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ACCREADITATION OF THE ROYAL PALAPES CEREMONY Prepared by: Siti Aisyah binti Ahmad 226492 Prepared for: Madam Suryati bt Abdul Syukor.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCREADITATION OF THE ROYAL PALAPES CEREMONY Prepared by: Siti Aisyah binti Ahmad 226492 Prepared for: Madam Suryati bt Abdul Syukor."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCREADITATION OF THE ROYAL PALAPES CEREMONY Prepared by: Siti Aisyah binti Ahmad 226492 Prepared for: Madam Suryati bt Abdul Syukor

2 Introduction PALAPES known as Reserve Officer Training Unit is a join programmed between Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Education formerly (the Ministry of Higher Education) for university students in the Institution of Higher Learning (IPTA). The Royal Commissioning Officer Cadet PALAPES is held at ground parade UPSI. There are 1583 officer cadets which had been commissioned. The aim of PALAPES is to produce military officers volunteered with quality and high confident level.

3 PALAPES cadets who have successfully completed their military training will be commissioned by His Majesty the King of the President as a second lieutenant in the Territorial Army.

4 Program ceremony Date: Saturday, August 23, 2014 Place: Parade Square, Sultan Azlan Shah Campus, Proton City, Tanjong Malim, Perak 1100 am: The Parents Took Place 1110 am: Officers of Taking Place : Arrival of dignitaries and Invitation 1130 am: Departure Arrival Majesty Paduka Seri Sultan and HRH The Prince Consort Silver : Songs My Country : Presentation of appointment letters PALAPES ARMY : Presentation of appointment letters PALAPES NAVY : Presentation of appointment letters PALAPES AIRFORCE : Reading Pledge of Allegiance : Submission Scroll to HRH the Sultan of Perak : Reading Prayer 1330 pm: Songs My Country 1335 pm: Departure Arrival Majesty Paduka Seri Sultan and HRH The Prince Consort Royal Perak to Common Room : Departure Invitation Royal / VIP : Accompanied by Chief of the Armed Forces Commander Leaving Service Council : Prize for Best Parade Detachment

5 Flow of the ceremony i.Officer Cadet took place at the parade ground of UPSI. ii.Announcement of the detachments by Emcee. 1 detachment with 1 trainer. iii.Arrival of the Honorary Colonel Prof. Zakaria bin Kasar, Vice Caunselor of UPSI and wife, Yang Berbahagia Datin Syawira Binti Adnan. (gun salute ) iv.Arrival of Yang Berbahagia Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Seri Panglima Ahmad Hasbullah bin Ahmad Nawawi, Deputy Commander of the Army as chairman of the advisory board of PALAPES and wife, Yang Berbahagia Datin Norakma bt Yaakob. (gun salute) v.Arrival of Honorable Jeneral Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Afendi bin Raja Mohamed Noor, Commander of ARMY and wif, Puan Sri Norkhalida bt Hj. Mubin. (Commander Salute) vi.Arrival of Yang Berbahagia P.Kamalanathan a/l P.Pancanathan,Deputy Minister of Education 2. vii.Arrival of Tunku Putri Intan Syafinaz, Kedah Regency Council members. (Royal honor) viii.Tunku troops paraded in a car accompanied by Vice Caunselor of UPSI around the detachment. ix.Marching past the reviewing stand by all detachment. x.Scroll to the delivery of the best cadet officer by Tunku Putri. xi.Speech from Tunku Putri. xii.Reading prayer. xiii.Marching off parade and the ceremony end.

6 PROTOCOL & ETIQUETTE Protocol- the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions. Etiquette- the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

7 i.Arrangement of stage The stage is full with VVIP and also VIP. The microphone is near to Tunku Putri as Tunku can give speech easily. In the back seat, there are royalty and followed by the other VVIP. ii.Dressing code All attendees should wear formal dress as well as Tunku Putri also wear military dress code no 1 which called One Dress. Parents and all guests should wear formal dress. iii.Flow of arrival The flow of arrival also should followed from the lower power to the higher which start from Vice Counselor to the arrival of Tunku Putri Intan Syafinaz. iv.Audience setting The audience should arrive before the arrival of VVIP and they should sit on the place provided near to the ground parade. v.Camera man The camera man also must wear formal dress code which completed with blazer or code. And they must followed the rule that they cannot enter to the stage or near to VVIP place. vi.Security The completed security with Tunku Putri Intan Syafinaz and also VVIP.


9 CONCLUSION This commissioned to the cadet officer will lead them to work hard in the future. This ceremony is full with protocol and etiquette as they are many big names that attend in this ceremony.

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