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Progress Report Yoonsang Lee, Movement Research Lab., Seoul National University.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report Yoonsang Lee, Movement Research Lab., Seoul National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report Yoonsang Lee, Movement Research Lab., Seoul National University

2 Previous Result

3 New Result


5 Joint Constraint Ligament –“passive muscle” –Meaningful with contact based joint modeling CoordinateLimitForce –Penalty method –Parameter : stiffness, damping, transition Parameters for each person?

6 Joint Range Joint range for each person?

7 gait2356 model Based on gait2354 model 23 dof, 56 muscles Add eversion muscle : Peroneus longus Add contact geometry, joint limit force Enough muscles?

8 Upper Body We don’t have motion data of upper body now. Just lower body model? Additional markers for upper body?

9 bvh → mot

10 Computation Time Integrator time step size : 0.001s

11 Walking Controller Yoonsang Lee, Sungeun Kim, Jehee Lee, Data- Driven Biped Control, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010), Vol. 29, No. 4, Article 129, July 2010

12 Result (0.5x)


14 Dicussion Model customizing –Bone : shape, COM, mass, inertia –Joint : position, axis, range, constraint force parameter –Muscle : origin & insertion point, parameters

15 Next.. Improve tracking algorithm –dynamic states → joint torques → muscle forces → muscle activations –(current : muscle states → muscle forces → muscle activations) Normal gait tracking of normal model Build basic pathologic model Normal gait tracking of pathologic model Pathologic gait tracking of pathologic model

16 Thank you

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