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Developing an oral communication strategy inventory Yasuo Nakatani The Modern Language Journal 90,ii, 2006.

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1 Developing an oral communication strategy inventory Yasuo Nakatani The Modern Language Journal 90,ii, 2006

2 Questions to be discussed  What variable is measured in this questionnaire?  Definition (conceptual vs. operational)  How is the questionnaire developed?  How many stages did the researcher go through for constructing the questionnaire?

3 Question One  Variable  Oral communication strategy  achievement strategies or compensatory strategies  reduction strategies or avoidance strategies Oral communication strategies specifically focus on strategic behaviors that learners use when facing communication problems during interactional tasks

4 Three stages  Stage One  Use an open-ended questionnaire to elicit a variety of strategy items  Stage Two  Pilot study (400 subjects)  Stage Three  Validation (400 subjects)

5 Stage One  Selecting questionnaire items  use an open-ended questionnaire  complete the statements such as “ When I am speaking English, I pay attention to….,” “ When I am listening to other people speaking English, I try to…”  80 students in the first semester EFL lessons

6 Stage Two  Constructing a pilot test questionnaire  40 items for strategies for coping with speaking problems  30 items for strategies for coping with listening problems  Use the five-point likert-scale  400 university students  8 items from speaking and 4 items from listening were deleted due to their low item-total correlation

7 Stage Three  The final factor analysis  400 university students responded to the questionnaire (45% men and 55% women)  Made a factor analysis

8 Oral communication problems  What communication problems might people encounter in interaction?

9 As a speaker  Your partner cannot understand you.  You are not familiar with the topic.  You do not have proper language to express what you want to say  I feel nervous while speaking.  You find the question difficult to answer.  You often produce grammatical errors in your speaking

10 As a listener  You cannot understand your partner.  Your partner uses difficult language  You are not familiar with the topic.  I feel nervous while listening.

11 You cannot understand your partner. 22. I ask for repetition… 21. I make a clarification request… 20. I ask the speaker to use easy words… 19. I asks the speaker to slow down… 23. I make clear to the speaker what I haven’t been able to understand.

12 You cannot understand your partner.  I try to translate into L1 little by little.  I pretend to understand it.  I only pay attention to what I have understood.

13 An open-ended questionnaire  When I am speaking English, I try to…  When I am listening to other people speaking English, I try to…  What helps me most when I communicate with others is…

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