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 Idea is that:  Instead of writing and erasing on blackboards, or using a stylus on interactive whiteboards, teachers and students will use their fingers.

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Presentation on theme: " Idea is that:  Instead of writing and erasing on blackboards, or using a stylus on interactive whiteboards, teachers and students will use their fingers."— Presentation transcript:


2  Idea is that:  Instead of writing and erasing on blackboards, or using a stylus on interactive whiteboards, teachers and students will use their fingers and hands to manipulate information and create presentations. (Starkman, 2007, ¶ 5)  Notes that in the future we will have the capability to use our entire classroom as an interactive space to engage learners.

3  Example given of iMatte’s new projection product the iSkia, which acts much like news weather forecasts in allowing user to be interacting with projected images, while the images are not being projected onto the user; meanwhile, the instructor is able to maintain contact with students, rather than also staring at the screen with the students.

4  New technology such as the iSkia will be made for user-friendliness, gives example of “[Larry Uichanco, iMatte’s Vice-President] adds that any teacher who makes use of, say, PowerPoint presentations will be able to use this device.” (Starkman, 2007, ¶ 12)

5  Screens themselves have already evolved so that users may interact through touch, enlarging images, shrinking images, drawing/writing on screens, et cetera. Eventually technology will evolve so that images will no longer be flat, but rather three- dimensional.  Starkman (2007) notes: "The ultimate goal," says Thornburg, "is that the computer gets out of the user's way.” Hence not only freeing up space, but incorporating technology that will also allow the students to interact with it, and thus hopefully gain a better understanding.

6  Notes that as technology becomes more and more advanced, better equipment and materials will become more affordable, in turn making them, example given was flat-screen televisions, more commonplace in the classroom.  New technology will also make classrooms more efficient in the integration of multiple aspects of a single concept through the use of tools such as the Jumping Mouse, which seamlessly lines up different information from different resources without overlapping.

7  Starkman, Neal (2007). Displays: Entering a New Dimension. THE journal [Electronic source]. Retrieved from Displays :: Entering a New Dimension -- THE Journal on February 2, 2010.Displays :: Entering a New Dimension -- THE Journal on February 2, 2010.

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