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0 Slide 0 National Spectrum Managers Association Industry Round Table – Fixed Wireless Service May 20, 2008 Mitchell Lazarus | 703-812-0440 |

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1 0 Slide 0 National Spectrum Managers Association Industry Round Table – Fixed Wireless Service May 20, 2008 Mitchell Lazarus | 703-812-0440 |

2 1 Slide 1 Fixed Wireless Communications Coalition  Membership:  microwave manufacturers (all sizes)  frequency coordinators; engineering and support  carriers; service providers; backhaul providers, etc.  user associations (railroads, utilities, pipelines, public safety, cable TV, etc.)  interested individuals  “Unincorporated association”  no separate legal existence apart from members.

3 2 Slide 2 FWCC Administration  No office, no paid staff, no executive committee  all decisions are open to all members  all members review and comment on all pleadings  Meetings: 8 times/year in Washington  many members participate by telephone  much business conducted by email  Forms of support:  voluntary financial contributions – no fixed dues  volunteered technical expertise, administration  Votes are rare – most decisions by consensus.

4 3 Slide 3 FWCC Goals  Purposes:  defend fixed service spectrum against reallocation to other services  defend fixed service users against interference from other services  assist FCC in keeping fixed service rules current with technology  defend fixed service interests in ITU deliberations  Forums: FCC, FAA, ITU, courts.

5 4 Slide 4 FWCC – Proceedings (1)  RM-11417 30 MHz Channels in the Upper 6 GHz Band  Adding Channel Pairs at 23 GHz  Support for Extension of LMDS Buildout Deadlines  IB 7-101 VMES in the Fixed Satellite Service  WT 07-54 Antenna Require- ments in the 11 GHz Band  RM 11341 Federal Earth Stations Communicating with Non-Federal Satellites  FAA 2006-25002 FAA Spectrum & Tower Issues  IB 06-123 Broadcasting-Satellite Service 18 & 24 GHz  ET 06-103 MSSI, Request for a Waiver of Part 15  DA 05-1524 Repeal of Sec. 101.139(f)  ET 05-183 Remington Arms Co., Request for Waiver  ET 04-373 SafeView, Inc. Request for Waiver  IB 04-286 WRC Agenda  WT 04-143 Rechannelization of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Band  Audit of Satellite Earth Stations  ET 03-237 Interference Temperature Metric  ET 03-254 Coordination in the 7, 10, 13 GHz Bands

6 5 Slide 5 FWCC – Proceedings (2)  IB 02-10 Earth Station Vessels  ET 02-135 Spectrum Policy Task Force  WT 02-146 71-76,81-86,92-95 GHz Bands  WT 00-19 Streamline Microwave Application Processing  IB 00-32 Redesignation of 4.9 GHz  IB 00-203 Partial-Band Licensing of Earth Stations  ET 00-258 Advanced Mobile and Fixed Terrestrial below 3 GHz  IB 99-81 2 GHz MSS Service  WT 99-217, CC 96-98 Antennas at Subscriber Locations  ET 99-261 Rules for 50.2-50.4 GHz & 51.4-71.0 GHz  WT 99-327 Fixed Service Rule Amendments at 24 GHz  RM 9830 Interference from FS into GSO FSS  IB 98-172 Redesignation of 18 GHZ Band  ET 98-206 NGSO FSS with GSO & FS in the Ku-Band  CC 97-95 Reallocation Between 37.5 and 50.2 GHz  RM 9650 NSGO FSS Gateways at C Band  ET 95-18 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service  ET 95-183 Rules for the 37.0- 38.6 and 38.6-40.0 GHz Bands

7 6 Slide 6 Current Fixed Service Developments

8 7 Slide 7 Two-Foot Antennas at 11 GHz  FiberTower requested rule change to allow two-foot antennas in the 11 GHz band  previous patterns required four-foot antennas  two-foot antenna is 1/4 the weight, 1/3 the cost  FWCC participated  FCC amended rule (took 3 ½ years):  Category A specifications unchanged  Category B relaxed to accommodate two-foot pattern  In case of interference, Category B user (any size) can either upgrade to Category A or reduce EIRP.

9 8 Slide 8 Adding Pairs at 23 GHz  NTIA approved two additional 23 GHz frequency pairs for conditional licensing (for total of six)  11/07/07: FWCC filed rulemaking petition to add the new pairs  asked the FCC to bypass putting petition on public notice, and proceed directly to an NPRM  simultaneously filed request for waiver pending rulemaking  Awaiting FCC action.

10 9 Slide 9 30 MHz Channels in Upper 6 GHz  Present rules:  5925-6425 MHz (“Lower 6”) allows 30 MHz channels 4,200 earth stations limit FS coordination  6525-5975 MHz (“Upper 6”) provides for only 10 MHz channels 30 MHz possible under waiver but waiver bars conditional licensing  2/04/08: FWCC filed rulemaking petition requesting 30 MHz channels in the 6525-5975 MHz band  American Petroleum Institute opposed; FWCC replied.

11 10 Slide 10 Other Matters  FCC granted LMDS operators extension of build-out deadline to June 1, 2012  signals possible flexibility as to other auctioned services  FCC granted Multispectral Solutions, Inc. waiver to increase peak power at 5925-7250 MHz  ultra-wideband-like operation under Sec. 15.250  FWCC and MSSI negotiated limitations on waiver; FCC adopted.

12 11 Slide 11 Thank you! Mitchell Lazarus | 703-812-0440 |

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