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LSCI 605 Administration GRANT PROPOSAL. PROJECT IDEA  Book Buddies is a program targeting English Language Learners.  Funds will purchase items for.

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1 LSCI 605 Administration GRANT PROPOSAL

2 PROJECT IDEA  Book Buddies is a program targeting English Language Learners.  Funds will purchase items for Book Buddy kits.  These kits pair English titles with titles in other languages. Playaway Views are also part of some kits and contain either the actual title or subject of the kit.  Comprehension questions, an activity guide, and feedback questionnaire are included in every kit.  Kits are designed to increase vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency while strengthening the school to home connection with these families.

3 BUDGET Total funds requested is $1350. Any monetary support received will go towards the purchase of books and Playway Views. To begin the program, Barnsdale Road School is able to contribute $150 to begin the purchase of books in foreign languages. If additional funds are received, PTO or Principal discretionary funds will purchase plastic containers for storage and distribution.

4 STUDENT IMPACT  With the additional support from the Book Buddies program, students will increase their vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency which will increase their AIMS Web, and MAP scores.  The Book Buddies program is also designed to foster a stronger connection to ELL families by showing our interest in this subgroup.  We are hopeful that with the addition to this program, more ELL families will attend school sponsored events such as parent teacher conferences, family reading and math night, and curriculum night.  Overall, the Book Buddies program is designed to intentionally target ELL learners and their families to increase their confidence and participation in school related activities. It is also hopeful that less ELL families will decline services.

5 POTENTIAL PITFALLS  Communication of program to families (how to spread the word of program)  Replacement cost of missing/damaged materials (Playaway replacement cost ranges from $99 to $119)  Book selection (which titles are best for kits)  Circulation (who can check out these kits? Jealousy of other students)

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