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CONGRESS OF VIENNA TIMELINE May 30, 1814: Peace of Paris; King Louis XVIII issues Constitutional Charter with Bill of Rights. September 30, 1814: First.

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Presentation on theme: "CONGRESS OF VIENNA TIMELINE May 30, 1814: Peace of Paris; King Louis XVIII issues Constitutional Charter with Bill of Rights. September 30, 1814: First."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONGRESS OF VIENNA TIMELINE May 30, 1814: Peace of Paris; King Louis XVIII issues Constitutional Charter with Bill of Rights. September 30, 1814: First meeting of the Big Four in Vienna, plus Talleyrand. January-February 1815: Crisis over Poland; Austria, Britain, and France threaten war. March-June 1815: Napoleon returns from Elba for his Hundred Days (Battle of Waterloo on June 18). June 9, 1815: Final Act of the Congress of Vienna includes plan to create a German Confederation. November 20, 1815: Second Peace of Paris imposes indemnity of 700 million francs and an army of occupation (withdrawn in 1818).

2 Vernet, “The Clichy Gate: The Defense of Paris, 30 March 1814” (as 900,000 Allied troops converged on the city)

3 THESE “LIBERALS” AGREED THAT RUSSIA SHOULD HAVE POLAND, AND PRUSSIA, SAXONY Tsar Alexander I (1777-1825) Prince Karl August von Hardenberg, Chancellor of Prussia, 1810-22

4 Prince Clemens von Metternich (1774-1859) CHAMPIONS OF THE “BALANCE OF POWER” Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, Foreign Secretary 1812-1822

5 Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838):  1789-91, Bishop of Autun, leader of constitutional clergy;  1792-96, emigration;  1797-1807, foreign minister;  1814-15, saves France at Congress of Vienna;  1830-34, ambassador to Great Britain

6 L. P. Crepin, “Louis XVIII Elevates France from the Ruins,” 1814

7 “France, Amid Its Royal Law- Givers and Great Jurists, Receives the Constitutional Charter from Louis XVIII” (1827)

8 The Congress of Vienna, 1815: Wellington, Hardenberg (seated), Metternich (standing), Castlereagh, & Talleyrand

9 “The Return from the Island of Elba” (the soldiers of Louis XVIII acclaim Napoleon, March 1815)

10 “The Return of the Emperor” to Paris, March 20, 1815

11 “The Field of Waterloo the Morning after the Memorable Battle” of June 18, 1815

12 Europe following the Congress of Vienna in 1815

13 KEY DECISIONS BY THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA, 1814/15 FRANCE: Restore the Bourbon Dynasty, but with a “Charter of Liberty,” and borders of 1792 POLAND:Give Russia ¾ of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw ITALY: Build up the “Kingdom of Sardinia” to block French expansion PRUSSIA: Pressure it to accept the Rhineland to block French expansion GERMANY: Replace the old Holy Roman Empire with a loose “German Confederation” Ignore claims to “national self-determination” in favor of the principles of “dynastic legitimacy” and the “balance of power.” The “Concert of Europe” should intervene in any country that experienced revolution.

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