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Daniel L. Irick Environmental Pedology Spring 2008

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1 Daniel L. Irick Environmental Pedology Spring 2008
Soil Description and Interpretation: Soils of the Former Cedar Brook Poled Hereford Farm Kitsap County, Washington Daniel L. Irick Environmental Pedology Spring 2008

2 Site Location Kitsap County, WA West of Seattle Northwest of Tacoma
April 25, 2017 D. Irick

3 Soil Survey 15 – Harstine gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes
Approximate Site Boundary (30 acres) 15 – Harstine gravelly sandy loam, to 15 percent slopes 18 – Indianola loamy sand, to 6 percent slopes 35 – Nielton gravelly loamy sand, to 15 percent slopes 37 – Norma fine sandy loam N April 25, 2017 D. Irick

4 Soil 1 – Test Pit Location
April 25, 2017 D. Irick

5 Soil 1 - Morphology Horizons
Oi – Approximately three centimeters (cm), duff layer (needles, twigs and moss) A – three to 10.2 cm, gravelly loamy sand, 10YR 3/3 (dark brown), weak, single grain, very friable, clear boundary Bw1 – 10.2 to 30 cm, gravelly loamy sand, 10YR 4/3 (brown), structure less, single grain, loose, clear boundary Bw2 – 30 to 52.5 cm, very gravelly sand, 7.5YR 3/4 (dark brown), structure less, single grain, loose, diffuse boundary Cd – 52.5 to 165 cm, very gravelly sand, 2.5Y 5/3 (light olive brown), structure less, single grain, loose, diffuse boundary April 25, 2017 D. Irick

6 Soil 1 – Properties and Interpretations
A ( cm) Bw1 ( cm) Bw2 ( cm) Cd ( cm) Infiltration Rate – High Hydraulic Conductivity – High Available Water – Very Low (<7.5 cm) Soil Wetness Class – >150 cm Soil Interpretations (Limitations): Dwellings with Basements – Slight Septic Tank Absorption Fields – Moderate Local Roads and Streets – Slight April 25, 2017 D. Irick

7 Soil 1 – Site Characteristics
Position of Site – Upland Parent Material – Glacial Outwash Soil Slope – Gently Sloping (2 – 6 %) Surface Runoff – Slow Erosion Potential – Low April 25, 2017 D. Irick

8 Soil 1 – Classification Order – Inceptisol Epipedon – Ochric
Subsurface Horizon – Duripan April 25, 2017 D. Irick

9 Soil 2 – Test Pit Location
Upland Wetland Approximate Wetland Boundary April 25, 2017 D. Irick

10 Soil 2 - Morphology Horizons
Ap – 0 to 25.4 cm, fine sandy loam, 7.5YR 2.5/2 (very dark brown), moderate, granular, friable, clear boundary Bw1 – 25.4 to 53.3 cm, loamy sand, 7.5YR 3/4 (dark brown), structureless, massive, very friable, diffuse boundary Bw2 – 53.3 to 66 cm, gravelly loamy sand, 7.5YR 4/3 (brown), structureless, single grain, loose, diffuse boundary C – 66 to 86.3 cm, gravelly sand, 10YR 4/2 (dark grayish brown), structureless, single grain, loose, diffuse boundary April 25, 2017 D. Irick

11 Soil 2 – Morphology (cont.)
Horizons Cg1 – 86.3 to cm, gravelly sand, 10YR 5/2 (grayish brown), with common faint redox concentrations 7.5YR 5/6 (strong brown), structureless, single grain, loose, diffuse boundary Cg2 – to cm, very gravelly sand, 10YR 4/2 (dark grayish brown), structureless, single grain, loose *Free Water Observed Entering the Test Pit at Approximately 160 cm April 25, 2017 D. Irick

12 Soil 2 – Properties and Interpretations
Ap ( cm) Bw1 ( cm) Bw2 ( cm) C ( cm) Cg1 ( cm) Cg2 ( cm) Infiltration Rate – Moderate Hydraulic Conductivity – High Available Water – Very Low (<7.5 cm) Soil Wetness Class – Class 2 (>100 cm and <150 cm) Soil Interpretations (Limitations): Dwellings with Basements – Slight Septic Tank Absorption Fields – Moderate Local Roads and Streets – Slight April 25, 2017 D. Irick

13 Soil 2 – Site Characteristics
Position of Site – Drainageway Parent Material – Glacial Alluvium Soil Slope – Gently Sloping (2 – 6 %) Surface Runoff – Very Slow Erosion Potential – Low April 25, 2017 D. Irick

14 Soil 2 – Classification Order – Inceptisol Epipedon – Mollic or Umbric
Subsurface Horizon – None April 25, 2017 D. Irick

15 Former Cedar Brook Farm
Land Use: Nielton Soils – Woodland, Urban Development, and Occasionally Pasture Norma Soils – Woodland, Pastures, and Wildlife Habitat Cedar Brook Poled Hereford Farm Former Hereford Cattle Farm Current Land Use - Residential April 25, 2017 D. Irick

16 Thanks! Questions-Comments-Discussion Special Thanks to the Callaghan Family!
April 25, 2017 D. Irick

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