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May 17, 2010 SHRM Poll: The Hiring of 2010 Graduates.

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Presentation on theme: "May 17, 2010 SHRM Poll: The Hiring of 2010 Graduates."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 17, 2010 SHRM Poll: The Hiring of 2010 Graduates

2 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Has your organization hired staff (full time, part time and/or temporary/contract) in the last three months? 2 Note: n = 483. Respondents answered this question based on the “last three months,” which refers to the time period between February 2010 and April 2010. Respondents who answered “Not sure” where excluded from this analysis. Publicly owned for-profit organizations (95%) were more likely than privately owned for-profit organizations (81%) to report that they have hired staff in the past three months. Large-staff-sized organizations (91%) and medium-staff-sized organizations (96%) were more likely to have hired staff in the past three months than were small- staff-sized organizations (68%).

3 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 3 In the last three months, has your organization hired one or more 2010 university/college graduates to start working before or after graduation? Undergraduates (e.g., B.S., B.A. degrees) Note: In 2010, the “yes” option was split into “Yes, will hire to start work before graduation” and “Yes, will hire to start work after graduation.” This analysis is a combination of the “yes” responses. This analysis excludes respondents who answered that they will hire in the next three months. Respondents answered this question based on the “last three months,” which refers to the time period between February 2010 and April 2010. Hiring of undergraduates dipped in 2010 compared with 2009.

4 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 4 In the last three months, has your organization hired one or more 2010 university/college graduates? Postgraduates (e.g., M.S., M.A., M.B.A., doctoral degrees) Hiring of postgraduates dipped slightly in 2010 compared with 2009. Note: In 2010, the “yes” option was split into “Yes, will hire to start work before graduation” and “Yes, will hire to start work after graduation.” This analysis is a combination of the “yes” responses. This analysis excludes respondents who answered that they will hire in the next three months. Respondents answered this question based on the “last three months,” which refers to the time period between February 2010 and April 2010.

5 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Are positions that 2010 university/college graduates were hired for mostly (75% or more) full time, part time or temporary/contract positions? 5 Note: n = 102. Only respondents that have hired one or more 2010 university/college graduates within the past three months were included in this analysis.

6 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Compared with graduates from previous years, are the 2010 university/college graduates that your organization has hired (or made offers to) satisfied with the salary offered? 6 Note: Only respondents whose organizations have hired 2010 undergraduates and/or postgraduates were included in this analysis.

7 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 7 If your organization has not hired 2010 university/college graduates, why not? Note: Multiple response options were allowed; therefore, percentages do not total 100%.

8 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 To what extent will your company target new 2010 university/college graduates once the economy turns around and hiring resumes? 8 Note: n= 32. Only respondents that have not hired 2010 university/college graduates due to hiring freeze were included in this analysis.

9 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Given the current economic climate, are 2010 university/college graduate job seekers in a more or less advantageous position compared with other types of job seekers? 9 n = 373 According to HR professionals, recent graduates are in a less advantageous position than other types of job seekers because of the economic climate. The 11% of respondents who indicated that recent graduates had an advantage said that the reason these candidates are desirable because they are seen as tech- savvy and because they are seeking entry-level positions.

10 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Why are 2010 graduate job seekers at a disadvantage? 10 Note: Multiple response options were allowed; therefore, percentages do not total 100%. Analysis only includes respondents who indicated that university/college graduate job seekers are at a disadvantage. 2010 university/college graduates are disadvantaged in the current job market because the economic climate increased the competition for available jobs.

11 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Staff Size 11 Note: n = 418

12 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Sector 12 Note: n= 431

13 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Region 13 Note: n=417

14 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Operations Location 14 Note: n = 416

15 The Hiring of 2010 Graduates | ©SHRM 2010 SHRM Poll: The Hiring of 2010 Graduates Response rate = 19% Sample comprised of 486 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership Margin of error is +/- 4 Survey fielded April 14 - April 27, 2010 15 Methodology

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