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Mercantil Laboratorio SAC Calle Santorin N° 243 Urb. El Vivero Monterrico Surco - Lima 33 Telef. 4342727 Fax 4360138

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Presentation on theme: "Mercantil Laboratorio SAC Calle Santorin N° 243 Urb. El Vivero Monterrico Surco - Lima 33 Telef. 4342727 Fax 4360138"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mercantil Laboratorio SAC Calle Santorin N° 243 Urb. El Vivero Monterrico Surco - Lima 33 Telef. 4342727 Fax 4360138

2 CappAero™ Pipettes Pipetting Concepts, Product Review and Selling Information Product training

3 Who are we?  Capp A/S is a Danish manufacturer of pipettes and immunowashers  Established 1984  World-wide distributor network of local laboratory suppliers and selective private brand agreements  An ISO 9001 Certificated Company

4 Where are we? Production and salesoffice worldwide: Capp A/S - Landbrugsvej 10 - DK-5260 Odense S - Denmark Tel. +45 66 13 61 40 - Fax. +45 66 13 27 70 -

5 Capp Profile Company vision  To develop, produce and market high quality pipettes and related equipment for liquid handling in laboratories. Strategic goal  To reach a globally strong position by means of a consistent and determined focus on a high quality profile.

6 Capp Profile Operating principles To develop products of the highest quality with emphasis on unique benefits to users. To be a serious trading partner conducting business with the highest degree of credibility.  To choose suppliers and subcontractors based on high quality, continuity, capacity and proximity and with emphasis on lasting, stable relationships.  To choose distributors with emphasis on long lasting, stable relationships based on trust and open two-way communication.  To promote and to increase the awareness of the pipetting concepts (the five elements of pipetting).

7 Pipetting General principles & background

8 Forward Pipetting The ”normal” pipetting technique  Push to 1 st stop  Draw up liquid  Dispense  Blow-out to 2 nd stop

9 Reverse Pipetting Useful e.g. for viscous samples  Push to 2 nd stop  Draw up liquid  Dispense to 1 st stop  Liquid may remain in tip!

10 Aspiration Techniques for correct aspiration:  Do not immerse too deeply  Keep the pipette vertical during aspiration!  Dip tip only a few mm into solution

11 Pipetting Guidelines Aspirate evenly and with consistent timing  Uneven rhythm/timing and/or piston movement: Up to 2% error (1.5% and 0.5% resp.) Immerse tip vertically to maximally 1 cm  Up to 1% error Keep pipettes, tips and liquid at same temp.  Up to 0.3% error/°C (RT to 0°C: 6%) % values of nominal volume

12 Pipetting Guidelines Prewet pipette tip before use  Up to 2% error  Also important for handling vapour pressure Wipe tip on vessel wall  Up to 3% error Do not reuse pipette tips  Up to 4% error % values of nominal volume

13 Pipetting Guidelines Choose correct pipette tips!  Up to 40% error!  Test: Fill tip, hold vertically – check for drops Specifications ONLY valid with CappExpel™  ISO 8655-2, section 7.6: ”When using pipette tips not delivered by the pipette supplier, the supplier’s declaration or the certificate of conformity does not apply” % values of nominal volume

14 Accuracy Definition  ”Difference” between the set volume and observed mean volume: Example  CappAero™ 5-50  l :  1.5% (  0.075  l) at 5  l  0.7% (  0.35  l) at 50  l

15 Precision Definition  Reproducibility of a given volume delivered repeatedly. Given as coefficient of variance, Cv: Example  CappAero™ 5-50  l at 50  l:  0.3% (  0.15  l)

16 Determining Accuracy & Precision Control/register environmental cond.  Temperature (humidity and atm. Pressure) Use appropriate balance  4-6 places (depends on volume), calibrated. Carry out # weighings  Accuracy:  5; Precision: 10-15 Calculate  Compensate for spec. density (temp.), evaporation.

17 Standards National / international  ISO 8655 is the guideline for piston-operated volumetric apparatus. Our products comply with essential requirements of Annex VIII of the IVDD (In vitro Diagnostics Directive 98/79/EC) and ISO 8655-2:2002/ISO 8655-6:2002. Capp has a Quality System in place based on DN/EN ISO 9001:2000.

18 The CappAero™ Pipettes Product description Features & benefits

19 CappAero Pipette Volumes Single channel  0.2-2; 05-10; 5-50; 10-100; 25-200; 100-1000 ul; 1-5 ml 8- and 12-channel  0.5-10; 5-50; 25-200; 50-300 ul 16-channel  0.2-2; 0.5-10; 5-50 ul

20 CappAero Pipette Types Standard, Grey ColourLine, Single Standard, Transparent SoftLine

21 Main Feature / Benefit Groups  Ergonomics / User friendliness  Volume controllers  Tip handling  Pipetting performance  Robustness

22 Ergonomics and user friendliness Ergonomical design  Pipetting may result in strain in hand/arm and shoulder/neck regions  Capp design philosophy is based on minimising strain and risk of adverse effects (RSI)

23 Force requirements Relates to hand, wrist and arm problems Sum of 3 actions  Aspiration (to first stop)  Blow-out (to second stop)  Tip ejection (third stop or separate action) The lower, the better!

24 Force requirements

25 Force requirements 2

26 Work position – shoulder issues Shoulder most often raised  Need to keep pipette vertical  Pipette length Shorter pipette the only solution!  Standard pipette length:24-27 cm CappAero™ Short:19 cm First short pipette available!

