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Preparing for PARCC Results. Quick Look at Score Reports But full presentation – “A Look at PARCC Reports that Parents and Districts Will Receive” with.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for PARCC Results. Quick Look at Score Reports But full presentation – “A Look at PARCC Reports that Parents and Districts Will Receive” with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for PARCC Results

2 Quick Look at Score Reports But full presentation – “A Look at PARCC Reports that Parents and Districts Will Receive” with presentation notes, is at: n/assessment/symposium/ n/assessment/symposium/ Note: No real student data is presented. All assessments should inform student learning!

3 Towards a comprehensive assessment system – State Assessment How are our students progressing? How do our students compare? What trends can be discerned from the data? What are students strengths/weaknesses? Do the results align with our other assessments? What strengths/weaknesses exist in Curriculum/Instruction? How can this data inform PLCs? What additional prof resources are needed?

4 Individual Student Report: ELA/L 4

5 5

6 6

7 State by District Summary Report 7

8 District by School Summary Report 8

9 School by Grade Summary Report 9

10 Student Roster - Sub-Scores 10

11 Student Roster – Item Scores 11

12 Next Steps: Using the Data Reporting System PARCC Manuals and Guidance In-person meetings, summer/fall 2015 PARCC Self-paced, web-based trainings Collaboration with partners Districts can expect 2015 PARCC data in October/November due to the need to gather educators together to participate in standards setting in this summer. In the following years, assessment results will be returned near the end of the school year.

13 Next Steps: Informing Instruction PARCC Partnership Resource Center – Released test questions, tech-enabled – Student responses/exemplars – Build/Edit your own test questions – Digital library/courses, identified by standards Diagnostic/Non-Summative tests – Provided in 2015-2016 at no costs to districts

14 PARCC as a new baseline Template for local board of ed meeting with WebEx Archiving NJASK outcomes/removing the trend data from performance reports Resetting NCLB Progress Targets (a.k.a. AMOs) Redesigning performance reports to include PARCC data Template letter for student score reports/mock up Working with partners, such as NJSBA

15 Consider mismatches between outcomes…

16 And expectations.

17 Questions to Guide PARCC Data Reflection How will your school use PARCC data to identify strengths and gaps that exist in curriculum and instruction? How will your school use PARCC data to inform the conversations of your PLCs? How can your school invest in additional professional resources to meet the learning needs of all students?

18 How will your school use PARCC data to identify strengths and gaps that exist in curriculum and instruction? Does your school allocate common planning time for administrators to collaboratively reflect on professional practice as it relates to curriculum and instruction? Which members of your administrative team will be collaborate on the analysis of PARCC data? How can administrators disaggregate PARCC data to make decisions related to curricular content and instructional practices (ex., standards, subgroups, etc.)? How can administrators use PARCC data to evaluate the alignment of your school’s diagnostic and formative assessments?

19 How will your school use PARCC data to inform the conversations of your PLCs? How will your school structure which staff will participate in PLCs (ex., grade groups, subject matter, etc.)? Does your school have data protocol to guide the analysis of PARCC data? PARCC data will be accessed via an interactive web-based data management and reporting system. Does your school staff have the technological skills and capability to analyze your school’s data? What other complementary data sources does your school possess that can be triangulated with PARCC data?

20 How can your school invest in additional professional resources to meet the learning needs of all students? Has your school determined how PARCC data will be presented and /or disseminated to appropriate stakeholders (ex., staff, parents, etc.)? Can your school use PARCC administration and performance data to guide the allocation and alignment of resources (ex., facilities, technology, human resources, scheduling, professional development, etc.)?

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