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Elementary Tier 2 Behavior Planning
Purpose/Agenda Review Yesterday’s information Discuss LPS Plan
Data Systems Work time for teams Share action plans
Tier 2 System Classroom Managed Plans Check In Check Out
Social Academic Instructional Groups Community Managed Plans
WHY? Why are we moving onto Tier 2? It’s connected to Tier 1
It’s based on Student need One size does not fit all “Classwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports” – Simonsen, Myers (2014)
School-wide Management
Academic Systems Tier 3 Behavior Systems Tier 2 Intensive, Individual, Intervention Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual, Intervention Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures SPED/504 Eval Long term maintenance of Teacher/Student relationship Outlasting the behavior WRAP Around/RENEW FBA Teaching SAT Brief FBA Community managed plans Individual Triage Practicing Skills Teaching Skills SAIG CICO Adult/Student Collaboration (classroom managed plans) Planning Counseling Mentoring Sensory Breaks Contribution Self-monitoring sheet Visual Aids Restrictions/Protections Evaluate Environment Parent input on plan Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid Response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid Response Interventions Classroom Triage Class Meetings Caring Confrontation Safe Seat/Buddy Room Second Step Prevention Pre-teach Clear Expectations Procedures Gateway Behaviors Goals for Life Praise (4:1) Proximity Class Meetings Second Step School-wide Management Common Area Expectations Teaching Expectations School-wide Level Triage Acknowledgement System Communication Staff, Students, Families, Community Data Collection BIST/PBIS Leadership Team Universal Interventions All Students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All Students Preventive, proactive *bold, larger font indicates commonalities
Things to consider Team: Subgroup or separate
Coordinator (Tier 2, CICO) % of students
Arnold Elementary School
Behavior Systems Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Intervention Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures SPED Evaluation WRAP Around Safety Plan Behavior Intervention Plan Functional Behavior Assessment Outlasting the behavior Levels of support build on one another. Tier 1 supports don’t stop when Tier 2 supports begin, and so on…. Tier 2 Targeted Interventions Some students (at-risk) Documented Rapid Response First Steps CICO Classroom Contribution Classroom Managed Plans Second Steps Missing Skills Groups Individual Triage Sensory Breaks Planned Breaks Modified Continuum Third Steps Protective Plan SAT School Wide-Contribution Individualized Goal Sheet Brief FBA Sensory Breaks/Planned Breaks Adjusted Daily Schedule Tier 1 Universal Interventions All Students Preventive, proactive Interventions Classroom Triage Class Meetings Caring Confrontation Safe Seat/Buddy Room Second Step Communication Staff, Students, Families, Community Data Collection BIST/PBIS Leadership Team School-wide Management Common Area Expectations Teaching Expectations School-wide Level Triage Acknowledgement System Prevention Pre-teach Clear Expectations Procedures Gateway Behaviors Goals for Life Praise (4:1) Proximity Class Meetings Second Step 9
Today...Team What have we decided about this? What other decisions do we need to make?
Examples Just examples, yours may look different!
Today we will be following:
Mike Mary 5th Grade Male Parents divorced last year Displaying signs of anger/aggression Starting to come late to school sometimes Grades: more 1s and 2s Classroom plans in place Enjoys sports and skateboarding 1st Grade Female History of academic struggle Lives with Grandmother School avoidant Struggles with anxiety Loves art
First Stop Tier 1
A Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems ODRs, credits Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Assessment Intervention Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g. Mentoring) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Wraparound / RENEW
General Education & Special Education
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Classroom Managed Plan * At least 2 Tier 2 Interventions before moving to FBA/BIP It is always our goal to move kids back down to Tier 1 with their level of supports Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning
MIKE Mike is in Mrs. Smith’s class.
Each class is taught a behavioral lesson plan every Monday from 9:00-9:15. The lessons are always prepared by the “lesson subcommittee” of the Universal Team and then placed in teachers’ mailboxes on Fridays to be delivered by the teachers the next Monday. Mike receives Falcon Feathers for engaging in the appropriate behavior throughout the week that the lesson plan highlights. He has received 15 so far this year. His name was pulled out once during a lunchtime monthly drawing where he received a School wide Recognition pass. He also participates in the monthly assemblies.
