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Chris Davis Evelyn Wassel, Ed.D. PETE & C February 13, 2012 Blended Schools for Alternative Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Davis Evelyn Wassel, Ed.D. PETE & C February 13, 2012 Blended Schools for Alternative Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Davis Evelyn Wassel, Ed.D. PETE & C February 13, 2012 Blended Schools for Alternative Education

2 Evelyn Wassel, Ed.D. Supervisor of Curriculum and Technology Integration Schuylkill IU 29

3 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Goals for Today Overview of Schuylkill Learning Academy What is Blended Schools? Why was it chosen? Data from 2011-12 school year What do students see on Blended Schools? Try it yourself! Recommendations from MAC educators

4 Providing Engaging Learning Environments The Schuylkill Learning Academy The Schuylkill Learning Academy is committed to meet the comprehensive needs of the student through a variety of educational and behavioral health services. Services Include: –Alternative Education –Behavioral Intervention –Partial Hospitalization –Day Treatment Services are offered to students in K-12 grades.

5 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Partial Hospitalization Mental Health treatment program Mental Health Therapists provide daily group counseling and behavioral support Group therapy consists of skill building and opportunities to process personal issues. Case Managers provide individual and family counseling on a consistent basis. Psychiatric services include –an initial evaluation, –medication management, –20 day treatment team reviews and –a discharge evaluation. Parents/guardians are expected to participate in all the services.

6 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Day Treatment Behavioral management and counseling program. Services are provided in conjunction with alternative education. Mental Health Therapists provide daily group counseling and behavioral support The Case Manager provides individual and family therapy on a consistent basis. All students enrolled in the day treatment program must have an open case with Schuylkill County Children & Youth Services as this agency funds the program. Treatment plan that is developed in collaboration with the family and treatment team providers. –specific goals –updated at least every six months

7 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Alternative Education Behavior Intervention Emotional Support Minimum 2.5 hours of counseling per week

8 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Alternative Education Secondary Education Regular education classroom from Highly Qualified teachers –Math –Science –English and –Social Studies –Instruction will be provided via a Blended Schools Curriculum and supplemented by the regular education teachers.

9 Chris Davis Instructional Support Coordinator

10 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Who we are: Not-for-Profit Organization dedicated to providing robust, engaging learning environment What we do: Package curriculum, technology, professional development Equip, develop, support What we have: Full license of Blackboard Learn. Approximately 160 semesters of online K-12 curriculum. Onsite & online professional development opportunities What is

11 Providing Engaging Learning Environments BSN Network Shared Learning Environment Shared Customizable Curriculum BSNshare – Social Networking BSNtube – Video Sharing BSNcloud – Interactive Learning Objects Faculty Space

12 Providing Engaging Learning Environments BSN Courses Over 160 Semester Based Courses K and 1 st Thematic Based 2 nd – 12 th Grade Core Academics Middle and High School Electives Health and Physical Education Advanced Placement * All courses are developed with a 4-year shelf life in mind

13 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Curriculum Design Textbook free (except AP courses)Textbook free (except AP courses) Understanding by Design processUnderstanding by Design process –Enduring Understandings –Essential Questions AssessmentsAssessments –Formative and Summative –Project-based Instructional UnitsInstructional Units –Hooks –Vocabulary –Lesson Content –Interactivity –Collaboration –Checks for Understanding

14 Providing Engaging Learning Environments BSN Professional Development Onsite –Bb Basics –Bb Advanced –Customized Online –Bb Basics –Train-the-Trainer –Teaching Online –Bb Advanced (coming soon –Blending Your Instruction (coming soon) –Teachers Changing the World (Curriculum Development) –Weekly Webinars Just-in-Time –Knowledge Base (over 300 tutorials) –Help Desk –Blackboard IM Conferences – PASCD Retreats for Course Developers

15 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Language Institute Mandarin Chinese Japanese Russian Arabic Hindi Spanish French German Latin (2011-2012) ** BSN Provides the Instructors

16 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Blending instruction Fully online programs Individualized Instruction Remediation Credit Recovery Acceleration Wider curriculum selection Special circumstances (e.g.. Homebound) Alternative Education District Uses

17 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Why Was It Chosen? Schuylkill County approved curricula –Rigorous –Standards-based –Uniform Easier transition to home school More accountability – shared responsibility

18 Providing Engaging Learning Environments The Data Compared discipline referrals from 2010-11 to 2011-12. Used anecdotal data from classroom teachers in core subjects.

