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1 Travel Awareness Campaigns

2 Travel Awareness Campaigns DEFINITION OF TRAVEL AWARENESS Transport information and publicity campaigns can influence peoples' awareness, attitudes and travel behaviour - and encourage cycling, walking and the use of public transport. Three broad types of campaigns can be differentiated: Public awareness campaigns Campaigns to targeted groups and settings Individualised campaigns

3 Travel Awareness Campaigns THE 7 STAGES OF CHANGE The following slides show a model which draws on elements of the Stages of Change Model, developed as part of the INPHORMM project ( the so called 5 ‘A’s’) and parts of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. The 7 Stages of Change Model has been developed in the TAPESTRY project.

4 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 1 1. Awareness of problem Aware of the issue of traffic congestion?

5 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 1 1. Awareness of problem Aware of the issue of traffic congestion? Tapestry Step 2 2. Accepting responsibility Accept personal / corporate responsibility?

6 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 3 3. 3. Perception of options Perception of sustainable modes?

7 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 3 3. 3. Perception of options Perception of sustainable modes? Tapestry Step 4 4. Evaluation of options Is there actually a viable alternative?

8 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 5 5. Making a choice Really intend to modify behaviour?

9 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 5 5. Making a choice Really intend to modify behaviour? Tapestry Step 6 6. Experimental behaviour Trying out new travel choices?

10 Travel Awareness Campaigns Tapestry Step 7 7. Habitual behaviour Long-term adoption of sustainable modes?

11 Travel Awareness Campaigns MESSAGES Use arguments on which most people agree. Make the desired behaviour special in some way. Use positive messages and a non- authoritative tone. For site based campaigns, use messages relevant to the main concerns of that site (e.g. child health and safety for schools or employee health and better ”productivity” for companies). For individualised campaigns, stress how small changes can make a big overall impact.

12 Travel Awareness Campaigns INCENTIVES AND PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Incentives should be directly targeted at encouraging the desired behaviour. Consider combining incentives with disincentives. Ensure that any incentives you put in place are not counteracted by existing policies which favour car use (e.g. company car policies). Use promotional material that is mutually reinforcing e.g. posters with leaflets.

13 Travel Awareness Campaigns

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