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Trends in High School Improvement. Richard Jones Ph. D. Senior Consultant International Center for Leadership in Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in High School Improvement. Richard Jones Ph. D. Senior Consultant International Center for Leadership in Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in High School Improvement

2 Richard Jones Ph. D. Senior Consultant International Center for Leadership in Education

3 Trends in High School Improvement Best Practices in High School Measuring High School Success Impacts for Agric. Ed.

4 What is current High School Improvement Small Schools Math, Science and Technology Biotechnology Reading in Content Area Assessment Backlash Increased Accountability

5 Best Practices for Successful High Schools


7 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Promising High Schools w/ CCSSO


9 J. “Moms” Mabley If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.

10 Looking at High Schools Why Do We Need to Change Schools? What Do they look like? How Do We Do It?

11 Current Characteristics Traditions that have Become Ruts Attendance Required Learning Optional Isolated Teacher Centered Instruction Shining Successes but Some Students “Falling through the Cracks” Some students overwhelmed while some are bored

12 Discussion Reflect on high school?

13 Exemplary Characteristics Personalized Learning High Expectations Data - Driven Decisions 9th Grade Transition Challenging 12th Grade Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum Effective Leadership Relationships Driven by Guiding Principles Sustained Professional Development

14 Personalized Learning Multiple Pathways Early Intervention Disaggregation of Data Leveling w/ Respect Small Learning Communities

15 Changes That Are Easier in SLC Building Relationships Identifying Student Needs Articulation of Curriculum Staff Collaboration Creating Positive School Culture Contextual Learning

16 Pitfalls Lack of Specific Goals Failure to Address Literacy Unchanged Curriculum Too Much Emphasis on Belonging Ignoring Staff Concerns Uninformed Student Assignment Bad Timing Focusing only on Teachers

17 High Expectations

18 Expectations Expectations are Behaviors Collaborative High Levels of Support

19 Data is Powerful Assess the current and future needs of students Decide what to change Determine if goals are being met Engage in continuous school improvement Identify root causes of problems Promote accountability

20 Types of Data Student Learning School Class Demographics School Processes Curriculum and Instruction Core Learning Stretch Learning Student Engagement Personal Skill Development

21 9th Grade Practices Transition Procedures Social Activities Early Interventions Avoiding Front Loading Differentiation Parent Relationships Adult Advisory Peer Relationships

22 12th Grade Practices Early College Full Scheduling Advanced Placement Dual Enrollment College Application Support Senior Projects Community Service Internships

23 Curriculum Focused

24 Teachers struggling to teach an overloaded curriculum!

25 Curriculum Focused Standards vs. Curriculum vs. Instruction

26 Curriculum Focused Standards vs. Curriculum vs. Instruction Constantly raising Rigor and Relevance

27 Ask Me..... “How will I ever use what I’m learning today?”


29 KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework

30 12345 Application Knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6

31 1. Recall Knolwedge 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation 1. Knowledge of one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real world predictable situations 5. Application to real world unpredictable situations KnowledgeApplication

32 KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework

33 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework TeacherWork Teacher/Student Roles StudentThinkStudent Think & Work StudentWork High Low

34 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework RightAnswer Did Students Get it Right? RationalAnswerRightQuestions RightProcedure High Low

35 Leadership Problem is more people than Technical Not Charismatic Entrepreneurial vs. Bureaucratic Performance vs. Compliance Department Chairs Focus on Instruction

36 Guiding Principles Responsibility Contemplation Initiative Perseverance Optimism Courage Respect Compassion Adaptability Honesty Trustworthiness Loyalty

37 Professional Development Directly related to school goals Ongoing Personalized Culture of Collaboration

38 Exemplary Characteristics Personalized Learning High Expectations Data - Driven Decisions 9th Grade Transition Challenging 12th Grade Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum Effective Leadership Relationships Driven by Guiding Principles Sustained Professional Development

39 Action Items - Where to Begin Instruction vs. Structure (Rigor/Relevance) Relationships Start with Special Education Data-based decision Making Transition Years Systems

40 Focus on Instruction

41 Rigor/Relevance Interdisciplinary Learning in Context Conceptual Era Skills

42 Last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of mind: Computer programmers who crank code Lawyers who craft contracts MBA’s who crunch numbers But the keys to the kingdom are changing….

