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Students’ Presentation. U20L2 Listening 寿县安丰高中 高二英语教研组.

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Presentation on theme: "Students’ Presentation. U20L2 Listening 寿县安丰高中 高二英语教研组."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students’ Presentation

2 U20L2 Listening 寿县安丰高中 高二英语教研组

3 Today, we are going to use listening strategies to complete a text; practise using and asking for advice; give advice on exam preparation.

4 Task 1 Pre-listening Pair work Match the words with the definitions. atom billion cell nerve cell organ one thousand million a part of the body that has a particular purpose the smallest piece of something that can exist alone a tiny part of the body that helps carry messages to and from the brain a unit of living matter

5 Task 2 Pre-listening individual work Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1.He watched the boat until it is out of. 2.How many are there in the universe? 3.The medicine is made to kill cancer. 4.The eye is the of sight. 5.The population of China reaches up to 1.3. 6.The of the heart is to pump blood through the body. 7.The project since 2003. atom, billion, cell, organ, sight, function, postpone sight atoms cells organ billion function has been postponed

6 Listening Strategies Complete a text. Optional

7 Listening Strategies Complete a text. 1. Before listening, read and predict. The brain consists of grey and. 2. Underline some important words in the text before each gap, e.g. consists of, weighs, uses, contains. 3. Listen for these important words—the information you need follow them. 4. Use abbreviation and then write them in full. different functions—diff func s colour? Verbs?

8 Task 3 While-listening Listen to part Ⅰ of a science lesson and complete the gaps. P.36-2 individual work 1.white 2. just over a kilo 3. 20% 4. 100 billion cells 5. atoms in the universe 6. different functions

9 Task 3 While-listening Listen to part Ⅱ of a science lesson and complete the gaps. P.36-2 individual work 7.sight and hearing 8. all the time 9. fear 10. foreign

10 Task 3’ While-listening Listen and answer. P.36-3 Listen to the lesson again and answer these questions. 1. enthusiastic 2. a computer 3. the areas of the brain related to controlling sight and hearing Optional

11 Task 4’ While-listening Listen and complete the table. P.36-4 Listen to a student phone-in programme about revising for exams and complete the table. Optional CallerAdvice 1.Dan: 2.Charlotte: 3.Mike: -plan the revision, make a list of the things you’ve got to study and do the most important things first -get some exercise, don’t drink a lot of coffee -give yourself rewards and a break

12 Task 4 While-listening Listen to a student phone-in programme about revising for exams and match&fill. P.36-4 CallerAdvice 1.Dan: 2.Charlotte: 3.Mike: -make a of the things you’ve got to study -do the most important things first -get some exercise -give yourself and a break - don’t drink a lot of coffee - the revision list rewards plan

13 Task 5 While-listening Listen again and complete the function File. P.37-5 1. must 2.What tips 3. it’s important to 4.Should 5.Could 6.If I were you 7.ought to 8.shouldn’t 9. need to 10. advise 11. have got to 12. I find that 13. there’s no point

14 Read Aloud You must eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. What tips have you got for me and our listeners? I think it’s important to plan your revision. I think you should make a list of all the things you’ve got to study. Could you give us some advice? If I were you, I’d get some exercise.

15 Read Aloud You ought to get some fresh air. You shouldn’t drink lots of coffee. You need to give yourself rewards. I’d advise you to treat yourself. You have got to give yourself a break. I find that after a certain amount of time I can’t concentrate any more and there’s no point in that.

16 Task 6 Post-listening Group Work Discuss in your group and then write back to Tom. I am Tom. I find it hard to study for exams at home. I think I am going to fail but I don’t want to speak to my teacher. I don’t know what to do. Please help !

17 Task 5 Post-listening Group Work Discuss in your group and then write back to Tom. I have been invited on a camping holiday. I want to go. My friends are very sporty but I am not. I want to get fit. What should I do? Optional

18 Task 5 Post-listening Group Work Discuss in your group and then write back to Tom. My parents are going on holiday soon but I don’t want to go with them. My parents are worried about leaving me at home. If you were me, what would you do? Optional

19 Task 5 Post-listening Group Work Discuss in your group and then write back to Tom. A friend is always copying my homework and he seems to get better marks. But my teacher thinks I copy from him and not the other way round. I need your advice ! Optional

20 Homework: P.37-7 P.82-1

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