27 Other friendly features Volume controller ”turns”  Accommodates right- and left-handed users Finger hook Allows relaxed hand and micro-pauses SoftLine hook is flexible – automatically adjusts to user’s finger!

28 Other friendly features Thumb positioned correctly  Position optimal when most force required SoftLine “rubber” handle Ultimately comfortable ColourLine Brings colour to your work! Even clearer identification of volume range

29 The CAPP volume controllers Switch variable  fixed volume  Quickest, most precise and easy  Fixed controllers calibrated at exact volume  Ideal for ”routine assays” Additional fixed volumes available  Any volume in range is possible  Also additional variable controllers (use as fixed?)

30 The CappAero volume controllers User friendly Always visible, not obscured by hand  Slider locks volume setting Economical  ”Two for one”  Very cheap compared to full fixed vol. pipette  Reduces down-time

31 The CappAero volume controllers Ordering volume controllers Variable volume:  xxx-VZ – where xxx = max volume of pipette Example: 200-VZ for 25-200 µl pipettes Fixed volume:  xxx-FZ yy – xxx = max volume; yy = controller vol. Example: 200-FZ 50 – 50 µl controller for 25-200 ul

32 Tip handling O-rings on all tip bases  (except the 16-channels)  Double o-rings is standard; single on 1000 ul pipettes Provides excellent sealing  Accommodates wider tip range Smaller contact area between pipette & tip  Significant reduction in ejection force

33 Pipette performance Precision/Accuracy  At least equal to competitors  Conforms to standards  Multi channel data equals single channel levels

34 Pipette Performance Temperature affects precision...  There is air between the pipette piston and the liquid in the tip  When the pipette is warmed by the hand, the air bubble also gets warmer and expands  The expanding air leaves less room for the liquid  the warmer the pipette gets, the less liquid is dispensed.

35 Pipette Performance The CappAero™ principle  When the knob is pressed down, warm air is expelled  When the knob goes back up, ambient temperature air is drawn into the pipette  ‚  The air in the hollow handle acts as insulation

36 CappAero™ Performance: Results

37 Robustness and reliability Steel, aluminium, polycarbonate...  Very high chemical resistance  Aluminium tolerates organic solvents better than plastic  Fully autoclavable  Much more break resistant

38 Robustness and reliability Tip bases easy to change  Individual tip bases can be changed on the multis Easy to service  Reduces need for (costly) external service  Minimal down-time

39 Capp in the market  Positioning  Competitor information

40 Market Positioning ?

41 Competitive Comparison

42 Competitive comparison FeatureCappAeroEpp. Refer.Epp. Res.Finn Digital Weight, g120 / 10090 70 Length, cm26 / 192524 Force required for...* Aspiration0++0 Blow-out0+++++++ Tip ejection0++0– to +* Setting, turns1018 Turn difficulty00 (2-handed)(+)+++ Finger rest+–++ * Depending on tip mounting pressure * 0  Capp level / +  Harder / –  Easier

43 Possible drawbacks Slightly heavier  Choice of steel and aluminium vs plastic  Work in progress to substitute materials to reduce weight – without compromising benefits Numbers in variable controller  Some find them small Detachable volume controllers  Risk getting lost in teaching labs...?

44 Possible drawbacks ”2 ul setting” on 25-200/50-300  Made to reduce no. of turns  All pipettes can be locked in place “in between”  Competitors settings may be deceptive in precision

45 Selling the CappAero™ General selling points Tips & Tricks

46 General selling points Precision and accuracy  General argument  Know the data and definitions  Every pipette sells on this Capp also have  Ergonomically optimal design  Short pipette available  Simple and robust construction  Detachable volume controllers  Chemical resistance  Autoclavability Find the argument(s) that make your customer ”tick”

47 Hands-on selling The customer’s hands, that is...  ”It sells itself” (well, almost) Experience from other distributors  CappAero very well suited to small shows  Lots of points to talk about Use ”the look”!  ColourLine and SoftLine does well here!

48 Selling the singles Low force requirement  ”Plunger-to-plunger” demo  Look out for Gilson users ejecting the tip when aspirating Materials  Autoclavability  Break resistance Tip handling  vs Rainin LTS: same idea but with standard tips!

49 Selling the Short Show Universal & Short together  Point out ”they’re the same”  Hammer-and-Nail analogy Explain benefits  Shoulder relief  Enhanced tip control You’re better off vs competitors!  Labsystems introduced short pipette Nov ‘01

50 Multi channel selling Tip handling, tip handling and... tip handling!  ”Have you ever had trouble mounting and ejecting tips on your current multi channel pipette?”  ”How easy is it to mount the tips on your current multi?” Add the other benefits as necessary …

51 Multi channel selling Ejection lever for low-force ejection Tip bases  Aluminium – break resistant  Individually changeable Very easy maintenace  2 screws out gives full access to pistons Autoclavability Single-channel accuracy/precision data

52 Tips and tricks Tip base on the BZ ”pre-loosened” Use ColourLine for shows  More eye-catching! SoftLine may win customers  It just feels good (customer responses) Which hand does the customer use?  Controller-switch potential winner for left-handed users

53 Tips and tricks Demoing Multis:  Watch the screws! When you sell a Multi  ”Teach” the customer to mount tips  The tip bases are aligned!

54 Click to edit Master title style

55 Mercantil Laboratorio SAC Calle Santorin N° 243 Urb. El Vivero Monterrico Surco - Lima 33 Telef. 4342727 Fax 4360138

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