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D-Day June 6, 1944 Allied invasion of France ( Normandy Beaches ) Largest amphibious landing.

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2 D-Day June 6, 1944 Allied invasion of France ( Normandy Beaches ) Largest amphibious landing

3 Gen. Eisenhower Gives the Orders for D-Day [“Operation Overlord”]

4 Deception & Equipment!! Deceptions efforts – deception?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false deception?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false Preparations & Equipment – battle-gear?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

5 D-Day (June 6, 1944)

6 Normandy Landing (June 6, 1944 ) Higgins Landing Crafts German Prisoners




10 Obstacles on the Beaches

11 More obstacles

12 The American troops boarding the landing craft were up to eleven miles from shore and had to endure up to three hours of being tossed around in a very rough sea before even landing on the beach!! Many were obviously sea sick and possibly in no fit state to commence battle when they were eventually put down on the beach..

13 In the early hours of 6 June 1944, Allied forces began landing on the shores of Normandy, the first step in a long-planned invasion of German- occupied France, known as operation Overlord. Parachutists were dropped near Sainte Mère-Eglise and Pegasus Bridge, and sea-borne assaults were made along a string of code-named beaches. US troops landed on Utah and Omaha in the West, while British and Canadian troops, which included a contingent of Free French commandos, landed at Juno, Gold and Sword.

14 PARATROOPER EXPERIENCE The D-Day invasion began with a dangerous attack by American paratroopers. Dropped behind enemy lines to soften up the German troops and to secure needed targets, the paratroopers knew that if the accompanying assault by sea failed -- there would be no rescue. 101st and 82nd US Airborne Divisions were dropped on the Cherbourg Peninsula. From that point, the 101st division was to secure the western end behind UTAH and head off an eastern German advance. The 82nd, landing farther inland, was to seize the bridges and halt an advance from the west.



17 The 101st Division suffered great losses. Only one sixth of the men reached their destination points. The first regiment of the 82nd Division fared better, but the second suffered heavy supply losses -- much of the division was left without sufficient arms. However both Divisions managed to form smaller improvised squads, and managed to wage a fight.

18 Paratrooper Landings RED- CONCENTRATED BLUE- SPARSE

19 A Weight on Their Shoulders Paratroopers carried an average of 70 pounds of equipment. Officers averaged 90 pounds of gear. With the parachute, men weighed in at 90-120 pounds over their body weight. The paratroopers were jumping into unknown territory and needed to be prepared for any encounter or conditions. Here's what they took:

20 Standard Parachutist Pack: M-1 Garand Rifle with 8- round clip or submachine gun cartridge belt with canteen, hand grenades, parachute and pack, anti-flash headgear and gloves, pocket compass, machete,.45 caliber Colt pistol flares, message book. Officer Pack (British, but similar to American officer pack): Sten gun, spare magazines with 9mm ammunition, 2 lb. plastic high explosives (HE), 2-36 primed hand grenades, two full belts of Vickers,.303 ammunition, wire cutters, radio batteries, small-pack, basic equipment webbing, 48 hours worth of rations, water, cooking and washing kit.

21 Spread throughout pockets: loaded.45 automatic pistol, medical kit, 2 additional lb. HE, knife, escape/survival kit, toggle rope, additional personal items. Emergency Rations ( Goldstein, Dillon, & Wegner 48, 49) : 4 pieces of chewing gum, 2 bouillon cubes, 2 Nescafe instant coffees, 2 sugar cubes, and creamers, 4 Hershey bars, 1 pack of Charms candy, 1 package pipe tobacco, 1 bottle of water purification (Halazone) tablets to purify water. "To use: Put two tablets in canteen full of water (approx. 1 qt.) and shake briskly. Wait 30 minutes before drinking water. If water is dirty or discolored, use 4 tablets."




25 T The Liberation of Paris: August 25, 1944 De Gaulle in Triumph!

26 U. S. Troops in Paris, 1944

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