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Marketing Efforts by State DOT Research Program: Survey by RAC Value of Research Task Force Pat Casey Value of Research Task Force Meeting July 29, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Efforts by State DOT Research Program: Survey by RAC Value of Research Task Force Pat Casey Value of Research Task Force Meeting July 29, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Efforts by State DOT Research Program: Survey by RAC Value of Research Task Force Pat Casey Value of Research Task Force Meeting July 29, 2015

2 Survey of State DOT research managers  Goals  Identify marketing efforts in use or being considered by state DOT research programs  Share strategies for marketing and assessment of marketing effectiveness  Compare challenges, priorities, audiences  Note: Marketing is aimed at raising awareness, communicating program/project value and encouraging implementation

3 30 respondents. All but two are currently doing some marketing. AR AZ DC CA GA IA ID IL IN KS LA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC NH NJ NV OH PA SC SK (Canada) TX UT WA WI

4 Current marketing products 28 responses

5 Planned marketing products 30 responses

6 Research newsletter frequency 18 responses Answer Options Response Count Quarterly 9 As needed 7 Bi-Monthly 1 Semi-Annually 1 Weekly 0 Bi-Weekly 0 Monthly 0 Yearly 0 Comments: Articles in employee newsletter, university center newsletter 3

7 External newsletters, industry periodicals 15 respondents listed one or more Answer OptionsResponse Count Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) state newsletter 7 TR News 6 Roads & Bridges 5 Public Roads (FHWA) 5 Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal 5 Better Roads 4 Public Works 3 American Public Works Association (APWA) newsletter 2 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) newsletter 1 State Asphalt and Concrete Association newsletter 0 USA Today 0 Other: HPC Bridge News, Geosynthetics Magazine, Civil Engineering News, American City and County Magazine, Lone Star Roads, Parking, Parking Today, local TV/newspapers, peer journals 6

8 Key audiences ranked from 1 to 6 (1 is most important) - 26 responses Answer Options123456 Rating Avg. Responses DOT Upper Management 51920001.8826 DOT Region/District Offices 19430001.3826 Other DOTs 03134403.3824 Legislature/Politicians 10512614.0025 Media 00141095.1324 General Public 10144145.1724

9 Key audiences ranked from 1 to 6 (1 is most important) - 26 responses

10 Who is responsible for research marketing and outreach (all or part)? - 28 responses

11 Top three challenges with marketing 27 responses

12 Types of effectiveness monitoring used (check all that apply) - 18 responses

13 Comments: Other types of effectiveness monitoring  Just beginning – identifying performance measures, will survey users  Stakeholder/customer survey every other year on program effectiveness and research services  Study every three years on implementation and benefits: survey of champions, interviews, benefit/cost calculations  Informal – seek feedback from contractors  Impacts to department

14 AZ CA GA IN KS LA MD ME MO MN NC NV SC UT WA 15 agencies willing to share details of assessment of marketing efforts

15 Thank you to all who responded! Pat Casey (608) 345-8601 Linda Taylor 651-366-3765 Bill Stone 573-526-4328

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