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Senior Orientation.  Now is the time to start making your post-high school plans. If you are thinking about continuing your education, you’ll want to.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Orientation.  Now is the time to start making your post-high school plans. If you are thinking about continuing your education, you’ll want to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Orientation

2  Now is the time to start making your post-high school plans. If you are thinking about continuing your education, you’ll want to contact the colleges/trade schools of your choice for their applications, catalogues, and financial information. If College Board exams (SATs and ACTs) are needed by the colleges/trade schools that you are considering, you’ll need to make arrangements to take them. If you haven’t made these Board arrangements, sign up now. The information that you’ll need regarding the test dates is in the Guidance Office. If you have not done any of the above, you should start immediately. Send for catalogues. Take the exams. Apply as soon as you can.

3  Following are procedures used in applying to a college/trade school:  -Obtain the appropriate application form(s). Sources are:  College/Trade school website  Guidance Office  Annual College Fair  College Board  -Fill out the student portion accurately and completely  -Send the proper fees by credit card, check, or money order  *some schools will waive the application fee is you visit  the campus, apply online, or qualify as economically  disadvantaged  -Bring all application materials, along with an addressed and  stamped envelope to your Guidance Counselor. Most colleges/trade schools encourage online applications, and may respond sooner  with an Admissions decision  -You have the responsibility of obtaining any references that are required.  Give the individual you are selecting enough advance notice to develop a  positive, written statement for you.

4  The student has the responsibility of watching for deadlines and other important information in regard to particular trade schools and colleges. Observe the required deadlines, so that you will not be disappointed. Schools do not make exceptions as far as a deadline is concerned. Read the college/trade school catalogues. Make sure that you meet all of the admission requirements, including SAT/ACT scores and proper courses for specific majors/programs.  Remember to apply as early as possible. The earlier the better. Colleges/Trade schools may accept only a designated number of students into their Freshman class. Once that number is reached, the class is filled. Dormitory spaces may be another factor, and can be filled on a first come-first serve basis.

5  The financial arrangements to pay for your postsecondary education will be up to you, your family, and the Financial Aid office of the college/trade school that you will be attending. Aid is generally available to qualified students. You have the responsibility of looking for it. Scholarship opportunities are offered directly through colleges/trade schools, as well as other organizations. These may be available on a scholastic or need basis. Don’t hesitate on applying for a scholarship because you feel that your grades are not high enough. Parents and students are urged to attend the Guidance Department’s annual Financial Aid Night in January. There will be announcements on the PA, in the Standard-Speaker school column, on the Guidance website, as well as Channel 99, regarding the date.

6  PHEAA and Pell grants (federal and state funds) can be applied for after January 1. The FAFSA/Free Application for Federal Student Aid is the application used to apply for these grants. The application process is online. Guaranteed student loans can be applied for after you’ve been notified of any awards by the state. Scholarships or other forms of aid may be available from a parent/guardian employer, labor unions, civic groups, churches, and a variety of other organizations. Start looking and talking to people who may be affiliated with these organizations and who can be of assistance to you. It cannot be stressed enough that you are responsible for your application, obtaining financial aid, and seeking out scholarships for which you may qualify. Keep in close contact with the Guidance Office for available information. Males who are 18 must register for Selective Service to receive financial aid. Registration can be done via the FAFSA, or directly on the Selective Service website—

7  For students considering the military after graduation, you may contact Recruiters at the following phone numbers:  Air Force (570) 454-9944  Army(570) 455-4201  Marines(570) 455-6461  Navy(570) 822-0975  Coast Guard (800) 424-8883  National Guard (570) 454-3989  You can make an appointment to speak with any Recruiter during school. It is advised to speak additionally with the Recruiter in your home, with the presence of a parent/guardian, before making a final decision.

8  NCAA Eligibility Center – Athletes who wish to participate in sports at the college level must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse in the beginning of their Senior year. Information is available in the Guidance Office.  If you are planning on entering the labor market immediately after high school, we want you to be well prepared. Job shadows and Apprenticeship programs might be available to you. Your Guidance Counselor can help you explore your options and provide interview preparation tips, sample resumes, as well as updated labor market information.

9  Reciprocal agreements are in place with various colleges and technical institutes. These reciprocating agreements are designed to allow students to directly enter a field at a college or technical school similar to their secondary vocational program. These agreements can afford advance credits or other opportunities.

10  Remember to keep a file of what you do. Make copies of any items that you are mailing. Keep your test results. This will build a record of what you did and when you did it if you need to locate any information. Finally, if you experience any difficulties with your college/trade school applications or Financial Aid applications, be sure to let us know. There are resources we can contact for answers. If you have any problems or concerns that may involve Guidance, be sure to come in. The door is always open. Best of luck in your Senior year!  Mr. Capece and Mrs. Shalanski

11  Important dates to remember:  October 13 – College Fair  October 23 – “Jobs for You” Fair  November 18 – College Readiness Workshop  January 1 – FAFSA site is open for application  January 21 – Financial Aid Night  January 23 – FAFSA Workshop

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