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Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 28/8/2015 Y.Foka and C.Kourkoumelis.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 28/8/2015 Y.Foka and C.Kourkoumelis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 28/8/2015 Y.Foka and C.Kourkoumelis

2 Chania is an old venetian port, the 2 nd largest city of Crete with ~100,000 inhabitants

3 Its dockyards

4 Fantastic setting!!!

5 The Chania sailing club A 16 th century Venetian dockyard 80m long and 8m wide Fully restorated 5 years ago

6 Second year that the event is organized in the context of the International Conference of New Frontiers on Physics (ICNFP) Taking place in the Orthodox Academy about 40km from Chania This year organization was co-sponsored by the Go-lab EU outreach project

7 Press coverage

8 Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 Full day event addressed to everybody (9-99 years old) Last year we profited from Marge’s organization : She brought small experimental set-ups which she donated!!

9 Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 Morning program: Hands-on, discussions

10 Participants: Hans Peter Beck Rene Brun Radek Pleskac (BIOMAT@FAIR –cancer therapy) Stellios Vourakis Nikolaos Tsirintanis Gaetano Barone Katerina Foka Sandoval Lydia Tzige Margaretic Janic the ICNFP organizers (Yiota and Sonja) Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015

11 Ask a physicist a question: H.P.Beck Experiments (Marge’s): Conservation of momentum Rolling with Rutherford Probe matter Quark workbench W signatures Masterclasses : ATLAS, ALICE Discussions : Rene Brun +Radek Pleskac Puzzles, books, card games* etc Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 Activities *thanks to H.P

12 Rolling with Rutherford

13 Space filled with people and activities set-up on several two meter long benches+ smaller tables)


15 Wide press,TV coverage for several days

16 Science Fair in Chania, Crete 28/8/2015 Evening Program: Lectures, Concert

17 Big success !! About 150 persons in the morning (mostly parents with their kids) An audience of about 100 for the black hole lecture Will repeat next year Big thanks to K.Sotiraki from the sailing club




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