43 Abundance has produced an ironic result… Lessened the significance of things because you can get it anywhere. (no longer enough to create a product that’s reasonably priced and functional) Products must be more R – Directed beautiful, unique, meaningful, “aesthetic imperative”

44 Moving from an economy and society built on the logical, linear, computer like capabilities of the INFORMATION AGE to…….. An economy and society built on the inventive, empathetic, big picture capabilities of what’s rising up in its place, the “CONCEPTUAL AGE”.

45 High Concept / High Touch GM’s top leader… I see us being in the art business. MBA’s becoming the blue collar worker for the conceptual age. Graphic designers have increased ten fold in the last decade. Since 1970, 30% more people are earning a living as writers. More Americans today work in art, entertainment and design than lawyers, accountants and auditors.

46 The future belongs to a very different kind of mind.. Creators Empathizers Pattern recognizers Designers Story tellers Meaning makers And more……….

47 Action Items - Where to Begin Instruction vs. Structure (Rigor/Relevance) Relationships Start with Special Education Data-based decision Making Transition Years Systems

48 International Center for Leadership in Education Build Relationships

49 A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove,---but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.

50 “In the years to come, your students may forget what you taught them. But they will always remember how you made them feel.”

51 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Increasing Rigor/Relevance High Low

52 Everyone needs support when they take new risks when they take new risks

53 Essential Relationships In Schools Learning Staff Professional Community

54 Relationships are Essential to Student Learning Result of combination of support from: Family Teachers Peers Community

55 Relationships Clearly Important ? How to Quantify? How to Develop?

56 Relationship Model 0.Isolation 1.Known 2.Receptive 3.Reactive 4.Proactive 5.Sustained 6.Ubiquitous

57 Learning Relationships Support for Students 0 Isolation Students feel significant isolation from teachers, peers, or even parents. Students lack any emotional, social connection to peers and teachers. 1 Known Students are known by others; frequently called by name. Teachers know students and their families, their interests, aspirations and challenges. Students are known by peers that they interact with in school. 2 Receptive Students have contact with peers, parents, and teachers in multiple settings. Teachers exhibit positive behaviors of “being there” that show genuine interest and concern. 3 Reactive Teachers, parents, and peers provide help to students when requested, but support may be sporadic and inconsistent among support groups. 4 Proactive Others take an active interest in a student’s success. Teachers take initiative to show interest and provide support. Students and others express verbal commitment for ongoing support and validate this commitment with their actions. 5 Sustained There is extensive, ongoing, pervasive and balanced support from teachers, parents and peers that is consistent and sustained over time. 6 Ubiquitous Positive relationships are everywhere and common place among the way that students, teachers and parents interact and support the student as learner.

58 Research on Relationships

59 Metlife Survey of the American Teacher New students are bullied or teased? very often/often 18% sometimes 33% New students are helped by other students ? very often/often 52% sometimes 37%

60 Survey of 10-12th Grade Students on Relationships Metlife Survey of the American Teacher 2005

61 Quality of School’s Role Encouraging Parental Involvement My school does a good job of encouraging parental involvment. Metlife Survey of the American Teacher 2005

62 HESSE - Survey 2005 More that half (52%) had not discussed ideas with a teacher outside of class during the year. Three fifths (60%) had not communicated with a teacher by email. However, 70% agreed they had many opportunities to ask questions about their work. Less than half (48%) had frequently discussed grades or assignments with a teacher. Half never or only sometimes received feedback from teachers on assignments.

63 Responses to “I Feel Supported and Respected by Teachers.”


65 The special importance of encouragement highlights the likely importance of strong teacher-student relationships in affecting achievement, especially for African American and Hispanic students. Ronald Ferguson






71 Extend Your Relationships Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Ask them to tell you about the most important 12-18 year old they care about?

72 Supportive Relationships Successful Practices Behaviors Activities Structures

73 Model Schools

74 Junction City (KS) High School

75 AJ Moore Academy Waco, TX


77 What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things.

78 Supportive Behaviors Showing Respect Taking Interest Active Listening Frequent Contact Encouragement Avoiding “Put Downs Displaying Student Work Writing Encouraging Notes Identifying Unique Talents

79 Supportive Behaviors cont’d. Celebrating Accomplishments Serving As Role Model Using One-to-One Communication Encouraging Students to Express Opinions/Ideas Creating Inviting Classroom Climate Exhibiting Enthusiasm Using Positive Humor Students Praising Peers

80 Supportive Activities Character Education Beginning of the Year Student Social Activities Team Building Mentoring Rewards, Recognition, Incentives Student Advocacy Advisement Program

