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Examining & Improving Student Performance on the Georgia High School Graduation Test : One Subgroup at a Time First District RESA Spring 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Examining & Improving Student Performance on the Georgia High School Graduation Test : One Subgroup at a Time First District RESA Spring 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examining & Improving Student Performance on the Georgia High School Graduation Test : One Subgroup at a Time First District RESA Spring 2010

2 2 Time Breaks Cell phones Signal for Quiet Questions/discussions:

3 Today’s Goals Examination of sample data Examination of your school level data Brainstorm next steps to improve student achievement on the graduation test

4 Change Over Time

5 Essential Question How can trend data from previous years help us to predict future data trends and plan accordingly?

6 Enduring Understandings Looking at trend data can help us make predictions Looking at data from many different perspectives can provide new insights Analyzing data should be a school wide initiative

7 Analyzing Sample Data

8 Wayne County GHST Math

9 Wayne County Data Graph






15 Questions/Ideas to Consider Where do you notice upward trends? Where do you notice downward trends? Did your school experience an administration change? Did your school experience a scheduling change? When did your school begin to identify “bubble” students? Was there a teacher out on extended leave?

16 When was GPS implemented as the curriculum? When were the “enhanced” scores for QCC courses implemented?

17 Motion Charts Looking at dynamic data

18 Examine Your School Data

19 Outcome of Initial Examination of School Data What data trends did you see? Where there any surprises or “aha” discovered in the data? What did you outline for your next steps? ◦sharing of information ◦possible correctives

20 Possible Interventions

21 Possible Next Steps: School Level Go back and complete the activity with your school to document findings with ◦School Improvement Team or Leadership Team ◦Math/ELA departments Revisit finding when the Spring 2010 data is obtained Focus on any changes or continued trends discovered during initial school meeting

22 Possible Next Steps: School Level Administer (develop or adopt) ELA and mathematics diagnostic assessments to current 10 th grade class Use results to identify target students and to design remediation/acceleration for 2010-2011

23 Enduring Understandings Looking at trend data can help us make predictions Looking at data from many different perspectives can provide new insights Analyzing data should be a school wide initiative

24 Final Thoughts Benefits of manipulating data to identify trends Stumbling blocks that might arise Role of school leaders Assistance from First District RESA/ETC

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