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Just Do It! Secondary Cycle One ESL Programs

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1 Just Do It! Secondary Cycle One ESL Programs
Planning a Learning and Evaluation Situation Just Do It! Regional Workshop # 3

2 ‘‘ Remember, the Reform isn’t a case of taking the elevator.
It’s taking the stairs, moving ahead, one step at a time…’’ Nicole Tardif Université de Sherbrooke

3 Goal of Workshop Discover how well-planned Learning
and Evaluation Situations (LES) help develop competency

4 Two-Day Agenda Learning and Evaluation Situations (LES):
Getting started C1: Interacts orally in English From participant to teacher C2: Reinvests understanding of texts C3: Writes and produces texts

5 Personal Awareness Log
Who’s your PAL? Your Personal Awareness Log

6 Another Look at the PFEQ
Use Chapters 2 and 3 of the PFEQ as well as the Core ESL program to fill in the blanks

7 What is a LES? A Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES) is a set of
related tasks that students must complete to reach a defined goal

8 Essential Characteristics of LES
(p.177) Maximizes opportunities for oral interaction Promotes collaboration and cooperation Students work together to achieve a common goal Explore the text with others (response process) Provides opportunities for transfer Is connected to the real world Tasks related to current events Knowledge is built from previous tasks Is challenging and motivating Is relevant to the student Tasks related to students’ interests, needs and experiences Presents an essential question or problem to solve Exploits authentic texts Encourages reflection Time and tools for self-evaluation are planned Magazines, newspaper, websites, etc.

9 Essential Characteristics of a LES
Is appropriate to students’ age and language development Selection of theme and text appropriate to their level Is purposeful Goal of LES leads to concrete action/change to influence students’ lives Allows for differentiation Teacher offers different choices for final product

10 Making Connections! Instructions:
In your group, think of concrete examples to illustrate the characteristics in a LES related on sports Think of what you might observe in your class for each characteristic Write your ideas under the appropriate characteristic Choose a spokesperson to report back

11 Setting The Scene for the LES
What’s THE biggest sporting event in the world? What’s the second biggest sporting event in the world?

12 The Paralympics

13 Paralympics FAQ What are the Paralympic Games? When were they created?
Which disabilities are recognized in the Paralympics? What is the difference between the Paralympics and the Special Olympics?

14 Citius Faster Altius Higher Fortius Stronger Spirit in Motion
To Enable Paralympic Athletes to Achieve Sporting Excellence and to Inspire and Excite the World

15 “According to the the Olympic Charter, established by Pierre de Coubertin, the goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without any discrimination of any kind, which requires mutual understanding, solidarity and fair play.”

16 How can we help Paralympic athletes have the same opportunities
Pedagogical Intention How can we help Paralympic athletes have the same opportunities as Olympic athletes?

17 Overview of the LES Tasks leading to the pedagogical intention:
Task 1 (Focus on Interacts orally in English) Students will discuss some of the differences/similarities between an Olympic athlete and a Paralympic athlete. Task 2 (Focus on Reinvests understanding of texts) Students will discover a Paralympic athlete. Task 3 (Focus on Writes and produces texts) Students will create a promotional document to help a Paralympic athlete.

18 Broad Areas of Learning (BAL)
The Broad Areas of Learning provide a frame of reference that gives coherence to educational activities

19 Which BAL ? Instructions: Keeping in mind the pedagogical intention of
this LES, find … an appropriate BAL the educational aim a focus of development (Chapter 2, p.21)

20 Cross-Curricular Competencies (CCC)
What is a CCC? (p. 33, 2nd paragraph) CCC for this LES (p. 51): Cooperates with others 3 Key Features: Contributes to team efforts, Uses teamwork effectively, Interacts with an open mind in various contexts Evaluation Criteria: Appropriate attitudes and behaviours

21 Who are these athletes? Why are they famous?

22 Who are these athletes? Are they famous?

23 How do you say… Use the strategy substitution when you can’t find the right word(s) to say something « You know … it’s ice hockey on a chair… player problems with legs. » « You mean sledge hockey ! » Video clip 1 -Mondor/Franks

24 Name: Emilie Mondor Lisa Franks
Age: Hometown: Mascouche, QC Moose Jaw, SK Sport: Km race Wheelchair Racing Results: th in last Olympics Paralympic Medals Instructions: Imagine and compare the road to the Olympic/Paralympic Games for these two athletes. Share your ideas with your team.

25 Back to the Program… C1: Interacts Orally in English
Key Features (p. 181) Related Content for this task Culture (p. 187) Language Repertoire, Focus on form (p ) Strategies (p.189) Evaluation Criteria (p. 181) Evaluation tools video clip 2-Hally-Knabe ESL Program

26 Just Do It! Plan a C1 task using your yellow LES Planner
Don’t forget the pedagogical intention! Use the video clip, the poster of the two Paralympic athletes and the following slide

27 Name: Andrew Haley Morgan Knabe Age: 32 25
                                 Name: Andrew Haley Morgan Knabe Age: Hometown: Moncton, NB St.Albert, AB Sport: Amputee Freestyle Breaststroke Best Results: medals at medals at Paralympic Games Commonwealth Games

28 LES Fact or Fiction? Instructions:
Individually, read and reflect on the statements on your sheet In your group, discuss each statement Decide if the statements are facts or fiction

29 Planning a Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES)
Where to start? Problem/question BAL Theme/topic ESL competencies CCC

30 Chantal Petitclerc: An Inspiration for All

31 A Useful Strategy: To infer
After eight years of _______, Chantal Petitclerc has become a _________ for athletes with disabilities. Her international victories have ________ her almost the same amount of financial support as _________ athletes receive—still a rarity among Paraplegic athletes. Both Loto-Quebec and the Metropolitan insurance company _________ her, and the federal government recently ________ her carding (classification) from B to A—she’s the elite of the elite.

32 Getting into the text… Read the text individually
Respond to the guiding questions individually Share your response with your team

33 A Sustained Quiet Uninterrupted Individual Reading Time
moment Read the three phases of the Response Process in the EESL Program, p.215 Read the different ways to support the Response Process, p. 216

34 Back to the Program… C2: Reinvest understanding of texts
ESL Program Key Features (p. 183) Related Content for this task Culture (p. 187) Language Repertoire (p.187) Strategies (p.189) Response Process (p.190) Texts (p.193) Evaluation Criteria (p. 183) Evaluation tools

35 Just Do It! Plan a C2 task using your yellow LES Planner
Don’t forget the pedagogical intention! Use one of the Paralympian profiles

36 Preparing for C3 What is a media text?
How can you promote your Paralympian?

37 Chantal Petitclerc: A Hero on Wheels

38 Back to the Program… Key features (p. 185)
C3: Writes and produces texts Key features (p. 185) Related Content for this task Culture (p.187) Language Repertoire (p.187) Strategies (p.189) Production Process (p.192) Texts (p.193) Evaluation Criteria (p. 185) Evaluation tools ESL Program

39 Read the Production Process, p.192
Another moment Read the Production Process, p.192

40 Just Do It! Plan a C3 task using your yellow LES Planner
(a promotional document for a Paralympian) Don’t forget the pedagogical intention! Use the Paralympian you discovered in Task 2

41 Reminder of Goal of Workshop
Discover how well-planned Learning and Evaluation Situations (LES) help develop competency

42 Reflection Now that you’re all expert LES planners …,
…what five tips would you give your colleagues to help them plan a LES?

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