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Lesson 3 (words 6-10) English 7.  I will expand my knowledge of vocabulary words.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3 (words 6-10) English 7.  I will expand my knowledge of vocabulary words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3 (words 6-10) English 7

2  I will expand my knowledge of vocabulary words.

3  “Glacial”  [gley-shuhl]

4  Definition: Of or like ice or glaciers; freezing; cold and unfriendly; moving as slowly as a glacier.

5  The iceburg moved at a glacial pace, floating slowly in the water.  After arguing with Ted, Sam frowned and narrowed his eyes in a glacial look.

6  Slow  Frigid  Unhappy  Unwelcoming

7  Tropic  Hot  Friendly

8 Is the word used correctly in the sentence? In the coldest winter anybody could remember, the glacial temps stayed below 0° almost every day. Sarah smiled and waved enthusiastically, giving her best friend a glacial look from across the cafeteria.

9  “Barren”  [bar-uhn]

10  Definition: sterile; infertile; unable to reproduce; unproductive; empty; dull.

11  The barren desert does not support much plant life besides cacti and tumbleweeds.  The farmer’s barren fields were unproductive and did not produce enough crops to sell.

12  Unproductive  Dry  Empty

13  Fertile  Productive  Full

14 Is the word used correctly in the sentence? Antarctica is often considered to be a barren wasteland, filled with nothing but snow and ice. In the springtime, Lincoln’s Sunken Gardens look barren when workers plant dozens of new plants and flowers.

15  “Inquisitive”  [in-kwiz-i-tiv]

16  Definition: Inclined to ask questions; curious

17  Hermione’s inquisitive nature caused her hand to shoot up every time her professors asked the class a question.  Some puppies are very inquisitive, eager to learn and explore the new world around them.

18  Curious  Interested  Analytical

19  Indifferent  Uninterested  Unconcerned

20 Is the word used correctly in the sentence? The inquisitive students wanted to know everything about the English language, so they studied their vocab every night. The inquisitive reader was indifferent to the new Percy Jackson book that came out in September.

21  “Encounter”  [en-koun-ter]

22  Definition—  Verb: To meet, usually unexpectedly; to face in battle.  Noun: A meeting.

23  As she watched the spaceship fly off into the sky, Ms. Bruce could not help the feeling that she had a close encounter with aliens.  An encounter between a shark and a human can be quite serious, especially if the human cannot swim away.

24  Meet  Confront  Face

25  Avoid  Retreat  Run away

26 Is the word used correctly in the sentence? While camping, you should do everything you can to avoid an encounter with a hungry bear. Though Dan had never seen the spaceship, he was excited about his brief encounter with aliens.

27  “Unpredictable”  [uhn-pri-dik-tuh-buhl]

28  Definition: surprising; not predictable; tending to act in unexpected ways.

29  The unpredictable drought caused many farmers to lose their crops as a result of the unexpected lack of rainfall.  In Nebraska, the seasons are often unpredictable; you never know if it is going to be hot or cold, rainy or snowy!

30  Surprising  Random  Uncertain

31  Constant  Unchanging  Dependable

32 Is the word used correctly in the sentence? After the weatherman warned of rain the following day, the unpredictable storm surprised many people. With so many science terms to study, the students often feel like their tests are unpredictable.

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