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A Curriculum for the future The new Secondary Curriculum What’s next? Phase 3.

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Presentation on theme: "A Curriculum for the future The new Secondary Curriculum What’s next? Phase 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Curriculum for the future The new Secondary Curriculum What’s next? Phase 3

2 Possible areas of focus in phase 3 When, where, with whom and how? 11-19 coherence Curriculum and new qualifications – key stage 4 start Assessment – APP development Equalities – community cohesion, commitment, engagement (ks4), interests, needs, specialism and aspiration Impact evaluation

3 What do we want to achieve? We want our young people to: become increasingly successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens; who are… more engaged, motivated and committed to learning and their own achievement to the age of 19 and beyond; and so… have the skills they need for learning, life and the world of work, and the knowledge and understanding that bring about the highest possible achievement in the national curriculum and qualifications.

4 Where are we now? What differences have we made to date?

5 We have developed a modern, world-class curriculum that will inspire and challenge all learners and prepare them for the future

6 What is the impact to date? What is the evidence that the new secondary curriculum is: leading to changes in curriculum design and implementation? making a difference to learners and their learning?

7 We will have developed a modern, world-class curriculum that will inspire and challenge all learners and prepare them for the future by…(?)

8 Coherent 11-19 curriculum We need deep change in curriculum design and implementation

9 An 11-19 curriculum that incorporates qualifications

10 How could we organise the curriculum differently?

11 How do we incorporate new qualifications How do we ensure the following qualifications are part of a coherent 11-19 curriculum? New GCSE specifications live in September Second year of new GCE specifications Continued roll out of Diplomas Foundation learning tier Functional skills Apprenticeships

12 Focusing on Equalities Developing learners’ commitment Increasing engagement and raising the age of participation Responding better to individuals’ needs, interests, specialisms and aspirations

13 It is attitude rather than aptitude that causes most failure. Having a commitment to learning is one of the main reasons why people succeed. What do we know builds or blocks commitment to learning and success? Its absence is why many students don’t achieve what they are capable of and many adults look back on school as a time of underachievement. Developing commitment to learning

14 The challenges The young people we have spoken to say, ‘I would really like to learn… how to become the person I want to be’ to have good relationships, especially with my family and close friends’ stuff I need to get on in life’ how I can make a difference.’

15 The challenges However, too often our learners become the: disenchanted disengaged disappeared disappointed.

16 What do we want to achieve? 1. develop good personal qualities and attitudes 2. develop self-belief 3. feel valued 4. have aspirations We want our learners to:

17 What should the curriculum be built on? 5.Positive relationships with teachers 6.Support from parents and carers 7.Support from school 8.Support from peers 9.Inspiring learning experiences 10.Supportive assessment processes

18 Newer Challenges 14-19 engagement programme – how does it dovetail with learners’ commitment? Community cohesion – how do we link this to curriculum design? Needs, interests, specialisms and aspirations – how can we design and implement curriculum that is built around these?

19 Assessment

20 QCA’s Principles for assessment the learner is at the heart of assessment assessment needs to provide a view of the whole learner assessment is integral to teaching and learning assessment includes reliable judgements about how learners are doing, related, where appropriate, to national standards 20

21 Current priorities Increasing the focus on pupil progress rather than achievement linked to age-related expectations Raising the status of teacher assessment Expanding the assessment repertoire a wider range of assessment evidence learners’ involvement in their assessment Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) more accessible and relevant information for parents 21

22 Reconceptualising assessment 22

23 Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP) 23 Tools to support periodic assessment judgements

24 APP further support 24

25 Evaluating Impact

26 Disciplined curriculum innovation – tools that help tell your story or the impact you are making Disciplined innovation is a process of: defining outcomes to be achieved in terms of what you want to see and hear in learners, taking action to bring about the outcomes, keeping track of emerging impact and progress towards the outcomes, and making decisions to increase the rate of progress and extent of impact. The fundamental purpose of disciplined innovation is to make an impact on learners and their learning

27 Disciplined curriculum innovation – tools that help tell your story or the impact you are making

28 Disciplined Innovation Challenges Developing skills in school and college system Cross partnership responsibility Areas of focus Systematic collection and use Phase 4 and beyond

29 What is the impact to date? What is the evidence that the new secondary curriculum is: leading to changes in curriculum design and implementation? making a difference to learners and their learning?

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