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Racial, ethnic and cultural disparities exist in all aspects of society, but nowhere are they more clearly documented than in health care. The need for.

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Presentation on theme: "Racial, ethnic and cultural disparities exist in all aspects of society, but nowhere are they more clearly documented than in health care. The need for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Racial, ethnic and cultural disparities exist in all aspects of society, but nowhere are they more clearly documented than in health care. The need for cultural competency in the United States was recognized following the desegregation legislation and equality movements of the mid-twentieth Century. At first, multicultural counseling focused on clinician awareness of cultural differences based on race or ethnicity. These are two of the definitions that I found describing cultural competence: Cultural Competence

2 Definitions: The ability to function effectively by understanding and integrating thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, attitudes and institutions across differing racial, ethnic, religious, or other social groups. (Sutton, 2005) …the coming together of two or more people from different cultural backgrounds to form a a helping relationship (Pedersen, 1997) (Read from slide) In recent years, Cultural Competence areas have expanded to include:

3 Differences: Race and Ethnicity Age Gender Sexual Identity
Religious/Spiritual Identification, Social and Economic class (culture of poverty) Background Mental/Physical Health Status Robinson & Morris, 2000 Read from above: Some behaviors end up creating their own cultures including cultures built around:

4 Mental/physical health problems
Problem or Culture: Drug Abuse (client and/or family) Social Isolation Teenage Pregnancy; Divorce Mental/physical health problems Neglect, Abuse, Abandonment Read and click 8 times. We need to increase our awareness and sensitivity toward diverse patient populations and work to understand culturally influenced behaviors. Culture influences the way patients respond to services and the way services are delivered. Incarceration and/or Commitment Economic Problems Under/Unemployed Homeless

5 Culturally Competent Counselor
Understanding clients’ diverse cultures, values, traditions, history and institutions is not simply political correctness. It is integral to eliminating health care disparities and providing high-quality patient care because discrimination results in: Culturally Competent Interactions

6 Results of Discrimination:
depression and anxiety low self-esteem. feelings of isolation sadness anger Insensitivity to cultural differences results in: (click 5 times). So….Recognizing the need for multicultural competent professionals, what can we do? The first step toward cultural competency is:

7 First Step Toward Cultural Competence:
Personal awareness of one’s belief’s attitudes, values and biases. Know own cultural heritage. See how it affects attitudes, values & beliefs. Recognize own competency limitations. Recognize discomfort with differing others. A personal awareness of one’s beliefs, attitudes, values, and biases; I need to know who I am, (click)what I believe and value, (click), my competency limitations, (click)and how that affects my interactions with others. (Arredondo et al., 1996)

8 Cultural Competence Continued:
Value diversity – consider differences as strengths. Be conscious of the dynamics of interaction. Adapt service delivery to meet the needs of diverse clients. The next step is to value diversity, (click) not just tolerate it, but recognize the strengths that different cultures have. (click) We need to be conscious of the dynamics of interaction (click) as related to the client’s culture (and) adapt our delivery to meet the diverse cultural needs of our clients. At first blance, soutwestern Utah may seem to lack cultural diversity. However, I know you each could give examples of different cultures that have approached you since you began working at this agency.

9 Adviser Consultant Advocate Peacemaker Facilitator Counselor
Roles: Adviser Consultant Advocate Peacemaker Facilitator Counselor In your roles, you act as (read from slide, 6 clicks). I appreciate what you do and ask that we all value the opportunities we have to work with culturally diverse clients. (Constantine, 2002)

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