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Welcome to Heatherwood Middle School Home of the Hawks Please sign in and pick up the handouts.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Heatherwood Middle School Home of the Hawks Please sign in and pick up the handouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Heatherwood Middle School Home of the Hawks Please sign in and pick up the handouts.

2 Dianne Lundberg Professional Background University of Puget Sound BA in Communication Seattle University Master in Teaching, K-8 Endorsement in Sociology, 9-12; Endorsement in English, 6-8 National Board Certified, 3-8 th Grade in 2004 National Board Certified Renewed in 2013 Public School Experience 14 years teaching in the Highly Capable Program in Everett Public Schools, 3-5 th grade 9 years as a K-5 librarian 2nd year at Heatherwood Middle School

3 Classroom Objectives To maintain a safe and fair learning environment for all students To make learning relevant, rigorous, and engaging To prepare students for their future education

4 Classroom Expectations Students, teachers, and visitors are expected to follow Heatherwood’s Code of Conduct in order to maintain a safe and fair environment. Be respectful Act responsibly Be part of the solution Your support makes a difference!

5 Typical Consequences for Misbehavior 1 st incident: Verbal warning 2 nd incident: Time-out/teacher intervention 3 rd incident: Parent contact; redirection form 4 th incident: Lunchroom service or after school detention 5 th incident: Office referral

6 English Language Arts Our curriculum and instruction are aligned with the State Common Core State Standards (CCSS). /CommonCoreSD.mp4 /CommonCoreSD.mp4 ELA standards are organized into strands: – Reading – Writing – Speaking & Listening – Language

7 SpringBoard Pre-Advanced Placement Program module1/story_html5.html module1/story_html5.html Novels:The Outsiders and Tangerine Vocabulary development (SAT Prep & SB Vocab) Independent reading (SSR) SCOPE & close reading Information literacy – focus on nonfiction AVID reading strategies/aligned with English/LA English/Language Arts - Reading

8 English/Language Arts - Writing Narrative, Explanatory, Argumentative, and Creative Writing Writing Process Writing Notebooks – Regular schoolwork & homework to develop fluency and stamina Grammar

9 English/Language Arts Listening and Speaking Skills – Community Circle Accountable Talk Collaborative discussions Presentation of claims and findings Multimedia components

10 Language 10 Minute Grammar Literary elements SpringBoard integrated grammar & vocabulary Conventions of standard English Vocabulary

11 English/Language Arts Smarter-Balanced State Assessment (formally known as MSP) – This assessment will be taken online after spring break Chromebook preparation for success

12 RELEVANT HOMEWORK AbraVocabra: Every two weeks; Pictographs due Fri. of 1 st week; packet due Fri. of 2 nd week; summative test on Fri. of 2 nd week Grammar/Conventions: Mini Lessons taught in class with practice and sometimes homework Independent Reading 15 minutes at school and at least 20-30 minutes nightly; total of at least 100 minutes a week at home Writer’s Notebook: Regular writing assignments to be completed at school and home Please check your student’s planner. Work to be completed at home will have been introduced and discussed in class. I encourage students to contact another classmate if they have a question or need help. Be sure to heck my on-line calendar.

13 Standards-Based Grading Formative = 30% of grade Summative = 70% of grade Student Progress Check online grading (LMS system) Reports sent home mid-semester (Nov. 2015) 1 st Semester – Sept. 9, 2015 to Jan. 29, 2016 2 nd Semester – Feb. 1, 2016 to June 21, 2016

14 Typical Late Work Policy Formative Assignments Students should turn in work on the day it is due Formative work turned in late will earn a reduced score After 5 days, it is too late to earn credit (NF) Summative Assignments Homework turned in late will still be eligible for full credit; however… Late or incomplete assignment forms will be used that require a parent signature

15 Homework Support 7:55 AM – Students are allowed in the library to complete homework and check- out books After school homework support will start sometime in October Prearrange a time to meet with Mrs. Lundberg Online homework Help through Sno-Isle

16 Conferences  Fall conferences are October 26 – Oct. 30  Evening conferences will be on Wednesday, October 28  All parents/guardians are invited to conference with their child’s Period 1 teacher

17 Nuts and Bolt s Feel free to call me at (425) 385-6423 before 8:00 A.M. or after 3:00 P.M., or email me at Please check my website calendar for assignments and due dates Thank you for coming to curriculum night!

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