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The Story of Safety By: Mr. Vanek.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of Safety By: Mr. Vanek."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of Safety By: Mr. Vanek

2 Introduction This is the story of safety and why it is important. Many people feel it is just a joke. Here is an example of a real life situation and what can happen.

3 Meet Jim Jim is a student here in the Technology Education Classroom.

4 Learning Safety Like all students Jim learns about safety and passes the test.

5 Oh please… this is no big deal
Jim Does Not Care Like a lot of students Jim takes the safety rules as a joke. Oh please… this is no big deal

6 The First Project Jim uses the hot glue gun to put together his first project.

7 OuCh!! Accidentally Jim touches the tip of the glue gun and burns himself. Not a big injury but still an injury.

8 Jim Goes To The Nurse Like a good student he tells the teacher and goes to the nurse where they fix the burn.

9 The Rockets Jim still refuses to follow the rules of safety. While making rockets he jokes around with the shears, and doesn’t wear his safety glasses.

10 The Results He is lucky and does not get injured.

11 Jim Presses His Luck Now Jim has to use the band saw to cut his Mag-Lev vehicle.

12 Band Saw Safety Jim writes the notes and passes the quiz as most students do.

13 Jim Uses The Band Saw Jim runs over and has to be first on the band saw.

14 The First Problem Jim goes to turn the band saw on and hears “…JIM PUT ON YOUR SAFETY GLASSES OR YOU COULD LOOSE AN EYE…” Jim says oops, and does as he should.

15 Now He Is Ready To Go Jim gets all set up and turns the machine on.

16 Everything Looks Good Jim is doing great. Everything is coming out fine.

17 Jim Jokes With His Friend
Jim jokes with his friends saying they are too slow and should pick up the pace so they can cut their cars out.

18 A Big Oops While talking with his friends Jim slips and his finger goes into the blade.

19 Uh Oh Jim’s finger is cut off and rolls to the floor. Jim starts to scream.

20 What Happens Next The teacher calls 911 and gets the nurse. The finger is put on ice and Jim goes to the hospital.

21 Jim Gets Lucky Although he is embarrassed telling the doctors that his finger got cut off because he was joking around, the doctors are able to re-attach his finger.

22 Jim Returns To School With a big bandage and an embarrassed look on his face.

23 Jim Now Sits In Class Jim is required to sit and do book work now because he can not work on the machines.

24 Jim’s New Found Knowledge
Jim realizes that safety is important and writes a letter to the teacher apologizing for what he had done.

25 The Teacher Accepts The teacher accepts Jim’s apology and allows him to go back to work once his finger heals.

26 The Sad Truth The year ends before Jim’s finger heals. Jim is sad, and left with a nasty scar on his hand. Jim swears he will never joke when using machines again.

27 The End Hope you enjoyed the show!!!!

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