support is based on country requests  Using existing structures  health system, coordinating and management bodies of national programmes  Support to civil society  democratisation process, participation in national and global financing processes  Equity and solidarity  support to programmes addressing key populations: PLWH, IDUs, women/girls, gender-specific approaches  Linking global finance with broader health issues health systems strengthening: quality improvement, fair health financing, equitable access to health services

8 16.12.2015 Seite 8 8 EU, Found. Partner Countries CCM PR NAC Global Fund World Bank Global Health Financing Quality Equitable Access Purpose Sub- PR BACKUP Partnerships GTZ country level - GTZ country offices - Programme staff UNAIDS GTZ Head Office - BACKUP Mgmt Team - Technical & Regional Dep WHOILO INGOs Scaling-up

9 16.12.2015 Seite 9 9 Response to technical support needs 2002 – 2008 Budget: 45 € Million Until to date: >300 contracts in > 50 Countries Co operations: 28 Multilateral 75 Bilateral 101 Consultancies 59 Small Grants

10 16.12.2015 Seite 10 10 Thematic areas of bilateral partnerships (%)

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