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ITEC 3220A Using and Designing Database Systems

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1 ITEC 3220A Using and Designing Database Systems
Instructor: Prof. Z. Yang Course Website: Office: TEL 3049

2 Course Objective Examine databases, trends in database management systems and their application in a wide range of organizational areas Provide an overview of database processing, both historical and discussion of recent trends in database management Provide the student with exposure to a range of tools, including a relational DBMS as well as an object-oriented DBMS

3 Textbooks Database Systems. Design, Implementation, and Management, 11th Edition - Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel

4 Marking Scheme Final exam (closed book) - 50% Midterm (closed book) - 35% Assignments (2 assignments) - 15% Lecture notes will be made available at:

5 Schedule Week 1 Database concepts and the relational database model
Week 2 Entity relationship model Week 3 Normalization Week 4 SQL Week 5 SQL + lab Week 6 Advanced SQL + lab

6 Schedule (Cont’d) Week 7 Midterm Week 8 Database design & case study
Week 9 Transaction management and concurrent control Week 10 Transaction management and concurrent control (Cont’d) ; Data warehousing Week 11 Objected-Oriented database Week 12 Review

7 Database Systems and Data Models
Introduction Database Systems and Data Models

8 Basic Definition Data: raw facts
Constitute building blocks of information Information: is produced by processing data and reveals meaning of data Good, timely, relevant information key to decision making Good decision making key to organizational survival Database: shared, integrated computer structure housing: End user data Metadata

9 An Example Converting data to information

10 An Example (Cont’d) Metadata

11 What is a Database Management System (DBMS)
A collection of programs that manages the database structure and controls access to the data stored in the database Possible to share data among multiple applications or users Example: bank and its ATM machines Makes data management more efficient and effective End users have better access to more and better-managed data

12 DBMS Manages Interaction

13 File and File System Terminology Data Field Record File Raw Facts
Group of characters with specific meaning Record Logically connected fields that describe a person, place, or thing File Collection of related records

14 Example

15 Disadvantages of File Processing
Data Dependence Change in file’s data characteristics requires modification of data access programs Lengthy development time Excessive program maintenance Structural Dependence Change in file structure requires modification of related programs

16 Example

17 Disadvantages of File Processing (Cont’d)
Data Redundancy Different and conflicting versions of same data Results of uncontrolled data redundancy Data anomalies Modification Insertion Deletion Data inconsistency Lack of data integrity

18 Solution: Database Approach
Database consists of logically related data stored in a single repository Advantages of database approach Structural and data independence Minimal data redundancy Reduces inconsistency, data anomalies Improves data sharing and data quality Stores data structures, relationships, and access paths

19 Database vs. File Systems

20 Database System Environment
Hardware: all the system's physical devices Software Operating system software DBMS software Application programs and utility software People Procedures Data

21 Database Models Collection of logical constructs used to represent data structure and relationships within the database Conceptual models: logical nature of data representation Implementation models: emphasis on how the data are represented in the database

22 Database Models: Historic Overview
Flat files s s Hierarchical – 1970s s Network – 1970s s Relational – 1980s - present Object-oriented – 1990s - present Object-relational – 1990s - present Data warehousing – 1980s - present Web-enabled – 1990s - present

23 Hierarchical Database Model
Logically represented by an upside down tree Each parent can have many children. Each child has only one parent.

24 Hierarchical Database Model (Cont’d)
Advantages Conceptual simplicity Database security and integrity Data independence Efficiency Disadvantages Complex implementation Difficult to manage and lack of standards Lacks structural independence Application programming and use complexity Implementation limitations

25 Network Database Model
Each record can have multiple parents Composed of sets Each set has owner record and member record. Member may have several owners.

26 Network Database Model (Cont’d)
Advantages Conceptual simplicity Handles more relationship types Data access flexibility Promotes database integrity Data independence Conformance to standards Disadvantages System complexity Lack of structural independence

27 Relational Database Model
Perceived by user as a collection of tables for data storage Tables are a series of row/column intersections. Tables related by sharing common entity characteristic(s).

28 Relational Database Model (Cont’d)

29 Relational Database Model (Cont’d)

30 Relational Database Model (Cont’d)
Advantages Structural independence Improved conceptual simplicity Easier database design, implementation, management, and use Ad hoc query capability with SQL Powerful database management system Disadvantages Substantial hardware and system software overhead Poor design and implementation is made easy May promote “islands of information” problems

31 Object-Oriented Database Model
Objects or abstractions of real-world entities are stored Attributes describe properties Collection of similar objects is a class Methods represent real world actions of classes Classes are organized in a class hierarchy Inheritance is ability of object to inherit attributes and methods of classes above it

32 OO Data Model Advantages Disadvantages Adds semantic content
Visual presentation includes semantic content Database integrity Both structural and data independence Disadvantages Lack of OODM Complex navigational data access Steep learning curve High system overhead slows transactions

33 Costs and Risks of the Database Approach
Up-front costs: Installation Management Cost and Complexity Conversion Costs Ongoing Costs Requires New, Specialized Personnel Need for Explicit Backup and Recovery Organizational Conflict

34 Review Basic concepts: data, information, database, DBMS, file, conceptual model, implementation model, etc Why database and its importance, cost and risk Different database models definition advantage disadvantage

35 The Relational Database Model
Chapter 3 The Relational Database Model

36 In this chapter, you will learn:
Basic components of the relational database model Entities and their attributes Relationships among entities Relational algebra Relationship in relational database Data redundancy

37 Basic Definition Entities and Attributes Tables
Entity is a person, place, event, or thing about which data is collected Attributes are characteristics of the entity Tables Holds related entities or entity set Also called relations Comprised of rows and columns

38 Table Characteristics
Two-dimensional structure with rows and columns Rows (tuples) represent single entity Columns represent attributes Row/column intersection represents single value Tables must have an attribute to uniquely identify each row Column values all have same data format Each column has range of values called attribute domain Order of the rows and columns is immaterial to the DBMS

39 Example Tables

40 Terminology for Relational Database
Table-Oriented Set-oriented Record-Oriented Table Relation Record type Row Tuple Record Column Attribute Field

41 Key Consists of one or more attributes that determine other attributes
Primary key (PK) is an attribute (or a combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies any given entity (row). Key’s role is based on determination If you know the value of attribute A, you can look up (determine) the value of attribute B

42 Keys (Cont’d) Composite key Key attribute Superkey Candidate key
Composed of more than one attribute Key attribute Any attribute that is part of a key Superkey Any key that uniquely identifies each entity Candidate key A superkey without redundancies

43 Keys (Cont’d) Foreign key (FK) Referential integrity Secondary key
An attribute whose values match primary key values in the related table Referential integrity FK contains a value that refers to an existing valid tuple (row) in another relation Secondary key Key used strictly for data retrieval purposes

44 Simple Relational Database

45 Controlled Redundancy
Makes the relational database work Tables within the database share common attributes that enable us to link tables together. Multiple occurrences of values in a table are not redundant when they are required to make the relationship work. Redundancy is unnecessary duplication of data

46 Integrity Rules

47 Integrity Rules (cont’d)

48 Exercises Table name: TRUCK Table name: BASE Table name: TYPE

49 Exercises (Cont’d) For each table, identify the primary key and the foreign keys. Do the tables exhibit entity integrity? Explain So the tables exhibit referential integrity? Explain Identify the TRUCK table’s candidate key (s). For each table, identify a super key and a secondary key

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