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Grant Management Seminar Session 4 1 Session 4 QUALIFICATION 10/12/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Management Seminar Session 4 1 Session 4 QUALIFICATION 10/12/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 1 Session 4 QUALIFICATION 10/12/2013

2 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Learning Objectives Understand Qualification Requirements Learn How to Manage Your Club’s Qualification Requirements 10/12/2013 2

3 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Qualification At least two Club members must attend a District Grants Management Seminar each year. One of them must be the President Elect. Qualification is valid for one year. 10/12/2013 3

4 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Qualification A “lead” or “sponsoring” Club must be qualified before it can receive TRF funds (DDF or World Funds) for District Grants, Global Grants and Packaged Grants. A non-qualified Club may only participate in a grant that is being sponsored by another club. 10/12/2013 4

5 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Qualification Any misuse or mismanagement of grant funds will result in either the suspension or revocation of the club qualification. 10/12/2013 5

6 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Qualification A Club must be in compliance with grant reporting as of the day of approval by the District…and it must comply with the MOU, District Addendum and all applicable TRF policies. A Club must cooperate with any financial, grant or operational audits. 10/12/2013 6

7 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Qualification Incorporated Clubs will need a Club resolution approved by its Board and signed by the Club President and Secretary, agreeing to both the TRF Club MOU and the District Addendum. Unincorporated Clubs—no Club resolution needed 10/12/2013 7

8 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Qualification Club President-Elect and President-Elect Nominee must sign: 1.TRF Club MOU 2. D-5240 Club MOU Addendum When signed, the Club keeps copies of both and sends copies to the District Document Retention site. 10/12/2013 8

9 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Officer Responsibilities Determine who in your Club will manage, implement and maintain Club Qualification (two “experienced” members recommended). Determine who in your Club will ensure grant funds are used appropriately, e.g. not for political or religious purposes. 10/12/2013 9

10 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Club Officer Responsibilities Determine who in your Club will ensure all TRF Grants adhere to good stewardship and proper grants management. Determine who in your Club will ensure individuals involved in a grant have no actual or perceived conflict of interest. 10/12/2013 10

11 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Financial Management The Club must have a written Financial Management Plan to provide consistent administration of grant funds. Determine w ho will be responsible for the Financial Management Plan. Use a standard set of accounts to include complete records of all receipts and disbursements of grant funds. 10/12/2013 11

12 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Financial Management Ensure that all grant activities, including the conversion of funds, comply with local law. Conversion of Funds: TRF uses OANDA.COM to convert foreign currency to dollars 10/12/2013 12

13 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Financial Management Local laws may be less stringent than TRF requirements—be sure to adhere to TRF requirements. Follow local laws if they are more stringent than TRF requirements. Familiarize yourself with your local laws and those in the project country. 10/12/2013 13

14 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Bank Account Requirements A Global Grant requires a separate bank account for TRF funds. District Grants—reimbursable after submission of “Final Report” -- no need for separate bank accounts. Use checks/bank cards to track funds distribution wherever possible. 10/12/2013 14

15 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Must have two Rotarian signatories for disbursements. Accounts must be low or no interest bearing ….and any interest earned must be documented and reported. Grant funds may not be placed in investment accounts, such as CD’s. Bank statements and receipts must be available to TRF and the District. 10/12/2013 15 Bank Account Requirements

16 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 10/12/2013 16 A Club must maintain a written plan for transferring custody of the bank accounts in the event of a change in signatories – this may be incorporated as part of the Financial Management Plan. Bank Account Requirements

17 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 A Club must adhere to all TRF reporting requirements….. -TRF and D-5240 require: Project narratives Rotarian involvement and oversight Community impact Financial statements 10/12/2013 17 Report on Use of Grant Funds

18 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Documents should be accessible to everyone in the Club and District. Documents must be retained for a minimum of five years, or longer if local laws require. 10/12/2013 18 Document Retention

19 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Document Retention Independent of your Club retention policies..…your Club must also be compliant with the document retention policies of the District. 10/12/2013 19

20 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 The qualification process requires the Club and District to track, investigate and resolve reports of misuse of grant funds by your partners before turning to TRF for intervention. Reports of misuse should be directed to the District Grants Subcommittee Chair and to the District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair. 10/12/2013 20 Reporting Misuse of Funds

21 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Have those with concerns of misuse submit reports in writing with their signatures to ensure credibility. No new grants will be approved for the Club, Individual or organization until the situation is resolved. 10/12/2013 21 Reporting Misuse of Funds

22 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 10/12/2013 22 MOU What requirements of the MOU has your club already met? What requirements of the MOU does your club still need to meet? Has a plan of succession been established with your Club line of Presidents and Club members to ensure retention and documentation related to qualification?

23 Grant Management Seminar Session 4 Learning Objectives Understand Qualification Requirements Learn How to Manage your Club’s Qualification Requirements 10/12/2013 23

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