81 Supportive Initiatives, cont’d. Peer Mediation Students as Teachers Family, Community, Business Partnerships Service Learning Extra and Co-curricular Activities Sports Programs

82 Supportive Structures Small Learning Community Alternative Scheduling Team Teaching Teacher Continuity School-based Enterprise Professional Learning Community

83 Each school has its own DNA.

84 Criteria Grid

85 Core Academic Learning Achievement in the core subjects of English language arts, math and science and others identified by the school Data Indicators [minimum of 2 in addition to required state testing results]  Percentage of students meeting proficiency level of state testing requirements (required) o English Language Arts o Mathematics o Science  Average scores on ACT/SAT  Average scores on PSAT  Achievement levels on standardized tests other than state exams  Percentage of students requiring remediation in college. o English Language Arts o Mathematics  Follow-up surveys of academic achievements of graduates  Students graduating high school in four years  Students earning college degree within four years after high school  Military ASVAB score

86 Stretch Learning Demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond minimum requirements (e.g., achievement and participation in higher level courses, specialized courses) Data Indicators [minimum of 3]  Number of credits required to graduate  Average Number of credits earned at graduation  Interdisciplinary work and projects ( e.g., Senior Exhibition)  Participation/test scores in /International Baccalaureate courses  Average scores on AP exams  Percentage of students achieving >2 on AP  Average number of college credits earned by graduation (dual enrollment)  Enrollment in advanced math or science courses  Enrollment in Advanced Placement courses  Completion of career and technical education programs  Completion four or more credits in a career area  Completion four or more credits in arts  Completion of three or more years of foreign language  Follow-up studies of graduates  Value of scholarships earned at graduation  Percent of students completing career majors  Achievement of specialized certificates such as Microsoft or Cisco Academy

87 Student Engagement The extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; and have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning. Data Indicators [minimum of 5] Student surveys: satisfaction, risk behaviors (asset survey), enrollment in higher education (two-year/ four-year colleges), positive peer relationships Surveys on degree to which teachers know their students Programs that improve: o Dropout rate, attendance rate, tardiness rate, graduation rate, o Discipline referrals Techniques for improving student motivation Advisory programs Programs that create role models for students Activities that encourage students to voice opinions Peer tutoring programs Student recognition programs/activities Events that promote involvement in co- curricular and extracurricular activities Strategies to increase number of students taking ACT/SAT or other high-level exams

88 Personal Skill Development Measures of personal, social, service, and leadership skills and demonstrations of positive behaviors and attitudes. Data Indicators [minimum of 2] Participation/hours in service learning Students holding leadership positions in clubs or sports Development/assessment of personal skills: oTime management — ability to plan and organize work oLeadership/followership oProblem solving/decision making Programs/activities that promote: oRespect for diversity oPeer mediation/conflict resolution oWorking as a member of a team Development/assessment of good character: oTrustworthiness, perseverance, honesty, compassion, other character traits Reduction in incidences of student conflict Follow-up survey of graduates on development of personal skills

89 J. “Moms” Mabley If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.

90 Ag Ed Opportunities Relevance Math, Science, Tech Integration Student Leadership /Relationships Partnership Building Project-based Learning

91 Ag Ed Strategies Create schedules that expand capacity Look for Academy development opportunities Interdisciplinary courses/projects Post-secondary articulation Reading/Reading/Reading High Standards Lead rather than follow

92 Transition

93 9th Grade Transitions Relationship Building PersonalizationParents Facility Issues Programming Civility/ Character Education Academic Intervention Staff Support and Decision-making

94 Small Group Reflection

95 What are examples of 9th grade personalization?

96 REFLECTION What will you do in your classroom/school as a result of today’s session?

97 ACTION PLAN Activity

98 Center Web Site Dick Jones Web Site SPN

99 Love your children more than your programs and practices.

100 Lovers never send form letters.

101 10 Key Components 1. Culture of High Expectations and Support 2. Articulated Curriculum 3. Personalized Learning 4. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction 5. Positive School Climate 6. Leadership 7. Data-driven Decisions 8. Accountability 9. Partnerships 10. Professional Learning Communities

102 Dick Jones PO Box 11239 Loudonville, NY 12211 518 727 4333

103 International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. 1587 Route 146 Rexford, NY 12148 Phone (518) 399-2776 Fax (518) 399-7607 E-mail -

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