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An EU COFUND program An EU COFUND program2014-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "An EU COFUND program An EU COFUND program2014-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 An EU COFUND program An EU COFUND program2014-2018

2  Promote international collaboration in both academic and industrial environments  Encourage postdoctoral fellows to work in a foreign country in order to maximize their career development  To promote and support European science and scientists

3 RequirementsResources Fellow to apply to host institution in a different country, either: Incoming to the EU Outgoing to other EU or Third Country Reintegration after being away for 2-3 years PhD or equivalent to 4 years’ full time research experience 40% of salary and bench fee plus annual travel stipend are provided by WHRI-Academy Remaining funding (60%) is granted by any other funding (local, national, Research Council funds, collaboration with industry, etc. excluding EU grants) the Host institution holds

4  Fellow freely chooses a research topic within the Life Science domain, upon agreement with the host supervisor  Fellow submits application, including personal statement and research proposal  Application is judged by three experts and awarded by the evaluation panel

5 Call opens Fellow registers on website and downloads “Expression of interest” (EoI) form Fellow contacts Host organisation (established or future) and sends EoI form Host approves idea (and if not a member already then enrols as Host in WHRI-Academy) Host commits to funding Fellow and Host prepares application Fellow submits application 3 months

6 Applicants Evaluation Panel Eligibility check by PO Evaluation Committee selects suitably qualified Evaluation Panels Evaluation Results and Report Evaluation Panel Consensus Meeting Ethics Advisory Panel

7  Currently 26 partner institutions are included for hosting, and additional Hosts can be added if required  Hosts will guarantee 60% of funding for the fellowship and provide appropriate regular reports  Mentoring and personal development opportunities must be provided  Attendance of courses for own and WHRI- Academy other fellows is provided  At least one publication from each fellowship is expected

8  France ◦ Fixed amount is received per year whatever is the actual salary: TotalEU provides Salary€67,338€26,935.2 Consumables€17,415*€6,966 Travel€1,741.5*€696.6 Total€86,494.5€34,597.8 * Must be fully provided to the fellow

9  Not more than 12 months in the last 36 months in Host country at the closing day of the grant call  Minimum 1 year, maximum 3 years, but not beyond grant (31 st Dec 2018)  Needs formal salary either in Host country or Home country  PhD or min 4y post university and showing research activity

10  Visiting fellow comes to your lab for 1-3y with salary paid in her/his foreign home institution – eligible  You send a fellow from your group abroad for 1- 3y – eligible (ie foreign host lab will receive the money)  You have foreign fellow already in your lab for >1y – not eligible  Foreign fellow arrives for 6 months visit – not eligible

11 Host Institutions – can be extended!

12 Four Open Calls: March 2014, September 2014, March 2015, September 2015* Timeline:  Preliminary application and discussion with Host ~ 3 months  Application to meet one of the four deadlines  Evaluation ~ 3 months**  Start of project 0-6 months after results announced  Project length must be a minimum of 12 months, maximum of 36 months  (must finish by end of EU Grant Dec 2018) *provisional dates **Projects involving Human embryonic stem cells must go through EU Ethics Committee assessment (~3 additional months)

13  Project coordinator ◦  Financial coordinator ◦  WHRI-ACADEMY overall organiser ◦  Website (under construction) ◦

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