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Vocabulary Flashcards Chapter 11 - Understanding Your Cardiorespiratory System Go to first word…

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1 Vocabulary Flashcards Chapter 11 - Understanding Your Cardiorespiratory System Go to first word…

2 Hypertension Click to check your answer…

3 Next Vocabulary Term Hypertension… High blood pressure - when blood pressure is usually higher than normal - exceeding 140/90.

4 Coronary Arteries Click to check your answer…

5 Next Vocabulary Term the small blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. Coronary arteries…

6 Cholesterol Click to check your answer…

7 Next Vocabulary Term A waxy, fatty-like substance used by the body in a variety of chemical processes. Cholesterol…

8 Atherosclerosis Click to check your answer…

9 Next Vocabulary Term Atherosclerosis… A build-up of plaque and narrowing on the inside of arterial walls.

10 Systolic Click to check your answer…

11 Next Vocabulary Term Pressure on the arteries as blood leaves the heart. Systolic…

12 Triglycerides Click to check your answer…

13 Next Vocabulary Term Fatty particles that transport fat in the blood. Triglycerides…

14 Cardiorespiratory System Click to check your answer…

15 Next Vocabulary Term Supplies the entire body with oxygen - composed of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. Cardiorespiratory system…

16 Plaque Click to check your answer…

17 Next Vocabulary Term A build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries. Plaque…

18 Stroke Click to check your answer…

19 Next Vocabulary Term Occurs when the blood supply is cut off to a part of the brain. Stroke…

20 Aerobic Exercise Click to check your answer…

21 Go to first word… Continuous exercise using large muscle groups that keeps the heart rate in the target zone. Aerobic exercise…

22 Arteries Click to check your answer…

23 Go to first word… Blood vessels that move blood away from the heart. Arteries…

24 Diastolic Click to check your answer…

25 Go to first word… The relaxed phase of the heart’s contraction during which the heart chambers are filled with blood. Diastolic… Go to Chapter Menu

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