MARY Mary is in Mr. Jones class.
The 1st grade class has SecondStep lessons every week in their class. 1st grade does their lesson on Wednesdays from 9:00-9:20. Mary receives Cardinal Cards for meeting the Schoolwide Expectations of Be Safe, Respectful and Responsible. Her name was drawn at the all school assembly and she earned an extra recess for her class which was supervised by the principal and her teacher got 10 “free” minutes.
General Education & Special Education
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Community Managed Plan * At least 2 Tier 2 Interventions before moving to FBA/BIP It is always our goal to move kids back down to Tier 1 with their level of supports Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning
MIKE Today Mike has just received his second Office Discipline referral of the month. The last one was for disrespectful language to the music teacher This one was for walking out of the classroom when he did not want to follow his teachers directions. The Assistant Principal noticed that Mike received his second ODR this month and sent his name to the CICO coordinator (school psych) who started the process of entry into the intervention: Contacting/orienting family Contacting/orienting student Contacting/orienting necessary staff Checked with classroom teacher to determine what classroom plans have been in place
MARY Today Mary has been identified as spending 10 or more minutes outside of her classroom (at a time) for the 3rd time this month. The 1st was in the Nurse’s office The 2nd one was in the Nurse’s office The 3rd one was in the Library The CICO coordinator (counselor) noticed that Mary had been documented as being “somewhere other than class” for the third time this month. This prompted him to start the process of entry into the intervention: Contacting/orienting family Contacting/orienting youth Contacting/orienting necessary staff
Always exceptions to the “rule”
Examples of Data Used to Identify Students in Need of a Simple Secondary Intervention Student outcome data: Office Discipline Referrals BIST Movements Grades / Credits Suspensions Attendance Tardies Nurses office visits / Clinician office visits Time spent in areas other than classrooms Response to lower level interventions Requests for Assistance made by teachers, family members and/or students Always exceptions to the “rule” We are beginning with description/examples of ways we will identify students who are in need of Secondary Support/s 21
At Your Tables… Discuss your entry criteria into Tier 2
Begin thinking about your criteria points for entry into Tier 2 (CICO)? Action Plan #3 Page 5 What data sources (criteria) will you use to identify students in need of CICO? Are you considering students with externalizing and internalizing characteristics in your criteria? Who will look at the data for entry? Who is looking at this data? How often will this data be considered/reviewed? What have we decided about this? What other decisions do we need to make?
Action Plan - Entry Criteria
MIKE 3 Days later Mike enters into Check In Check Out.
He was randomly assigned to check in at location #2 (in the media center). Mrs. Smith the librarian stations this desk in the morning. The goal for Mike (as with the other students in CICO) is to achieve 80% of his points/80% of the time. Because Mike was identified through ODR data, the team will look to see that no more than 1 ODR is accrued during his time in CICO
MARY Mary enters into Check In Check Out the next day.
She will go to an orientation that takes place every Tuesday for students who are entering into CICO. It is held in the cafeteria and breakfast is offered. She will learn more about the intervention at that time. Mary will check in and out at location #3 located by the bus entry to the building. Jason the SEM stations this desk in the morning. The goal for Mary (as with the other students in CICO) is to achieve 80% of her points/80% of the time Because Mary was identified through “time out of class” data, she will also need to not accrue any further instances during her time on CICO to be considered “responding”
At Your Tables… Consider your CICO intervention
Once a student is identified, how will this student get entry/started in the intervention? How will the family be communicated with? How will you know the student is “responding” to the CICO? How long will a student remain in CICO before the student graduates or you layer up? What data will you use to determine if a student should be transitioned back down from CICO or if the student needs another intervention layered with CICO? What have we decided about this? What other decisions do we need to make?
A Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems ODRs, credits Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Assessment Intervention Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Community Managed Plan Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Wraparound / RENEW
General Education & Special Education
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Community Managed Plan * At least 2 Tier 2 Interventions before moving to FBA/BIP It is always our goal to move kids back down to Tier 1 with their level of supports Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning
MIKE After 2 weeks, Mike has not received higher than 30% of his points on his Daily Progress Report card. The CICO coordinator noticed this concerning data and sent a Reverse Request form out to Mike’s classroom teacher. On the form, the teacher checked off the box “SAIG group”- problem solving skills. The teacher returned the form to the CICO coordinator. The coordinator passed this form off to the SAIG Problem Solving Group facilitator (para). Mike will start in the group on Friday.
Example of SAIG within your building...
Skills Example of Groups These groups are already in existence. Based on your data what skills does Mike need to work on?
MIKE The Problem Solving Skills group meets 1 x per week during lunch.
The para from the self-contained classroom leads the group. The curriculum was put together by the school psychologist based on the Second Step Curriculum. The school psychologist lead the group once with the para as a co-facilitator, and now the para leads the group herself. The psych will continue to do fidelity checks.
MARY After 6 weeks, Mary has been hovering around the 65-70% range for points earned on the DPR card. The CICO coordinator has been monitoring this data and today, sent a Reverse Request form out to Mary’s teacher The teacher check off CICO with individual feature as the next intervention to try for Mary. He thinks Mary will have success meeting with (contribution) Mrs. Smith- the Art Teacher. The teacher returns the form to the CICO coordinator. Mary will start this next week. In the mean time the CICO coordinator talked with Mrs. Smith and will make sure she is on board before starting with Mary.
Reverse Request for Assistance Form (example)
At Your Tables… page 9-10 What other Tier 2 interventions (beyond CICO) are you considering to have in place? - ex. groups, individual features What data sources will you use How would you use a Reverse Request for Assistance form to get information from teachers? How will you train staff to effectively and efficiently use this form? How will you communicate with parents? What have we decided about this? What other decisions do we need to make?
Layering Up the Support Moving into Functional Based Assessment
Fourth Stop Layering Up the Support Moving into Functional Based Assessment
A Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems ODRs, credits Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Assessment Intervention Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g. Mentoring) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Wraparound / RENEW
General Education & Special Education
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Classroom Managed Plan * At least 2 Tier 2 Interventions before moving to FBA/BIP It is always our goal to move kids back down to Tier 1 with their level of supports Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning
MIKE Mike has been in the Problem Solving SAIG group for 6 weeks.
He is receiving approximately 55% of his points on his DPR card 80% of the time, and he has received 2 Office Discipline referrals since he started the group. The SAIG Coordinator has passed Mike’s name on to the Coordinator for FBA/BIP (special education coordinator). The Coordinator has added Mike’s name to the Problem Solving Team meeting list (where BIPs are developed). The standing problem solving team will create a BIP for Mike 2 meetings from now. In the meantime, the school psychologist will be doing the background work needed to fill out the FBA and come with suggestions to the BIP Problem Solving Team meeting.
Daily Progress Report (DPR) Sample
“Social & Academic Instructional Groups” (problem solving skills group) Daily Progress Report (DPR) Sample NAME:______________________ DATE:__________________ “Individualized Student Card for Mike” (FBA/BIP) EXPECTATIONS 1st block 2nd block 3rd block 4th block 5th block 6th block 7th block Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Total Points Teacher Initials Walk to class Keep hands to self Mike will keep hands to self Use appropriate language Raise hand to speak Possible behaviors taught in previous SAIG groups Mike will hold up a yellow card to indicate needing a break Replacement behavior Mike will bring materials to class Bring materials Fill out assignment notebook Reminder, this is not the intervention, but the way to track the intervention 39
MARY Mary has been in contribution for 6 weeks now.
She has been receiving 85% of her points 90% of the time and has been attending all of her classes. The Tier 2 Coordinator is going to talk with Mrs. Smith (art) about beginning the transition process. Mary and Mrs. Smith will continue meeting and will start to add more time in-between sessions with one another. Then Mary and Mrs. Smith will start to make the sessions shorter. As Mary starts to transition back to only CICO, Mrs. Smith (the Art Teacher) will transition into being her CICO facilitator, thus the intervention will become less intensive.
The Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool is completed monthly
The Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool is completed monthly. Your coach will work with you to complete
Looking at data to make decisions
Explain why there are five different groups options
This is for one month (every two weeks if applicable) of data. Will need to print another copy for every month (two weeks). 43
At Your Tables… How will you use the tracking form to monitor fidelity of the... intervention individual student progress example: Daily Progress Report What have we decided about this? What other decisions do we need to make?
Layering Up & Down Support
Fourth Stop Layering Up & Down Support Moving into Functional Based Assessment The Transition Process
A Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems ODRs, credits Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Assessment Intervention Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g. Mentoring) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Wraparound / RENEW
General Education & Special Education
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Mentoring * At least 2 Tier 2 Interventions before moving to FBA/BIP It is always our goal to move kids back down to Tier 1 with their level of supports Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning
MIKE Ms. Timmons, the school psych completed Mike’s Functional Based Assessment (FBA). She interviewed Mike’s classroom teacher She interviewed Mike’s Mother and Father She interviewed Mike Ms. Timmons comes to the Problem Solving Team meeting with the data to determine the function of the behavior and to write the BIP. It is hypothesized that when being given directions or re- directions Mike will shout out or make disrespectful remarks to the teacher (i.e. “this is stupid,” “I don’t need to be here anyway,” “I hate this class,” etc. to gain adult attention. Mike’s replacement behavior is that he is going to use a break card to indicate to the teacher that he needs a break. A plan is made to teach him how to use this replacement skill. He will receive extra falcon feathers when he uses the break card appropriately rather than making disrespectful comments.
MARY Mrs. Smith (Art teacher) has been meeting with Mary daily for CICO in the Art Room. Mrs. Smith and Mary spend the typical 1-2 minutes in the morning and the afternoon checking in. After about 5 weeks, Mary continues to be successful on CICO. She is receiving 85%-90% of her points 85% of the time, Mary has officially “graduated” from CICO. Mary will start to self-monitor on her own CICO card. Mrs. Smith and Mary will not formally meet any longer, but Mary can come and see here when desired, just like other youth in the building do.
A Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment School-Wide Prevention Systems ODRs, credits Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc. Tier 2/ Secondary Tier 3/ Tertiary Check-in/ Check-out (CICO) Assessment Intervention Social/Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and Academic Goals) Group Intervention with Individualized Feature (e.g. Mentoring) Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc. Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP SIMEO Tools: HSC-T, RD-T, EI-T Wraparound / RENEW
General Education & Special Education
Tier 1/Universal School-Wide Assessment / School-Wide Prevention Systems Check-In-Check-Out Check-In-Check-Out with Individualized Features Social/Academic Instructional Groups Mentoring * At least 2 Tier 2 Interventions before moving to FBA/BIP It is always our goal to move kids back down to Tier 1 with their level of supports Brief Function-Based Problem Solving Individualized Team Development: Complex Function-Based Problem Solving Person-Centered Planning
MIKE As part of Mike’s Behavior Intervention Plan, he will continue on CICO, but his check-in facilitator will now be the gym teacher, Mrs. Miller (a positive person for Mike). Mike will also go through a second round of the Problem Solving SAIG to support the teaching of desired behaviors. In the following weeks, the data shows that Mike is not responding to the Behavior Intervention Plan. Intervention data was gathered Student data was gathered on problem behavior and the use of the replacement behavior.
MIKE After 4-5 weeks on the developed Behavior Intervention Plan, Mike has received about 45% of his points 75% of the time and has received 2 Office Discipline Referrals. Mike’s attendance has started dropping. He has gone from 90% attendance rate to 75%. The Coordinator of FBA/BIP brought his name to the Tier 3 coach with the recommendation for Tier 3 level supports. The team discusses that Mike might be a good candidate for DDSEC. The principal contacts Mike’s mother and his father and Dr. Oruda at DDSEC.
In Sum… Mike Mary 5th grade student Access to Tier 1 Supports
CICO after 2 weeks (<30%) SAIG Group Added 2 Rounds of Problem Solving Skills Intervention FBA-BIP Consider placement at DDSEC 1st grade student Access to Tier 1 supports CICO-6 weeks (65-70%) Contribution Added-6 weeks (85%) Self Monitor Art teacher becomes CICO Informal Meeting with Art teacher
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