19 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Partial Hospitalization 2010-11 –13 discipline referrals (33.33% 0f students) 2011-12 –0 discipline referrals Decrease of 33.33%

20 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Day Treatment 2010-11 –16 discipline referrals (41.67% 0f students) 2011-12 –4 (8) discipline referrals (33.33% of students) Decrease of 8.33%

21 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Behavior Intervention 2010-11 –10 discipline referrals (33.33% of students) 2011-12 –9 (18) discipline referrals (44.44% of students) Increase of 11.11%

22 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Emotional Support 2010-11 –1 discipline referral (16.67% 0f students) 2011-12 –16 (32) discipline referrals (66.67% of students) Increase of 50%

23 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Overall Data 2010-11 –40 discipline referral (33.33% 0f students) 2011-12 –31 (62) discipline referrals (30.55% of students) Decrease of 2.78%

24 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Preliminary Conclusions Increased counseling decreases discipline referrals. Increased family support decreases discipline referrals.

25 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Teacher Interviews Discipline referrals misleading –Do NOT include core classroom teachers –In-house methods Redirection Mental Heath Therapist intervention Time out –Core teachers handle discipline in the classroom. Single digit referrals over past 10 years.

26 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Teacher Interviews Decreased discipline issues –Heads down –Non-compliance –Off task behaviors Increased appropriate behaviors –Ready to learn at start of period –Increased attendance –On task – little surfing other sites

27 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What is the Role of the Classroom Teacher? Monitor the students –make sure that they are staying on task –staying in their assigned area Help the students with problems –answering any questions that they may have –assisting them with work that they are struggling with

28 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Benefits of blendedschools gives the students the experience on a computer and lets them develop computer skills that they might not normally get that their home school More modes of acquisition –videos –virtual tours –virtual labs

29 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What Is Working? Good variety of possible courses PSSA Readiness More grade level material Individualized instruction –Kids more involved –Opportunities to participate

30 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What Is Working? Less opportunities to chat  decreased discipline issues MI Curricula Buy-in from students! –  increased grades OL teachers are recognizing the quality work from SLA students

31 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Challenges Technology is wonderful when it works –Internet down –Broken links –Blocked sites Student technology skills

32 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What Needs Improvement? Automatic save/submission Multiple courses in one period Hard to keep pace with absentees Are they mastering the material? Time of instruction Re-teaching

33 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What Do Students See?

34 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What Do Students See?

35 Providing Engaging Learning Environments What Do Students See?

36 Providing Engaging Learning Environments

37 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Username bsn99.guest01 Password = pete

38 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Classes Tab

39 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Course Lists Enrolled intoBSN Catalog

40 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Online courses from partners 600+ courses Lowest prices anywhere A course for everyone –AP –World Language –Mainstream curriculum –Credit Recovery –One semester and whole year courses –Summer classes –Professional Development

41 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Other Partners Allegany College of Maryland Seton Hill University BudgeText Follett Education Services Carnegie Learning Learning Lamp Stratagee Science Kit Intermediate Unit 1 Tuscarora IU 11 Bridges Virtual

42 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Recommendations In-class Highly Qualified Teacher is a non-negotiable! –Lab activities –Parental support –Teacher/student interaction Teacher efficacy in technology Students should be able to work at their own pace. –Decreased time –Less motivation –Lower skill set – remediation needed –Midyear students

43 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Recommendations Readiness assessment Single subject classes Grades submitted by classroom teacher Flexibility of online teacher COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE!!!

44 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Threats to Validity Additional teacher Increased grades –Students asking for help/teacher checks –Searching for answers – lower level questions No quantitative data for discipline in core subjects Maturation

45 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Future Research Projects Track discipline issues in core classrooms How much time is spent at home on school assignments? How much time do parents spend on

46 Providing Engaging Learning Environments Future Research Projects Student interviews –What mode of presentation is preferred? –What challenges exist? Track student grades when they return to home school.

47 Providing Engaging Learning Environments @blendedschools Contact Us

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