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T-76.115 Project Review RoadRunners [IM3] Iteration 18.03.2004.

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Presentation on theme: "T-76.115 Project Review RoadRunners [IM3] Iteration 18.03.2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-76.115 Project Review RoadRunners [IM3] Iteration 18.03.2004

2 2 T-76.115 Project Review Agenda  Project status (15 min)  Planned goals  Planned deliveries  Project metrics  Risks  Used work practices (5 min)  Completed work (15 min)  Demo  Peer testing  Plans for the next iteration (5 min)

3 3 T-76.115 Project Review Status of project  Group members, who are mainly responsible for implementation have reached their hour quota. Because of that, all features cannot be implemented in this project:  FR-O-001: Change layer order

4 4 T-76.115 Project Review Status of planned goals of the iteration  Goals 1: All major bugs are fixed  N/A  Goals 2: User manual is ready  Ok  Goals 3: System delivered to peer group for testing  Ok  Goals 4: System delivered to customer for testing  Ok

5 5 T-76.115 Project Review Status of planned deliverables of the iteration  Deliverables:  Updated project plan  Ok  Updated requirements document  Ok  Updated technical specification  Ok  Updated User interface specification  Ok  Updated test plan  Ok  Updated test cases  Ok  Updated user's manual  Ok  Test log  Ok  Test reports for I2 & I3  All ok  Peer test plans  Ok  Peer test reports  Ok  Progress report  Ok

6 6 T-76.115 Project Review Realization of the tasks  Update User interface spec: -18,5  Only minor changes has been made, rest will be done in next phase.  Some hours might be reported wrong, see below.  Use Case User Interface: +13,5  Some of the hours should have been marked to the User interface specification.  Bug fixing: +43,0  Some integration problem, which causes new bugs.  Personal SE practice –17,0  This will be done in next phase  Prepare unit testing: -4,0  No new unit testing done in this phase

7 7 T-76.115 Project Review Working hours by person  Too much hours for some group members  Bug fixing took more time than expected. (integration problem) Realized hours in this iteration Plan in the beginning of this iteration Latest plan

8 8 T-76.115 Project Review Quality metrics

9 9 T-76.115 Project Review Quality assessment Legend Coverage: 0 = nothing 1 = we looked at it 2 = we checked all functions 3 = it’s tested Quality:  = quality is good  = not sure  = quality is bad Functional area Coverage QualityComments Installation and running the program3 Basic functionality of RMT Working with layer Working with activity Working with event Timescale Working with note Working with dependency Exportation of roadmap 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

10 10 T-76.115 Project Review Software size in Lines of Code (LOC)

11 11 T-76.115 Project Review Changes to the project  No changes in project

12 12 T-76.115 Project Review Risks  The current situation regarding the risks:  Following risks has been realized:  Hour quota has been reached: all features cannot be implemented  Some members have still lack of hours: workload grows  Customer uses different environment: implementation has been done in windows – environment.  Identified risks:  Hour quota has been reached  Some members have still lack of hours  New bugs in peer testing.  Customer has not computer to test application.  Customer uses different environment.  Course www -page holds too much information.  Trapoli www -page often down.  Bugzilla www -page often down.  Course www -page often down.

13 13 T-76.115 Project Review Work practices  In this phase following practices are used:  Time reporting  Version control  Personal SE assignments  Test driven development  Communication practices  Meeting practices  Design patterns  Documentation practices  Configuration management  Architectural design  Iteration planning  Documenting and document delivery  Project review  Use cases  Risk management  Coding convention  Bugzilla

14 14 T-76.115 Project Review Status of PSEAs  Test driven development  Metrics of unit test used in project has been gathered  Communication practices  All communication practices have been observed and actively used.  Meeting practices  Meeting minutes has been written in every meeting.  Agenda has been done beforehand and it has been also followed.  Design patterns  Metrics of design pattern's usage in this project has been gathered  Documentation practices  Configuration management  Directory structure updates  Ant-tool removed, experiences and metrics updated  Delivery chapter updated  Architectural design  Document has been updated with Ratioanal Rose's reverse engineer

15 15 T-76.115 Project Review Results of the iteration  Updated project plan  Next phase tasks and risks  Updated requirements document  Use cases updated  Updated architecture design  Class diagrams has been updated  Class diagram of Storage has been added.  Updated test cases  Test cases are updated and added.  Updated user interface specifications  Dialogs are updated.  Updated test plan  Descriptions of features are updated.  Test log  Testing has been started  User's manual  Draft

16 16 T-76.115 Project Review Test reports

17 17 T-76.115 Project Review PEER TESTING Peer tool: IPSS modelling tool Peer group: XtremeIT RoadRunners: -Katajala Jussi -Noponen Petri

18 18 T-76.115 Project Review

19 19 T-76.115 Project Review PEER TESTING Capabilities under test: Drawing (PN1,PN2 2:30) -Resize not succesfull : Initial and final state -Copying of connector not possible -Loading and saving diagram not provided Printing and editing (PN1 2:45) -Printing diagram twice: portrait and landscape -Only the size of original screen printed Core functionality (JK1 1:15) -Opera: DIAGRAM not printed -Insert text into CONDITION-object not possible -Drawing CONNECTION from object to object over screen not possible

20 20 T-76.115 Project Review PEER TESTING Test environment: Java 1.4.2 Test platforms: JK1: Win98, desktop Intel Pentium 4 (2,38 Ghz) -Explorer 5 -Opera 7.23 PN1: Win98, HP laptop Intel Pentium (133 MHz) + HP 565C inkjet printer -Explorer 6 -Netscape 7.02 -NOT: Mozilla 1.6 conflict with Java 1.4.2 PN2: Win XP Pro, desktop AMD Athlon 2700 (2 Ghz) -Explorer 6 -Mozilla 1.6

21 21 T-76.115 Project Review Demo  Jussi will now present Roadmap tool

22 22 T-76.115 Project Review Plan for the next iteration 1(2)  Goals  All major and critical bugs are fixed  System delivered to customer  Deliverables  Final report  Updated project plan  Updated requirements document  Updated technical specification  Updated User interface specification  Updated test plan  Updated test cases  Updated user's manual  Test log  Peer test plans  Peer test reports  Progress report

23 23 T-76.115 Project Review Plan for the next iteration 2(2)

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