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The Hunt Report Marion Coy. Crossroads ‘Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy’ 1990 2030.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hunt Report Marion Coy. Crossroads ‘Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy’ 1990 2030."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hunt Report Marion Coy

2 Crossroads ‘Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy’ 1990 2030

3 At the Crossroads Capacity has doubled over the last 20 years % of 18 year olds in H.E.% 19605% 198020% 201065% No. of New Entrants 198015,000 200942,500

4 At the Crossroads Attainment/Access

5 At the Crossroads ‘Taint of aftermath’

6 What do we want to keep? Sense of Irish Place and Identity

7 What we need to do? Double Capacity 2009201520252030 Number% of total Number% of total Number% of total Number% of total Direct 29,9827030,62161.834,27752.833,55852.3 Late 3,85594,45995.84395,7759 Mature 5.568138.9191816,2292516,04125 International 3.42685,50014.28,56913.28,79013.7 Total 42,83110049,54910064,91810064,164100

8 What we need to do? Life-long Learning Age Group 25-3435-4445-5455-6425-64 Higher Education NFQ levels 8–10 30%23%17%12%21% Higher Education NFQ levels 6–7 15%14%10%7%12% Post Leaving Cert, NFQ 4–6 12% 9%8%11% Upper Secondary, NFQ levels 4–6 28%26%25%18%24% Lower Secondary, NFQ level 3 11%18%23%20%17% Primary (NFQ level 1–2) 5%8%16%36%15%

9 Joan Didion ‘You have to pick the places you don’t walk away from’

10 How do we know? Feedback Mechanisms Swenson’s 5 Questions Do students know what they should know? Can they do what they should be able to do? Are they developing values appropriate to their professions? Are they better able to achieve their life and career goals? How do we know they know?

11 11 Engagement Civic, Social, Cultural Dimensions MobilityReal external influence on decision-making Internationalization

12 ‘Your head so much concerned with outer, Mine with inner, weather’ Robert Frost

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