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 Learning Goal: Explain how the sun supplies living things with the energy they need. Explain photosynthesis.  Warm up: Why do plants need light?  Homework:

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Presentation on theme: " Learning Goal: Explain how the sun supplies living things with the energy they need. Explain photosynthesis.  Warm up: Why do plants need light?  Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1  Learning Goal: Explain how the sun supplies living things with the energy they need. Explain photosynthesis.  Warm up: Why do plants need light?  Homework: Packet pages 21, 22, 23

2  Photosynthesis

3  Photosynthesis  Photosynthesis: the process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight and uses it to make food o Photo– means “light”, synthesis– means “putting together”  Nearly all living things obtain energy either directly or indirectly from the energy of sunlight captured during photosynthesis

4  Autotroph o an organism that makes their own food o What are some examples?  Heterotroph o an organism that cannot make their own food o What are some examples?  Fungi–  Fungi– absorb their food from other organisms

5 1. Capturing the sun’s energy 2. Producing sugars  Both stages must occur in the correct order

6 leaves  Energy capturing process occurs mostly in leaves pigments  The green color comes from pigments– colored chemical compounds that absorb light MAIN CHLOROPHYLL  The MAIN photosynthetic pigment in chloroplasts is called CHLOROPHYLL  Chlorophyll captures light energy and second uses it to power the second stage of photosynthesis…

7 sugars  Cell uses captured energy to produce sugars two  The cell needs two raw materials 1. water 1. water – enters plant through roots and move upward to the leaf 2. carbon dioxide 2. carbon dioxide– enters through openings called stomata  Once in the leaves the water and carbon dioxide move into the chloroplasts….

8  Inside the chloroplasts undergo a series of chemical reactions  Chemicals are the products of the reactions (2) o Six-carbon sugar o Six-carbon sugar (use this energy to carry out cell functions) o Oxygen o Oxygen (exits leaf through stomata)  Fun Fact:  Fun Fact: Almost all oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere was produced by living things through the process of photosynthesis

9 YIELDS  The arrow stands for YIELDS Raw Materials Products

10  Plants use it for food  Some sugar is made into other compounds, such as cellulose  Some sugar is stored in the plant’s cells for later use

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