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The Berlin Olympic Stadium, designed by Werner March, was built in 1934-36 for the XI Summer Olympics in 1936. It replaced the German Stadium, built.

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Presentation on theme: "The Berlin Olympic Stadium, designed by Werner March, was built in 1934-36 for the XI Summer Olympics in 1936. It replaced the German Stadium, built."— Presentation transcript:




4 The Berlin Olympic Stadium, designed by Werner March, was built in 1934-36 for the XI Summer Olympics in 1936. It replaced the German Stadium, built on the same site in 1913 by Otto March (Werner March's father). The stadium is the focal point of the "Reichssportfeld (Imperial Sports Field), which embraces a large number of other facilities. The whole complex displays the monumental character of art and architecture so typical of the Third Reich. The stadium can seat some 90,000 spectators, 30,000 of them under cover; the total length of the seating is about 41km/25mi. The stadium itself is only 16.5m/54ft high, but the field is 12m/40ft below ground level.

5 Berlin3,466,000Bochum400,000 Hamburg1,689,000Wuppertal388,000 Munich1,257,000Bielefeld324,000 Cologne961,000Mannheim318,000 Frankfurt am Main664,000Halle300,000 Essen627,000Bonn298,000 Dortmund601,000Gelsenkirchen295,000 Stuttgart599,000Chemnitz284,000 Düsseldorf578,000Karlsruhe279,000 Bremen554,000Magdeburg273,000 Duisburg539,000Wiesbaden268,000 Hanover524,000Münster267,000 Nuremberg500,000Moenchengladbach265,000 Leipzig497,000Augsburg265,000 Dresden482,000Braunschweig258,000

6 Hi and welcome to our slide. Here you will get to see a lot of images like the cities and much more. By Ben Hart and Jaeyeon Yun

7 Here are some images of Berlin


9 Argentina Austria Belgium Germany Italy ArgentinaAustriaBelgiumGermanyItaly Liechtenstein Luxembourg Namibia Romania SwitzerlandLiechtensteinLuxembourgNamibiaRomaniaSwitzerland There are many different German speaking countrys such as…

10 Berlin wall The border between East and West Berlin is opened and daily half a million people cross the border from one part of the city into the other. Many East Berliners go into the cinema or discos in the West, they even work in the West or they go shopping in the West. Tropical fruits are only available there. At the same time the leaders of the Communist parties of the Commecon meet in Moscow from August 3 until August 5, 1961 and they decide to close the open border between East and West Berlin.

11 GERMAN Traditions and customs

12 Traditional holidays! According to legend, on Christmas Eve in Germany rivers turn to wine, animals speak to each other, tree blossoms bear fruit, mountains open up to reveal precious gems, and church bells can be heard ringing from the bottom of the sea.





17 In Germany school, from the age of 6 through 14, is mandatory, and in public state-run school's, it's free. The school system in Germany is a little different than it's American counterpart. All children enter in the same program, but at the age of 10, they go to one of four types of schools. The track that they enter determines which type of school they can next enter, and finally, weather they will go to a university or enter a technical field or trade. The graph below shows the levels and routes of education a German student could go through. Click on one of the sections to find out more about it. In addition to the differences in how the schools are arranged, they also have a different way of marking the start and finish of a students school career.


19 German cafes, restaurants and Food

20 German Ice cream (Eisbude) Café ! Ice Cream (Eisbude) Café. Lots Of German people Go There On really Hot days....

21 Restaurant Families and friends get together for celebrations and special occasions to have a nice German dinner….

22 German Food (Essen) ? Lots of people around Germany, And heaps From All around The World eat food from different places and they eat (German food (Essen)!!!

23 Hallochen/ Hallo hello Guten Morgan Good morning GruB Gott Hello, good morning/after noon Guten Abend Good evening

24 Hallo - Hello Hallochen - Hello Guten Morgan - Good Morning Guten Tag - Hello, Gidday Tag - Hi GruB Gott - hello-good morning/afternoon Guten Abend - good evening

25 Mama - Mum Papa - Dad Herr - Mr Frau - Mrs Sentences: Guten Morgen Frau Lockhart Tag Jacqui Guten Tag Rebecca Guten Abend Mama Guten Tag Papa

26 Stammbaum Family Tree

27 Onkel Oma MutterTante Opa OnkelVater Opa SchwesterIchBruder Grandfather MotherUncle Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Father SisterIBrother

28 A common German Familie would have 2-3 kids with a Mutter and Vater. Some could have their Oma and Opa living with them.

29 Guten tag I'm sne snor snappy!!

30 Hallo im the der lehrer Guten tag im die lehreri n He is my der freund She is my die freundi n


32 How to say how are you in German Gut, danke. Fine thanks By Connor & Sarah in Room three Wie gehts? How are you

33 How are you? Wie gehts? Why? Warum Great, fantastic Wunderbar Terrific, very well Prima Indeed Fine, thanks Gut, danke Not to bad Geht so Not (so) well Nicht (so) gut Awful/bad Schlecht Too, also Auch

34 Dankes thanks 4 watching!!!

35 German numbers 11-20

36 11 elf 12 zwolf 13 dreizehn 14 vierzehn 15 finfzehn 16 sechzehn 17 siebzehn 18 achtzehn 19 neunzehn 20 zwanzig

37 Wie alt bist du? Ich bin elf Jahre alt How old are you? I am eleven years old. German language

38 Wie alt bist du Braydon? W i e a l t b i s t d u T o m ? How old are you Tom? How old are you Braydon?

39 Ich bin elf Jahre alt. Ich bin elf Jahre alt. I am eleven years old. I am eleven years old.

40 Deutschland Ich heisse Max e Declan we are in room 3 and we are going to take you through what we have learnt in German so far!

41 GUTEN TAG! Good day! TAG! HI! HALLOCHEN! Hello! GRUSS GOTT! Good morning!/good afternoon! HALLO! Hello!

42 Numbers! 1 Eins elf 11 2 Zwei zwolf 12 3 Drei dreizehn 13 4 Vier vierzehn 14 5 Funf funfzehn 15 6 Sechs sechzehn 16 7 Sieben siebzehn 17 8 Acht achtzehn 18 9 Neun neunzehn 19 10 Zehn zwanzig 20



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